Why WY?

I’d say a lot of the vitriol is hurt feelings from being bullied by a “no nonsense” former member.

I got screwed in the bait and switch sheep point Ponzi scheme Wyoming pulled over my 25 years in the system. I went from 50% chance to draw the only tag I really wanted in Wyoming to no chance of ever drawing it. Well, maybe a 1:6000 chance…for the one random tag that may be available to us worthless NR.

90/10 for the big 5 was a sure thing, Buzz floated the idea of changing the split from 75/25 to 50/50 in an attempt to get a few more tags to those without max points. That may or may not have helped in your situation but it might have given NR a cpl more tags.
So who did? LE special bull applications went up by (I believe) $825? Who did that if not WDGF

The legislature, with a Bill introduced by Sen Hicks with help from WYOGA's Sy Gilliland.

Who asked for that though? Since NR don't really get a say in what goes on, is that actually true, or is it "It's too dangerous for NR to hunt the Wilderness alone" true?

Outfitters were behind the original Jan Nr Elk draw. That early date created problems because the game div had to send quotas to the fiscal div so they could conduct the NR draw, before the Elk counts had been done. After the draw, NR would find out that the hunt they applied for had fewer or no tags to draw, and they called up the dept and complained, rightfully so.
One idea was to simply merge the nr elk draw with the D/A and resident draw. Sy Gilliland got up and said the outfitters needed "first crack" at nr outfitted hunters and needed the Jan app date to remain. In addition, they needed the nr results to come out before the D/A draw so unsuc nr could then turn around and apply for Deer or Antelope. As a compromise, they kept the jan app date but moved the modify date and the results to after the April meeting so nr could change their app, but still have results before the D/A draw. He stated to the commission, if they moved the results for Elk to a date prior to the D/A draw, they would see an increase in nr apps for D/A. That held true, but in reality, WY has never seen a decrease in NR D/A apps. With the observed increase in D/A apps, I seriously doubt we will see the nr Elk draw dates change.

I'll stand corrected on that. I've only applied for elk & haven't paid attention to D&A since antelope tags became unobtainable for the 2 units I ever hunted. My bad.

Don't give up, find another hunt area. I don't recall ever hunting the same area twice.

Outfitters were behind the early nr Elk draw.
Outfitters were behind the regular/special price draws.
Outfitters were behind the nr wilderness law.
Outfitters were behind this years special price increase.
Outfitters were the reason the original 13 Elk regions were reset to 3.
Outfitters have tried to swap the 60/40 reg/spl draws to 40 reg/60 special.
Outfitters are trying to get a NR Outfitter draw, tags coming from the nr pool.
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Colorado hunters - are you paying attention?

“ After the draw, NR would find out that the hunt they applied for had fewer or no tags to draw, and they called up the dept and complained, rightfully so.”

The CPW releases tag quotas AFTER the draw deadline.

I’ve mentioned this was BullChit many times.
Here is one for every state and then see the complaints. But Fair for both Residents and Nonresidents alike.
simply for States to just give the residents of the state a % let's say 85% then 15% go to out of state Nonresidents.
Now how easy/fair is that? The ease dose not just go to the Res or Non res. but, to all the money that goes into these draws can and would be less expensive and fair to all.
Block the Damn Outfitters % which we all hear more about that than most other complaints and make them draw like everyone else.
For myself all the complaints are about the fairness of the Nonresident and the resident as each wants more.
When you play these games with points, and creeps and all this made-up BS it just pisses hunters off even more.
So, each state places a price on resident and nonresident costs and draw. Just that damn simple.
These states spend more money each season trying to explain how the system works and then we still have to call someone else that's being paid to explain the way it works. Now how idiotic is that?
Only the people that might think they are losing money would complain about this method. How can we as hunters complain. it's a % for res and a % for Non res. You draw you hunt, and you don't draw you don't hunt and then you have all the other states one puts in for with a chance to draw.
How damn simple can this be for all these states giving all a % chance in a draw to hunt?
Colorado hunters - are you paying attention?

