2025 Fitness Goals Accountability Thread

Hopping on board also, 2024 was a good year and I got through a couple packouts and felt pretty good but I also had a few "I'm not doing that" moments that I regretted and are likely the reason i don't have any elk meat in my freezer. I was somewhat limited by physical but just as much mental "I don't think I'm ready to do that". Want to get rid of that feeling.

My biggest goal for 2025 is Consistency:
-to put a number on it, 80/20. If I can stick to my plans 80% of the time that'll be 42 weeks of hitting my planned 6 workouts in a week and 6/7 days per week for the daily stuff.

-2x runs totaling >10 miles
-2x Muscular endurance workouts (stairs, stairmaster, or climbing a hill)
-2x Strength workouts - MTNTough or Similar for 30 mins

-Stretch for >20 mins AM & PM
-Ice Bath for recovery (while weather permits)
-Not exactly 'fitness' but also want to go 80+% on not hitting the snooze button, even for 5 mins.

I like the idea of XX human powered miles per year as a good goal to strive for but I've never tracked this before so I'm just gonna focus on the above and track it and see where I land. Glad I stumbled on this thread, forced me to think through this stuff and put a plan together.
Bench 350, Squat 420, Deadlift 500. These goals might increase soon considering my current bench is 345, squat is 415 and deadlift is 485. I am not a power lifter but more a power builder. Just enjoy being in the gym and hitting heavy weights. I will see about implementing more cardio in the future as hunting season comes, the gym I go to is about to get 2 stair steppers and once they do I will be on those daily. Get back to cold plunge daily and sauna when I can fit it in.
Editing this because I hit my squat goal already. I put up 425 last Saturday. Squat goal is now 500. Bench 365.
I like this thread. I need goals and metrics to keep accountable and keep making progress.

My goals are primarily strength (weak point for me).
Squat 315 for 3 sets of 5.
Deadlift 405 for 1 set of 5.
Overhead press 135 for 3 sets of 5.
Bench 225 for 3 sets of 5.

Press and bench are going to be especially tough for me to finish up I think. Just have keep grinding away and try to get adequate recovery.

Once I hit those goals, I'll transition over to more conditioning than strength, trying to maintain strength and cut fat.
Editing this because I hit my squat goal already. I put up 425 last Saturday. Squat goal is now 500. Bench 365.
Beast work

I’m down 8lbs so far. Just finished up my second cycle of 5/3/1 and doing my first deload week. I’m going to continue increasing weight but I’m sure I’m going to fail sometime soon during this cut. So far I’m still feeling strong during my lifts but I’m eating a pant load of protein. Aiming for 2000 calories and 200+ grams.
I’ve spent the last few years focusing on endurance sports. I’ve ran a few marathons and done triathlons from Oly to Full distance.

This year, I’ve decided to dial back the endurance stuff and focus more on strength. I still plan to run 20-30 miles per week. Will probably do one marathon later in the year.

I decided to do 250 push ups every day. I actually started in Mid December. Haven’t missed a day yet.
One month in, 10 lbs down. I’m assuming that’s primarily fat (I’ve consistently lifted and done cardio for the previous year so I doubt I was carrying a ton of water weight like a lot of people when they claim to lose “20lbs in a month”). Scale actually was up a lb today but I’m 100% attributing that to a killer workout and the soreness inflammation im feeling from it.

Based on the weight increases (3rd cycle) from 5/3/1 I should be about 930lbs on my 3 lift max. Inching closer to 1000lb club. Workouts are still good and strength is still there. Overhead press will be my first lift to fail if I had to guess but the other 3 (especially bench and DL) feel really good.

Still targeting 2000 calories and 200g protein daily. Not super worried about carbs especially on lift days. I figure that to get 200g+ of protein then that will automatically limit the bad stuff. Had 3 birthday parties this month and a “kid free” weekend and somehow still lost weight so I’m hopeful that February could be 10+ more pounds down.

