Confirmation Number on Payment


Mar 31, 2022
Yell County Arkansas
Do you every make payment and record the confirmation and think you have proof of payment?
I just discovered most companies and payment systems do not even have a way to track or connect the number to a payment.
I know for a fact that Progressive and other insurance operate this way.
Had a client process a payment with the automated system over the phone. He was given a confirmation number. The system did not apply the payment. It was not drawn on his card either. The problem is it was a renewal payment and the policy expired.
Just another reason you should do business with a person and get a receipt.
So I contacted Progressive. I asked to track the payment. I was told there is no way to track the payment from a confirmation number. I asked why the heck give the person one then. The answer "most people want one".
This definitely varies by vendor. Anyone using newer tech payment solutions like Stripe, Square, Paypal, and even Worldpay can easily track a payment from order to cash in the bank. Most are required to because of SOX compliance and other internal controls.

In your example, it seems like a matter of they "won't" versus they "can't", although some companies are still processing payments with knuckle busters these days. Either way, frustrating as a consumer in an era where data is king.