Which Toyota 4Runner?

If you're going to buy one, find a model with the supercharger. The 4.0 V6 is s**t for power at interstate speeds. No power and it still gets horrible gas mileage. I had a 93 Ford Ranger with the 4.0 that had tenfold more power and better fuel mileage. I'm not sure what toyota did wrong with their 4.0.

With 4Runners and Tacoma you have to go 5+ years old to save any money. The way they hold value is insane. With the minimal price difference it makes no since to buy a 3 year old over a new.

I drive a 2015 F350 King Ranch Diesel that I bought at a couple years old. I bought the wife a new 2021 4Runner Nightshade Edition about 18 months ago. I wanted the all time 4WD for her, so I spent the money for the Nightshade. At the time I bought the 4Runner they were worth roughly the same. My wife loves it, so we'll be keeping it for a while. I wouldn't be happy with it if it was my vehicle. It fits my wife's petite runner's figure, but it's to small for me (6' 225lbs). $ for $ my F350 blows the 4Runner away. Power and capability difference being obvious, I'll skip over it. What really surprised me was the amenities or lack thereof. The amenities in my 6 year older truck blows the 4Runner away.

That being said they did design in a really cool key fob feature that I love for my wife and you'll love for your daughter. The car detects the key fob, so you never have to take it out of your pocket. Just walk up and open the door. If you walk up to the driver's door it only unlocks the drivers door, if you walk up to the passenger door it unlocks all doors.
Uh-oh....I'm 6' 215....should I be concerned??
Might also be worth cross-shopping the Lexus gx460 or older gx470 to get the v8 and off-road capability (both are v8: 4.6 & 4.7)…probably in a similar price range used, and may be able to find with lower mileage. I mention this because my wife really liked the new Limited 4Runners and we bought a year old gx460 with 13k miles for a little less with nicer amenities…she makes me use my truck for off-road though.
This is great stuff.
So you definitely want a rear locker from the factory, and here's why... the factory equipped rear differentials come with a 8.75" rear-end vs. the non-lockers that come with the 8" rear-end. The latter are proven to be less robust, especially if you have off-road in mind. That said, the Lexus GX are basically the updated 4runner (2010+) with the V8, so you may want to expand your search - tho I'm not sure it comes in army green, but your daughter also might be happy with a Lexus vs. a Toyota, and you get the rear-diff locker, 8.75" rear-end, and a V8...
Thank you. I made the thread for this type of info.
Thank you. I made the thread for this type of info.
I’m 6’1 225 and never had any comfort issues in our 4Runners.

I’d either go Limited 4Runner or Lexus route to ensure you get the best trannies. My buddy picked up a late 90s Lexus 450 that has front, middle, and rear lockers and is a tank. Depending on what you’re using it for that would be an option too. None of them get good mpg, so no need to worry about that.

I have the 3rd row but a simple DIY platform levels it for great sleeping. All elk season was spent inside.


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I’m 6’1 225 and never had any comfort issues in our 4Runners.

I’d either go Limited 4Runner or Lexus route to ensure you get the best trannies. My buddy picked up a late 90s Lexus 450 that has front, middle, and rear lockers and is a tank. Depending on what you’re using it for that would be an option too. None of them get good mpg, so no need to worry about that.
The LX450 is the Land Cruiser equivalent and another beast of a machine.
Might also be worth cross-shopping the Lexus gx460 or older gx470 to get the v8 and off-road capability (both are v8: 4.6 & 4.7)…probably in a similar price range used, and may be able to find with lower mileage. I mention this because my wife really liked the new Limited 4Runners and we bought a year old gx460 with 13k miles for a little less with nicer amenities…she makes me use my truck for off-road though.
Wouldn't you be stuck with that side-mounted rear door?
Wouldn't you be stuck with that side-mounted rear door?
Lol-The back window opens up if you don’t want to swing the door open. But around town, the inside cabin drives so much quieter and having cooled seats front and rear sure is nice in AZ. Most here think it’s just the luxury 4Runner, but it’s actually a Toyota Prado/Land Cruiser 150 (baby sibling) of the more known US version Land Cruiser 200/Lexus LX570.
A little bit tangentially related, but I owned a 2007 Toyota FJ Cruiser with the TRD off road package and that car was awesome - I owned it about 10 years until I had kids and really needed something with four doors (had no issues during my ownership other than a wornout battery and a spark plug). The TRD package in addition to nicer wheels came with BF Goodrich TA KO2 which ended up being a really good (now my favorite) multi use tire. For unrelated reasons I ended up going with a BMW X5 and miss my Toyota. My next vehicle will be another Toyota.
A little bit tangentially related, but I owned a 2007 Toyota FJ Cruiser with the TRD off road package and that car was awesome - I owned it about 10 years until I had kids and really needed something with four doors (had no issues during my ownership other than a wornout battery and a spark plug). The TRD package in addition to nicer wheels came with BF Goodrich TA KO2 which ended up being a really good (now my favorite) multi use tire. For unrelated reasons I ended up going with a BMW X5 and miss my Toyota. My next vehicle will be another Toyota.
Which trim x5? guessing not the M, cause if it were, I dont think youd miss the toyota too much. Other than when you wanna go offroad of course.
I also appreciate this info. I test drove my first Toyota last week, a used 2017 4runner. This thread is not the first time in my research that a Lxus GX460 has been suggested. I just started looking into those a little, and I like what I see. Mainly, v8. This would be a daily driver for the wife, so I know she'd like the Lexus luxury.

She is stuck on the Limited model in the 4runner. I wanted TRD Off Road..
Find what your looking for as far as features, model and then get it wrapped what ever color you like. Just a thought I had a jeep yj and people would always comment on the wrap I did in the driveway even after years of use, and fading 10 plus years on the old wrap with Texas sun.