Will there ever be primers again?

When times are good don’t leave the store without buying a sleeve. They really add up over time without killing the bank account doing it that way. I did that over the four years and by the time things got crazy I was sitting on 10,000 primers.
Cheap is long gone
Yup, it’s pretty much buy what you can afford when you see it. I grabbed 6lbs of varget and 4lbs of h4831 recently and I was not cheap, 59.99 for the lbs of varget and 57.99 for the h4831. A few weeks earlier, I bought a bunch of accurate 4064 for like 47.xx/lb. Cheap it was not but adding 15lbs of powder to my stash is a nice feeling.

I have about 8k primers (5.5k large rifle and 2.5k magnum), I’d buy more if i saw it. Me and a buddy also recently came into a windfall with a guy just getting rid of all his shit, that netted us another ~ 3k magnum primers, 2k large rifle and a ton of pistol/magnum pistol primers. No powder in that recent score but enough 223 brass/bullets/primers to shoot 223 for the rest of our lives.
Yup, it’s pretty much buy what you can afford when you see it. I grabbed 6lbs of varget and 4lbs of h4831 recently and I was not cheap, 59.99 for the lbs of varget and 57.99 for the h4831. A few weeks earlier, I bought a bunch of accurate 4064 for like 47.xx/lb. Cheap it was not but adding 15lbs of powder to my stash is a nice feeling.

I have about 8k primers (5.5k large rifle and 2.5k magnum), I’d buy more if i saw it. Me and a buddy also recently came into a windfall with a guy just getting rid of all his shit, that netted us another ~ 3k magnum primers, 2k large rifle and a ton of pistol/magnum pistol primers. No powder in that recent score but enough 223 brass/bullets/primers to shoot 223 for the rest of our lives.
I bought over a few years starting @10 years simply due to retirement was coming. I don’t shoot a lot but I can when I want to.
I've been stocking up the last couple years. I think the first batch I got was the most expensive. It was 700 miles of driving round trip to pick them up, and I think I paid about $300 for 5k. Second most expensive was the RCBS dies+primers deal which worked out to about $162/brick...best was about $34/brick at a local auction that though CCI250 was the quantity. Midsouth has been the best deal on new shipped primers, right around $100/brick after shipping and hazmat when bought by the case.
Not when you stacked it deep. Think about it when they do finally come down in price. 40k primers take up very little room and you will be set for a long time.
Well I didn’t have 40k but have had plenty for years before prices went nuts.
Powder valley has a pile in stock today. Got an email. I saw the madness coming and bought a lifetimes work back in 16-17. My kids, kids will have primers. I think the days of 30 dollar bricks are gone. Buy cheap, stack deep!