July Haul Road Update

This isn't a slope specific vehicle. It's just a regular rental. On all our slope vehicles, we run 10 ply.
Well, our company doesn't have any "slope" rigs. We're owned by a larger company who is specifically up on the slope. But they only rent commercially (all the oil companies and whatnot). All those rigs are outfitted for the slope. Us as the consumer side of things, don't have specific vehicles that go up there to the slope. We don't have that many customers that go up there outside of the hunters, which is a short window in the fall. It wouldn't make sense for us to outfit a whole fleet of vehicles for such a small window of time. My customers have made it up there with no problems in every class of vehicle I have. I actually have a Malibu up there right now, a couple Trailblazers, and a few more rigs. Just need to be cautious!
Make it make sense
Sorry, our slope vehicles are from our parent company. When I was saying our "slope vehicles", I was referring to them. MY fleet (Alaska 4x4 Rentals) doesn't cater exclusively to the slope. We are all over Alaska from Homer to Prudhoe. Yes, we have rigs that go up there, but we don't have slope specific rigs. Our parent company is exclusive to the slope. Force of habit saying that "we" have stuff since we're the same company.
Sorry, our slope vehicles are from our parent company. When I was saying our "slope vehicles", I was referring to them. MY fleet (Alaska 4x4 Rentals) doesn't cater exclusively to the slope. We are all over Alaska from Homer to Prudhoe. Yes, we have rigs that go up there, but we don't have slope specific rigs. Our parent company is exclusive to the slope. Force of habit saying that "we" have stuff since we're the same company.
So only vehicles form the “parent” company for commercial use have 10 ply tires and any vehicles from you would not have 10 ply unless it is an HD truck?