When do children return to school where you are?

Elementary school down the street opened up today. Cars and buses clogging the neighborhood twice a day again. Takes a week or two before the dummies figure out they shouldn’t block the side streets while waiting in line :mad:
The high school I went to started back July 31st after they found out that our county was so poor that kids lost too much weight during the summer without discounted lunch at school.
In KS it's a required number of contact hours for the kids. This coming school year the kids start August 16th and will get out May 15th. We have one of the shortest school years but one of the longest school days in our area. My wife is a HS English teacher. I think she starts working one week before students and goes 1 week longer than the students. And there are several days throughout the year where the students get out early or have the whe day off but teachers go in for meetings/training type stuff.
Last ill say on this, WI does NOT have a minimum number of days kids need to be in school, period.
True, no minimum days, but as he pointed out, you most definately have a minimum number of hours, which is the same thing. On an average 7 hour instructional day, that's 162 days for secondary ages.. Shorter than many states, but a minimum non the less.

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Aug 21st! With me working nightshift I get my best sleep during the school year so I can't wait for them to go back. During the summer I typically get woken up 2x's a day.
Not soon enough. I think it's August 28th or so. Most of Idaho is starting earlier. Most of it because they do to many long vacations during the school year. Around here it's short vacations.
I just want all the tourists and rafters to go home!
As mentioned a few posts ago the teacher's union can voice their opinion on how the calendar is structured during the school year. The school board members have to adopt any changes presented. That's how it has been in the districts I have worked in. We have a set number of days in IL as we did in AZ and CA that we had to be teaching and a set number of days we had to be in professional development during the calendar year. Sports can have an impact on the calendar as well you don't really want a Friday night football game with no school in session it can impact attendance greatly.

I start year 31 Monday and hoping I am done after this year. Those of you referring to the "old days" believe me times have changed a bunch with the entire world of education. I could write a book with regards to discipline policies, admin, parents, other staff members, and students. Say what you want but cell phones changed the education profoundly. Safe rides to all your kids on the yellow limos and parents I wish you the best this school year.
True, no minimum days, but as he pointed out, you most definately have a minimum number of hours, which is the same thing. On an average 7 hour instructional day, that's 162 days for secondary ages.. Shorter than many states, but a minimum non the less.

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Thanks for re stating there are no minimum days in WI as ive now stated like 3 times, appreciate that.
As mentioned a few posts ago the teacher's union can voice their opinion on how the calendar is structured during the school year. The school board members have to adopt any changes presented. That's how it has been in the districts I have worked in. We have a set number of days in IL as we did in AZ and CA that we had to be teaching and a set number of days we had to be in professional development during the calendar year. Sports can have an impact on the calendar as well you don't really want a Friday night football game with no school in session it can impact attendance greatly.

I start year 31 Monday and hoping I am done after this year. Those of you referring to the "old days" believe me times have changed a bunch with the entire world of education. I could write a book with regards to discipline policies, admin, parents, other staff members, and students. Say what you want but cell phones changed the education profoundly. Safe rides to all your kids on the yellow limos and parents I wish you the best this school year.
To this day I just cannot understand why schools are unable to just say, "no cell phones during school hours"??? Heck, my wife and i dont let family members have their cell phones when they are over for things like Christmas gatherings anymore because all they do is stare at them, lol. My son has 10yo classmates that pull their phones out during class, in the halls, all the time really and he doesnt even have one yet. There were tons of things i wasnt able to have in class when i was a kid? I guess that probably lends to the changes you elude to in discipline policies though.
I guess that probably lends to the changes you elude to in discipline policies though.
Hardly anybody knows what discipline policies are anymore, in schools or homes. No dress codes, no grooming standards, and nobody seems to care. And that includes some of the teachers and the admin staff. Then they wonder why our society has delved into the cesspool that it has become. I was shocked a few years ago when I saw that 40% of the high school students where our two oldest daughters graduated, had at least one F for a class grade. And it was a very highly rated school and district within the state. That's pretty messed up, and sad.
Not soon enough. I think it's August 28th or so. Most of Idaho is starting earlier. Most of it because they do to many long vacations during the school year. Around here it's short vacations.
I just want all the tourists and rafters to go home!
I share the sentiment!
24th here