“ After the draw, NR would find out that the hunt they applied for had fewer or no tags to draw, and they called up the dept and complained, rightfully so.”

The CPW releases tag quotas AFTER the draw deadline.

I’ve mentioned this was BullChit many times.

The CPW can't conduct a draw without quotas, same as the previous years WY NR draw, so I called the head of licensing, pointed that out, and got the quotas in Jan. I was then told that was my last freebee and had to file public info requests going forward.

I don't know the FOIA laws in CO, but in AZ they only have to send info if that info is already documented or the report has already been created. In WY, they will create custom reports or pull obscure data for you.

File a public request for the info and see what they say.
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The legislature, with a Bill introduced by Sen Hicks with help from WYOGA's Sy Gilliland.

Outfitters were behind the original Jan Nr Elk draw. That early date created problems because the game div had to send quotas to the fiscal div so they could conduct the NR draw, before the Elk counts had been done. After the draw, NR would find out that the hunt they applied for had fewer or no tags to draw, and they called up the dept and complained, rightfully so.
One idea was to simply merge the nr elk draw with the D/A and resident draw. Sy Gilliland got up and said the outfitters needed "first crack" at nr outfitted hunters and needed the Jan app date to remain. In addition, they needed the nr results to come out before the D/A draw so unsuc nr could then turn around and apply for Deer or Antelope. As a compromise, they kept the jan app date but moved the modify date and the results to after the April meeting so nr could change their app, but still have results before the D/A draw. He stated to the commission, if they moved the results for Elk to a date prior to the D/A draw, they would see an increase in nr apps for D/A. That held true, but in reality, WY has never seen a decrease in NR D/A apps. With the observed increase in D/A apps, I seriously doubt we will see the nr Elk draw dates change.

Don't give up, find another hunt area. I don't recall ever hunting the same area twice.

Outfitters were behind the early nr Elk draw.
Outfitters were behind the regular/special price draws.
Outfitters were behind the nr wilderness law.
Outfitters were behind this years special price increase.
Outfitters were the reason the original 13 Elk regions were reset to 3.
Outfitters have tried to swap the 60/40 reg/spl draws to 40 reg/60 special.
Outfitters are trying to get a NR Outfitter draw, tags coming from the nr pool.

I appreciate the corrections & clarifications. Sincerely.
Thanks Bob!
I agree with 1/2. People love to complain.

I don't agree with CO. Partially why I started the thread. CO is crowded, we all know that. Residents way more vocal about it than WY residents. Even NR are saying we have to restrict NR. For 2024 NR lost 10% of tags, likely to lose OTC in 25. But no big bash threads.

WY we haven't lost anything. Same number of NR will hunt there as every year. Yes, it will cost more for some. But they'll experience the same great hunting we're accustomed to. Yet many complain.
It’s because Co has been so damn generous for wayyyy too long. Plus if you have hunted otc in the last several years I think everyone that does sees that it is out of control and needs to change. Co still issues more NR tags than the rest of the west combined, so not much to complain about… I applaud states for looking out for their own, heck I have points in Wyo but in no universe do I expect to hunt there more than once a decade for deer, elk or pronghorn, I have my own state to hunt.
It’s because Co has been so damn generous for wayyyy too long. Plus if you have hunted otc in the last several years I think everyone that does sees that it is out of control and needs to change. Co still issues more NR tags than the rest of the west combined, so not much to complain about… I applaud states for looking out for their own, heck I have points in Wyo but in no universe do I expect to hunt there more than once a decade for deer, elk or pronghorn, I have my own state to hunt.
I hear you and agree. CO has been too good to the NR. It is starting to change, and I agree that it has to. Relative to this post - WY just talks about going 90-10, and forums blow up. CO actually changes to 75-25 nobody says boo. I'm just wondering why WY always gets chit.
The legislature, with a Bill introduced by Sen Hicks with help from WYOGA's Sy Gilliland.

