NM Nonresident Antelope Dwindling Opportunities.

flathead#2 How do you expect to get a Wyoming tag? Do you have points?

NM's guided draw is 10%, that is only 4% more (6%) than the non-guided non-resident draw. Anyone can apply for the guided draw, both residents and non-residents.

I do not have any idea why a resident would do that.

So that is a 16% total non-resident pool in New Mexico.

Non-Resident pools range from 35% in Colorado to 10% in Utah, and kind of hover around 20% most places.

The nonresident 6% is contingent on there being enough tags offered. So NM wildlife have fenced out the NR by reducing the tag allotments.

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16% in New Mexico versus 10% in Utah.

I don't think New Mexico is that bad. You live in a non-public land state, and are complaining that a public land state you don't pay taxes in, vote in, and reside in isn't giving you tags.
Since we're talking 'lopes, using ANT-1-124 (unit 16) as an example from the 2023 draw report, 25 tags total. 21 went to resident, 2 went to nonresident, 2 went to the outfitter pool.

If you remove the outfitter pool and place those tags into the nonresident allotment, it is a 100% increase in tags available to nonresidents at the 84/16 split. If you went strictly to a 90/10, and changed the round-up rule, it would give 22 to residents and 3 to nonresidents, a 50% increase to tags for them.

These numbers don't seem like much, but it increases your chance of pulling a tag. It would suck to know that for 5 years straight your 'lope application was always the next in line when the 2nd tag was given out. With 3 or 4, you'd pull the tag...
Now let's take a look at Oryx. OIL hunts offered 70 tags in 2023. Every one of them only gave out 4 nonresident tags but gave out 7 outfitter tags, a 75% increase to the outfitter.

84/16 would be 11 tags avaliable to the nonresident, a significant increase. Going to a 90/10, it would be a 7 tag allotment, a 75% increase of tags available at a price much less than going with an outfitter.

The outfitter pool was created when a member of the NM Guides and Outfitters Association sat on the game comission.

Simply put, the outfitter pool needs to go away.
The outfitter pool for oryx needs to go away. WSMR controls where you can and can't go. There is zero reason unless you are immobile to have an outfitter on WSMR.
Since we're talking 'lopes, using ANT-1-124 (unit 16) as an example from the 2023 draw report, 25 tags total. 21 went to resident, 2 went to nonresident, 2 went to the outfitter pool.

If you remove the outfitter pool and place those tags into the nonresident allotment, it is a 100% increase in tags available to nonresidents at the 84/16 split. If you went strictly to a 90/10, and changed the round-up rule, it would give 22 to residents and 3 to nonresidents, a 50% increase to tags for them.

These numbers don't seem like much, but it increases your chance of pulling a tag. It would suck to know that for 5 years straight your 'lope application was always the next in line when the 2nd tag was given out. With 3 or 4, you'd pull the tag...
Yes but they are still non-resident tags. As a NM resident I paint both of them with the same brush. They are tags that are not in my pocket as a resident.
16% in New Mexico versus 10% in Utah.

I don't think New Mexico is that bad. You live in a non-public land state, and are complaining that a public land state you don't pay taxes in, vote in, and reside in isn't giving you tags.

I do pay taxes. Federal taxes which does pay for the management and upkeep of BLM and NF land. Since my state has no public ground the lion share of my contributions go to states that do.

My grievances with the state. They intentionally disguise the NR allotment is such a way as to deceive under informed applicants. This is done my manipulation of the tag numbers within units to eliminate NR tags. This keeps the revenue for applicants coming in, while all but eliminating NR tags. What’s next 500 GMUs within the state to all together eliminate NR tags.

I challenge you to find one trophy unit that offers a NR rifle tag in NM. There are none. They have fenced the NR out of those hunts. Instead of a unit by unit tag allotment, I believe that a statewide draw be done until the 6% NR quota is met. There could be limits like only one NR tag per unit and even a handful of off limits units. This would be fare and good for everyone.

Increased revue from out of state hunters is big money. It is my opinion, that the NM game commission, along with several other states, are very deceptive in their tactics to disguise NR applicants lack of opportunity, so that they can cut NR tags, while not missing out on the revenue generated by NR applicants.

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This years antelope quotas are almost identical to at least 2020.

I had an old 2021 NM hunters guide laying around and compared it to the 2024 regs. They are no where near identical. Not sure where you got your information from but you are wrong.

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NM Antelope is good for paid LO hunts. Used to be hard to draw but access to draw hunters. I am glad I was lucky enough to draw a few good tags before the change.

You are correct. I too was fortunate enough to draw a few tags back when you were assigned a ranch to hunt on. Those were hunts that you could write home about.

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I had an old 2021 NM hunters guide laying around and compared it to the 2024 regs. They are no where near identical. Not sure where you got your information from but you are wrong.

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Have old regs books too.

145 of 161 hunt codes are same quota now as the 2020 season. 9 codes have less tags. 7 codes have more tags.

That is close enough for me to call it almost identical.
Yes but they are still non-resident tags. As a NM resident I paint both of them with the same brush. They are tags that are not in my pocket as a resident.

Maybe. No real way to know if one, both, or none of the outfitter pool tags went to nonresidents unless you request that info from game and fish, which you can do. The 6% is nonresident DIY.

The outfitter pool needs to go away. I'm just looking out for my own self interest for when I become a nonresident 😉
Why would a resident apply for an outfitter pool tag? I thought the odds were way worse for non-res outfitter than for resident. Even in places like SW and South Central.