What’s you’re draw weight vs Age

Just started off with archery but I’m 35/55

Working on technique to get find good habits even though I know I could pull more weight.

Not very strong anymore...... but been shooting since I was a kids, so pulling a bow is my useless superpower :)

Bows are pretty darn fast these days. Plus with FPS limits on competition..... no need to test some of thee 80# limbs out there. Maybe if I was open country elk hunting or something then a 80# would come into play.
I’m 45 years old and like my bows at 65lbs at 80% letoff
I get speeds in the 280-290 range at my draw length with 450 grain arrows
62 lbs @ 33 years. If my bow would go higher I think I could go to 65 easy but I have pulled back a few 70lb bows and I think that would be more than I want to hunt with.
56 years old & #75
My .02 - Crossover Symmetry has been awesome for keeping my shoulders healthy and something I suspect most archers could benefit from.
I’ve just recently got back into bow hunting at 39. I noticed pulling 70lbs is a little different now lol. Plan on getting back into my weights and making that pull more manageable with practice and weight lifting. Really wanting the extra velocity/energy on my elk hunt this year. As long as I can comfortably draw 70 I won’t drop down, but time will tell…

My question is. What is your age and how much weight do you draw?

I’m 44 with a 29” draw. And pulling 66lbs in the off season and 70lbs about a month and a half to two months before season starts until I’m done with whatever hunts I’m going on.
It's my first bow and I wanted to focus on form and technique and lower the risk of messing up my shoulder.