What’s you’re draw weight vs Age

70 years
Hunting 58#
Indoor Spots 45#
ASA 3D 50#
I calculate I still shoot 15,000 shots a year on average.
25 years, 70lbs with my compound.

45lbs on my recurve but I don’t shoot it much or hunt with it.
50 years old and 64#. Next bow will be my first 60# bow. I don't know too many 50+ year old dudes who have been serious about archery for life who haven't had some shoulder problems.
42yo / 80#. 30" DL 😀
I was shooting 90# up until December. Sold it to buy a Levitate. I'll pick up an APA 90# in the future
I’ve just recently got back into bow hunting at 39. I noticed pulling 70lbs is a little different now lol. Plan on getting back into my weights and making that pull more manageable with practice and weight lifting. Really wanting the extra velocity/energy on my elk hunt this year. As long as I can comfortably draw 70 I won’t drop down, but time will tell…

My question is. What is your age and how much weight do you draw?

58/ 64lbs
Killed 4 bulls with my setup

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