Whitetail Stock Options

Long Cut

May 24, 2019
I picked up this 16.5” Remington 700 in .243 with a B&C 700BDL Long Range Tactical Thumb hook style from a LGS. The rifle has a factory bull barrel, Trigger Tech Primary trigger and YHM Res K can. All setup weights just shy of 11#. Scope will be either ; SWFA 5-20x50 or Trijicon Accupoint 2.5-10x56

I’m looking at building this into a box blind/clearcut whitetail rifle, but the stock options are overwhelming. My thought is to keep a bedded & pillared stock for accuracy, lighter weight around 26-32oz (Current stock is 2.5#) and shorter LOP if applicable.

The goal is to lose some weight, shorten the LOP and maintain the stocks rigidity for accuracy. I might walk 100 yards or 1 mile with the rifle and a tree stand on my back. Shots could be 50 yards or 500 yards.

All that being said, I’ve been eyeing the Rokstocks, Stocky’s Ultralight VG2’s and the newer McMillian Mountain Tracker LR’s.

Given the context, would upgrading stocks be worthwhile or should I keep the Bell & Carlson stock that’s on the rifle currently?
