That’s because we have parents that enable their kids to act like ass hats and march up to the school and demand and yell at faculty that how dare they take their kids phone away etc. don’t blame the school much for not wanting to deal with the hassle.To this day I just cannot understand why schools are unable to just say, "no cell phones during school hours"??? Heck, my wife and i dont let family members have their cell phones when they are over for things like Christmas gatherings anymore because all they do is stare at them, lol. My son has 10yo classmates that pull their phones out during class, in the halls, all the time really and he doesnt even have one yet. There were tons of things i wasnt able to have in class when i was a kid? I guess that probably lends to the changes you elude to in discipline policies though.
we have abunch of parents to that teach and act like their child is a victim and not to recognize any kind of authority
my opinion of those kinds of issues is it starts at home