Outfitters were behind the original Jan Nr Elk draw. That early date created problems because the game div had to send quotas to the fiscal div so they could conduct the NR draw, before the Elk counts had been done. After the draw, NR would find out that the hunt they applied for had fewer or no tags to draw, and they called up the dept and complained, rightfully so.
One idea was to simply merge the nr elk draw with the D/A and resident draw. Sy Gilliland got up and said the outfitters needed "first crack" at nr outfitted hunters and needed the Jan app date to remain. In addition, they needed the nr results to come out before the D/A draw so unsuc nr could then turn around and apply for Deer or Antelope. As a compromise, they kept the jan app date but moved the modify date and the results to after the April meeting so nr could change their app, but still have results before the D/A draw. He stated to the commission, if they moved the results for Elk to a date prior to the D/A draw, they would see an increase in nr apps for D/A. That held true, but in reality, WY has never seen a decrease in NR D/A apps. With the observed increase in D/A apps, I seriously doubt we will see the nr Elk draw dates change.

Don't give up, find another hunt area. I don't recall ever hunting the same area twice.

Outfitters were behind the early nr Elk draw.
Outfitters were behind the regular/special price draws.
Outfitters were behind the nr wilderness law.
Outfitters were behind this years special price increase.
Outfitters were the reason the original 13 Elk regions were reset to 3.
Outfitters have tried to swap the 60/40 reg/spl draws to 40 reg/60 special.
Outfitters are trying to get a NR Outfitter draw, tags coming from the nr pool.
This is absolute facts while old slick Sy was rallying all the NR for support he was trying to make deals to stick it to the NR dyi hunters.... Dont think for a minute if 90-5-5 would of been a option U NR would only be getting %5 of the tags... So when this comes back up it might be a good idea not to crawl in bed with WYOGA
I agree with 1/2. People love to complain.

I don't agree with CO. Partially why I started the thread. CO is crowded, we all know that. Residents way more vocal about it than WY residents. Even NR are saying we have to restrict NR. For 2024 NR lost 10% of tags, likely to lose OTC in 25. But no big bash threads.

WY we haven't lost anything. Same number of NR will hunt there as every year. Yes, it will cost more for some. But they'll experience the same great hunting we're accustomed to. Yet many complain.
Once the CO changes go into effect I bet we’ll hear more complaining. The real impact isn’t realized or appreciated yet since we don’t know what the changes actually are.
Once the CO changes go into effect I bet we’ll hear more complaining. The real impact isn’t realized or appreciated yet since we don’t know what the changes actually are.
I am sure it will be entertaining at the very least. Especially if the residents of Colorado get to keep there otc with nr going all draw which is how it should be
Quick question: (not trying to start anything, I genuinely don't know)

Do residents have to buy a Conservation Stamp & Feed Ground Stamp, where necessary, like non-residents?
Once the CO changes go into effect I bet we’ll hear more complaining. The real impact isn’t realized or appreciated yet since we don’t know what the changes actually are.
Maybe. Although if someone’s 2024 plan was a LQ tag in CO you’d think they would have already realized the impact of 25% quota. If you were on the bubble last year, that’ll be huge.
Because Wyoming is the best and they're mad they can't hunt it.

As @jmez said in the last thread, "can't have your cake and eat it to." Become a WY resident or don't complain.

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Quick question: (not trying to start anything, I genuinely don't know)

Do residents have to buy a Conservation Stamp & Feed Ground Stamp, where necessary, like non-residents?
Never heard of a feed ground stamp, but we need a conservation stamp yes. It's $12, but if you don't have it and kill an animal, you lose that animal. Pretty serious.

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Never heard of a feed ground stamp, but we need a conservation stamp yes. It's $12, but if you don't have it and kill an animal, you lose that animal. Pretty serious.

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The Feed Ground stamp (I know they started calling it something else, but I'm damned if I can remember what) is only applicable in certain units.
The Feed Ground stamp (I know they started calling it something else, but I'm damned if I can remember what) is only applicable in certain units.
I assumed it was for down south where they have feed grounds lol.

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