Where do you park your wheeler at your bait station?


Dec 7, 2019
I'm just curious what others do with their transportation to and from their bait station. I've been lucky enough to have never had anything chew on my wheeler seats, but I know bears are notorious for it. This year, I'm using my Argo to get to our stand. It has a full cab built onto it from canvas siding...I'm terrified Yogi is going to have his way with it and wreck it. Do you park it a distance away in hopes they don't notice it? Right under your tree stand so you can keep a close eye on it and scare them off if they get curious? We usually park a little ways away and leave the wheelers out of sight, but those were junkers just used for the stand, so if they got chewed on, it wasn't any big deal.
I boat to mine, and since I have to cut a path through the alders to get to my stand, it stays tied up pretty close. A little nerve wracking- need to bring enough stuff upriver to refill barrel, but if it doesn’t all fit in the barrel, there basically another bait station in my ride back to the truck.

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Typically about 75 yards from the bait. Running multiple baits every day that is far enough to walk.
A few years ago did have one rattling the buckets left on the 4 wheeler while sitting in the stand. Of course it never came to the bait. That makes for a fun walk out in the dark.