Goodness if we don't change our attitudes, opinions and views we will all be hunting less. Why the NR hate? Any NR is welcome to my state, I would not even mind if we increased NR tags. This selfishness will lead to all of us losing hunting opportunities. We have got to get out of our own way and stop shooting ourselves in the foot. My state is 90-10, others are far more giving, I know and I get it. Maybe just maybe we should be pushing for states like Utah, Nevada etc. To move to 80-20 instead of pushing every other state to go to 90-10. Some will laugh at this, but it is possible, the states bring in more money from NR's.
Let's get it rolling, I just need to figure out how. Any ideas, thoughts?
I'm serious, rokslide has enough following and power to get something like this going. What say you
@robby denning
I would head it up anyway I can. I'm just not sure where to start.I t