January was pretty damn cold and snowy for NW NC, wasn’t able to get out and hike around or wade fish much. Ended up doing a lot of indoors cardio (kettlebell EMOMs, walking up and down my stairs with a heavy pack, and jump rope. February weather is looking great so far so hopefully can get a lot more running/sprinting in and maybe even get the MTB off the rack.

Final weight 188.2
Bench 235
Deadlift 360
Squat 335
so I'm officially going to shoot for 2025 miles this coming year

I strength train twice a week and plan to keep that up as well.

I also got onto a solid plan for weighted rucking this year (just a little prior to hunting season) and will be be replicating that plan this year.

Of course all premised on God willing!

January in the books. I racked up 168 miles (~ 25,000' gain/loss); I had an 8 day stretch where all my miles were on skis or snowshoes—the snow quit as did my stretch.

Got all my strength training in (twice a week—modified Wendler).

So, all in all, off to a good start.

My training partner—Tiny Elvis :D

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January in the books. I racked up 168 miles (~ 25,000' gain/loss); I had an 8 day stretch where all my miles were on skis or snowshoes—the snow quit as did my stretch.

Got all my strength training in (twice a week—modified Wendler).

So, all in all, off to a good start.

My training partner—Tiny Elvis :D

Solid month!
Glad to see everyone nailed January and has a solid start to their goals!

I had a good month as well.
  • Animal Based diet (combined with running) for January had me drop 12 pounds.
  • Got 107 miles and 10k feet of vert logged.
  • Got my 10k logged for January.
February I'll probably loosen some restrictions on the diet, but I'm feeling really good and still want to eat like this for 95% of the time.
Last year I got just over 1,000 miles but not a lot climbing/elevation gain. Shooting for 1500 miles this year with more time spent hiking in the mountains then on local walks/ trail that are flatter.
January was solid for me. I already miss trail running outside but I'm learning a lot riding a trainer indoors with a power meter, etc. and still getting out hiking/rucking several times per week. For now I'm keeping the rucking weight at 40 lbs. I'll probably bump it up in March in preparation for spring bear.

Hiking Miles- 31.4
Biking Miles- 307.4
Total Miles- 338.8
Total Elevation Gain- 26,600
Total of 15,035 calories burned from those activities so far.

Sent from my Pixel 9 Pro using Tapatalk
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Behind on my trail mileage but we did get snow and frigid temperatures for a while. Got a couple good hikes in this weekend but man I hate ice and slush.
Get some microspikes. They make a world of difference on ice.

Sent from my Pixel 9 Pro using Tapatalk
I’ve been on spikes (save the week-ish I was skis/snowshoes) for two months now :)
I want to get in on this.

Drop 60lbs before California D8 general opener(9/20)

Aim for 13k steps a day

Log 6 miles a weekly hiking with weighted pack

Dedicate 3 days a week to lift
This is the first year in about 20 I haven't had a defined goal for lifting/training.

I've considered dropping some BW (currently 190-192 @ 6'1" so not exactly huge) by about 10 lbs. Currently lifting 5-6x a week and cardio 1-2x (it's winter). I will prob continue that thru February into March then switch to 3x a week lifting and increase the cardio. Maybe learn to skate ski? Tried this weekend and my God is that miserable
Finished out January with a 490# deadlift pull and 350# bench press. I failed my attempt on squat at 430# but need to spend some time getting my form a little more dialed. My wife will be out of the country for pretty much all of February so my goal is to start running at least 2 miles a day while she is gone. Get ready for hunting season by getting my cardio up.
How’s it going with caffeine?
Ive been off caffeine for about a week. REM sleep went from 0 to 2-4 hours
RHR from 38-40 to 34-36
Feel really good
Wish me luck haha. I'm going for water only in 2025. Kicking the caffeine via coffee and my addiction to Mt Dews on long road trips will be the toughest parts.
How’s it going with caffeine?
Ive been off caffeine for about a week. REM sleep went from 0 to 2-4 hours
RHR from 38-40 to 34-36
Feel really good
The mornings are still rough some days but overall going fine. Glad it’s making a positive impact for you!