- Joined
- Mar 19, 2022
By the way it looks I am going to be hunting solo for up to three weeks depending on if or how soon i tag out or if i want to bail out a bit early and go hunt tags while making my way home. but i will be elk hunting in dense bear country and known grizz area. from the research I have done sounds like they are there but not nearly as bad as other areas. i know the basics eat where you dont sleep, stay within you physical limits, have satellite communications and a emergency plan, hunt hard sun up to sun down. I have not stepped foot in this unit but i have a friend that did a guided hunt here in 19 and had luck so have some good guidance to start with. this is my 5th year elk hunting and have done 2 solo and 1 assisted pack outs so I am not a rookie but am not seasoned either. I have ran these scenarios over in my head before and have still yet to have a good base plan of what to do and each of these you should really know what you are going to do before you get in that position.
the first is ( ha may seem very stupid to some) when you are sleeping in the dark hours of the night you hear something that you can almost be certain it is a bear and is within 10 feet of your tent or sleeping set up. Do you lay there and pretend its not there and hope it doesn't come to you and start messing with you and your gear, do you immediately start yelling making noise and get out of the tent and address the situation try and scare him off by whatever means you think of in the moment, or do you grab your side arm and blast 6 through the roof of your tent and show you are not messing around haha. I have spent some time on the mountain thinking about this and I can not say I know what i would do.
The other is I will more likely have a "base" camp along the road with truck and cooler, I will probably be wheeling 2-10 miles away and from the wheeler I am going to stay within a mile from the road. I am thinking i will stay out there on the mountain for a night or two then come down for one and go back and fourth re supplying and moving around to find elk. Obviously this can and probably will change when I am out there and see what I am dealing with but i dont want to stick one a mile in and then run a quarter or further straight down the next ridge and put me outside of my packout ability's. But if i get one down and say its a mile from the wheeler and 8 miles from cold cooler and its 75 in the day 40 at night. I have to keep my head on a swivel cutting it up and getting it into game bags and then do i take the quarters away from the guts few hundred yards and start making my way to the wheeler and hang them up in the trees by the wheeler to get them away from the carcass as quick as I can. or do I immediately start hanging them in trees few hundred yards away from the kill site and then start hauling each load one at a time to the wheeler then down to the cooler and come back for the next and so on. how you'd you plan a pack out in a case like this. i am assuming i have that day and maybe the next morning before something is going to come looking for a meal and give me problems. it is thick timber and there is going to be no area where i can hand the quarters in a location i can see from a ways away to see if a bear is hanging around.
the first is ( ha may seem very stupid to some) when you are sleeping in the dark hours of the night you hear something that you can almost be certain it is a bear and is within 10 feet of your tent or sleeping set up. Do you lay there and pretend its not there and hope it doesn't come to you and start messing with you and your gear, do you immediately start yelling making noise and get out of the tent and address the situation try and scare him off by whatever means you think of in the moment, or do you grab your side arm and blast 6 through the roof of your tent and show you are not messing around haha. I have spent some time on the mountain thinking about this and I can not say I know what i would do.
The other is I will more likely have a "base" camp along the road with truck and cooler, I will probably be wheeling 2-10 miles away and from the wheeler I am going to stay within a mile from the road. I am thinking i will stay out there on the mountain for a night or two then come down for one and go back and fourth re supplying and moving around to find elk. Obviously this can and probably will change when I am out there and see what I am dealing with but i dont want to stick one a mile in and then run a quarter or further straight down the next ridge and put me outside of my packout ability's. But if i get one down and say its a mile from the wheeler and 8 miles from cold cooler and its 75 in the day 40 at night. I have to keep my head on a swivel cutting it up and getting it into game bags and then do i take the quarters away from the guts few hundred yards and start making my way to the wheeler and hang them up in the trees by the wheeler to get them away from the carcass as quick as I can. or do I immediately start hanging them in trees few hundred yards away from the kill site and then start hauling each load one at a time to the wheeler then down to the cooler and come back for the next and so on. how you'd you plan a pack out in a case like this. i am assuming i have that day and maybe the next morning before something is going to come looking for a meal and give me problems. it is thick timber and there is going to be no area where i can hand the quarters in a location i can see from a ways away to see if a bear is hanging around.