Why the NR HATE?? Let's fix it!

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After reading a fair portion, have a question.
How many R of western states apply in other states also?

If so, are the R bitching about you?

Something about a pot and a kettle.

@Schoolhousegrizz i took the liberty of fixing your title for you;
“Why all the R HATE”
I’ve never seen a post started by a resident of Wyoming or Colorado or Utah or Montana anti non residents but the adverse certainly isn’t true. It’s always the people that are comfy in Alabama or New York that want a say and starts the thread with some ridiculous title that devolves or has some whiny argument to keep it going.
And I’ll beat you naysayers to the punch and same tired argument with no merit; Wyoming is a welfare state blah blah blah.
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It did not take long for all the squalling and crying to start Wyoming loves NR the state raises the special price on all big game tags and will sell every one of them 1200 for antelope 1200 for deer and 2000 grand for elk... Whats not to love about NR we need all UR money to keep this welfare states lights on we greatly appreciate it... And in 2 to 4 years when Wyoming decide to raise the regular draw tag prices squeal and squall sum more just make sure to jump back inline to get UR self's sum....;)
After reading a fair portion, have a question.
How many R of western states apply in other states also?

If so, are the R bitching about you?

Something about a pot and a kettle.

I apply in other western states and yes, I have had people bitch me out because of my plates. I just chalk it up to ignorance on their part, along with they are a resident there and can complain if they want. If their state decided to offer 0 nonresident tags, so be it. That is their choice and I get to play by their rules.
Non-Residents be like Bud Bundy, "stop hurting me some more Western Big Game states!!!!" Western big game states be like the loose and abusive girlfriend, "jump out of an airplane for a less than 10% chance at a poke!!"

@Schoolhousegrizz i took the liberty of fixing your title for you;
“Why all the R HATE”
I’ve never seen a post started by a resident of Wyoming or Colorado or Utah or Montana anti non residents but the adverse certainly isn’t true. It’s always the people that are comfy in Alabama or New York that want a say and starts the thread with some ridiculous title the devolves or has some whiny argument to keep it going.
And I’ll beat you naysayers to the punch and same tired argument with no merit; Wyoming is a welfare state blah blah blah.
I just hope non-resident opportunity doesn't continue to diminish. There is value in having non-residents hunt our states. I don't think anyone can argue that.
What are you doing specifically to increase NR opportunities in Utah?
I posted about it a ways back. But in short, when I feel out surveys I stand up for NR's, I have wrote messages to the DWR and the wildlife board supporting NR's. I try to point out the pros to others about why non residents are a good thing, instead of complaining about them. We're all non-residents in 49 states. Most people here don't agree with me. That's fine. I believe having non-residents is a good thing for them and us, and I will continue to support them.

I don't understand the victim stance from all the residents.

People with a victim mind set will always find excuses and be pessimistic. They have a problem with every solution.
After reading a fair portion, have a question.
How many R of western states apply in other states also?

If so, are the R bitching about you?

Something about a pot and a kettle.


I have been a travelling hunting non-resident every year I can draw a tag.

You are a resident of one state and a non-resident of 49 other states and 8-10 territories.

That is like saying if you own a F-150 you are to blame, but not if you own a Subaru.
I think the OP was doing a good thing by trying to find a way for hunters to begin advocating as a group for the common good, and it went completely sideways as it usually does…. And so goes our continued losing battle of a divided group of hunters vs an organized group of anti-hunters.

That really is the entire premise of the thread and will lead to the eventual outcome we all suffer as a result.
Thank you for understanding what I was trying to do, I honestly appreciate it.👍
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