Why do some Sellers insist on Friends And Family PayPal Payment Mode ?

If a person uses Goods and Services when selling an item just to avoid the fees or to shield themselves from the tax guy you are being dishonest, meaning if you screw them you would probably screw me too.
I will pay what you feel you have to have but include the fees, it's the right and only way I will do business with you

Businesses using the classifieds are supposed to be sponsors. Perhaps you are being dishonest by skirting that sponsorship.
Thanks all for your input, appreciate it.
My wages were paid by US taxpayers and I paid my share of taxes on that money just the same as everyone else and continue to do so.
Some do it willingly and some begrudgingly, it’s the world we live in and everyone is entitled to make their own decisions and be comfortable with them.

I walk in my own shoes and they are a very comfortable fit for me.
You do you and I’ll do me, it’s what makes the US what it is today, for better or worse.
It also not about paying or not paying
It’s about paperwork.
I’m not an office nerd, I can barely turn on a computer. I go thru all kinds of gear every year. How in the heck would I ever keep track?
If I didn it with paper receipts I’d have an entire warehouse of them.
I don’t have a full time account.

How in the absolute crap would someone keep track of it?
Thanks all for your input, appreciate it.
My wages were paid by US taxpayers and I paid my share of taxes on that money just the same as everyone else and continue to do so.
Some do it willingly and some begrudgingly, it’s the world we live in and everyone is entitled to make their own decisions and be comfortable with them.

I walk in my own shoes and they are a very comfortable fit for me.
You do you and I’ll do me, it’s what makes the US what it is today, for better or worse.
Why on gods green would you voluntarily pay unnecessary taxes? Rokslide is no different that going to a garage sale. Guy has a pair or boots and a jacket you like. You barter back and forth, hand him $40 cash, take your goods and move on. After your garage sale are you going to fill out a form for Uncle Sam? Hell no you’re not.

PayPal Goods and Services is for businesses to sell NEW products. It’s not for used boots and a jacket from a hunting forum.

But if you hate money and want to keep pissing it away, feel free, my friend. Bypassing PayPal Goods and Service's is not immoral, or illegal.
I pay a crap Ton more taxes as I take the standard deduction because I’m not a computer or paperwork nerd and I don’t want to deal with more of it.
I don’t spread sheet or PowerPoint or anything of the sort.
Thanks all for your input, appreciate it.
My wages were paid by US taxpayers and I paid my share of taxes on that money just the same as everyone else and continue to do so.
Some do it willingly and some begrudgingly, it’s the world we live in and everyone is entitled to make their own decisions and be comfortable with them.

I walk in my own shoes and they are a very comfortable fit for me.
You do you and I’ll do me, it’s what makes the US what it is today, for better or worse.
Mine is paid by the State tax payer and I hope every person in my State finds a way to pay the least amount of taxes possible.
Man, an actual live phone call goes so far. I dont buy and sell a ton of stuff, but so far 100% of the time when a phone call goes well the transaction goes well. As a buyer, I use that call to get a sense of the other person and attempt to gauge the risk of me sending $xxx to a stranger with no recourse. Not to mention Ive made a few friends that way over the years. Honestly, given what I buy and given that call, Im happy to send a personal check, a money order, whatever. I have zero faith that paypal or venmo or whatever will be an assist anyway, given most of what I buy is gun-related. Pp and venmo are convenient, but frankly id prefer not to use them at all.
Not sure how or why this is so hard to understand....

We have a very busy classifieds, unfortunately scammers are everywhere. Following up and the back and forth takes a bunch of time for each one. We have regular jobs and families and are volunteers. Add in reports, inappropriate comments, memes, petty arguments and childish behavior, it adds up. Not complaining, answering your question.

When folks pay F&F, there is ZERO recourse. Sending someone money you don't know is not recommended. I realize there is a catch with G&S as well, but it's the lesser of the two. Combined with other efforts that you can do on your own, it's the recommended method.
Not sure how or why this is so hard to understand....

We have a very busy classifieds, unfortunately scammers are everywhere. Following up and the back and forth takes a bunch of time for each one. We have regular jobs and families and are volunteers. Add in reports, inappropriate comments, memes, petty arguments and childish behavior, it adds up. Not complaining, answering your question.

When folks pay F&F, there is ZERO recourse. Sending someone money you don't know is not recommended. I realize there is a catch with G&S as well, but it's the lesser of the two. Combined with other efforts that you can do on your own, it's the recommended method.
There is also ZERO recourse for the seller if the person reports falsely.
They could send bogus info to PP get the money pulled from your account. Then the seller would be out the item and money.

Maybe Rok should just delete the classifieds.
Not sure how or why this is so hard to understand....

We have a very busy classifieds, unfortunately scammers are everywhere. Following up and the back and forth takes a bunch of time for each one. We have regular jobs and families and are volunteers. Add in reports, inappropriate comments, memes, petty arguments and childish behavior, it adds up. Not complaining, answering your question.

When folks pay F&F, there is ZERO recourse. Sending someone money you don't know is not recommended. I realize there is a catch with G&S as well, but it's the lesser of the two. Combined with other efforts that you can do on your own, it's the recommended method.
The baffling thing to me is that people don’t seem to understand that using FF is a risk and you choose to take that risk. I have never been scammed but if I was, no matter what payment method I used, it would be a simple message to a Mod to get the person banned and I would move on. I took the risk, not Rokslide.
This topic comes up periodically and IMHO it seems there is a wider acknowledgement of the risk of G&S to the seller. I have used both as a seller, and this is from one of my recent WTS posts:

"Prices are shipped via UPS (insured) in CONUS only. Payment by Venmo or PayPal F&F. If you want to use PP G&S, send me a PM. (I'm more likely to accept G&S on the lower priced items, and/or if you have good positive feedback.) I will also accept a USPS money order and will ship after it is deposited."

Bottom line for me - FNG isn't going to pay me with G&S, especially if the posts to date are ornery or otherwise sketchy.

As for feedback, you sometimes have to ask the other party to do it, sometimes more than once.

Finally, for taxes - it's pretty easy to handle the G&S issue via TurboTax. And if you ever do sell something for more than what you paid, using F&F won't make it not income, it will just make it harder (but not impossible) for the IRS to catch you.
If a person uses Goods and Services when selling an item just to avoid the fees or to shield themselves from the tax guy you are being dishonest, meaning if you screw them you would probably screw me too.
I will pay what you feel you have to have but include the fees, it's the right and only way I will do business with you
If you can prove you sold the item at a loss to the Feds then it is not subject to taxes. According to my accountant. Typically don’t sell over 1,000 in goods so I’m not overly worried personally and all used. Sorry, but my tax obligations and lack of trust in the government has nothing to do how I treat you especially as a fellow rokslider.
If you can prove you sold the item at a loss to the Feds then it is not subject to taxes. According to my accountant. Typically don’t sell over 1,000 in goods so I’m not overly worried personally and all used. Sorry, but my tax obligations and lack of trust in the government has nothing to do how I treat you especially as a fellow rokslider.
How do you track all this.

I mite chance out 20-50 items per season.
For me to have any idea where I even got it would be a blessing. Little loan some kind of paper trail.

Yeah rite
I personally just google the item I sold print a copy off internet and record what I sold it for I keep it in my files for say 2024 taxes. I get it’s kinda a pain but some documentation for an audit stands up better than no documentation. Especially if professionally prepared.

Why did you say “yeah rite”?