So who did? LE special bull applications went up by (I believe) $825? Who did that if not WDGF
The legislature, with a Bill introduced by Sen Hicks with help from WYOGA's Sy Gilliland.
Who asked for that though? Since NR don't really get a say in what goes on, is that actually true, or is it "It's too dangerous for NR to hunt the Wilderness alone" true?
Outfitters were behind the original Jan Nr Elk draw. That early date created problems because the game div had to send quotas to the fiscal div so they could conduct the NR draw, before the Elk counts had been done. After the draw, NR would find out that the hunt they applied for had fewer or no tags to draw, and they called up the dept and complained, rightfully so.
One idea was to simply merge the nr elk draw with the D/A and resident draw. Sy Gilliland got up and said the outfitters needed "first crack" at nr outfitted hunters and needed the Jan app date to remain. In addition, they needed the nr results to come out before the D/A draw so unsuc nr could then turn around and apply for Deer or Antelope. As a compromise, they kept the jan app date but moved the modify date and the results to after the April meeting so nr could change their app, but still have results before the D/A draw. He stated to the commission, if they moved the results for Elk to a date prior to the D/A draw, they would see an increase in nr apps for D/A. That held true, but in reality, WY has never seen a decrease in NR D/A apps. With the observed increase in D/A apps, I seriously doubt we will see the nr Elk draw dates change.
I'll stand corrected on that. I've only applied for elk & haven't paid attention to D&A since antelope tags became unobtainable for the 2 units I ever hunted. My bad.
Don't give up, find another hunt area. I don't recall ever hunting the same area twice.
Outfitters were behind the early nr Elk draw.
Outfitters were behind the regular/special price draws.
Outfitters were behind the nr wilderness law.
Outfitters were behind this years special price increase.
Outfitters were the reason the original 13 Elk regions were reset to 3.
Outfitters have tried to swap the 60/40 reg/spl draws to 40 reg/60 special.
Outfitters are trying to get a NR Outfitter draw, tags coming from the nr pool.