What’s you’re draw weight vs Age

I think I'm at 58#. A little low for some but it does the job. My rationale is about the range. I'm 47, and I want something I can shoot 30-40 practice rounds at without destroying my rotator cuffs or elbows. I don't want to shoot a different weight at the field... so... 58# all around it is.
I look at some of these draw weights... and think of some of the times I've had to hold at full draw for like 1:30-1:45.... shoulders, rotator cuffs all beggin' for mercy and I think "No Spank You!"
51 and shooting 62lbs, I shoot speed bows so still get great performance.

I shot 80 plus for years when I was young, had an injury a while back and started shooting lower draw weight, right around the time bow performance jumped up.

If I bought new I would look for a 65lb option.
When I was mid 30s I had a 86# Black Max 2 that I hunted with for 3 or so years. Shot a couple elk and a few deer with it...

Almost 20 years later my left shoulder trap is considerably larger than the right side. My bathroom mirror reminds me daily of that bow + my pretentious and prideful tendencies.

Currently at 54/70#.
My doctor told me to start shooting lefty
52 years old, pulling 60 lbs. After 2 shoulder surgeries (unrelated to archery), I don’t care to push my shoulder too hard.
52 years old, pulling 60 lbs. After 2 shoulder surgeries (unrelated to archery), I don’t care to push my shoulder too hard.
Same here. (Just 1 surgery though). 53yo 54Lbs. I can pull more, but I can't pull more and be Ninja quiet and hold it for a ridiculously long time.
Was shooting 75# for a while but found 70 more enjoyable. I lift weights so pulling the bow isn’t an issue, just want to enjoy shooting.
60lbs at 27.5” 28 years old. I’m comfortable shooting this weight and it gets the job done so I’m not going hurt myself going to a heavier weight
55lbs at 27.5"
30 years old
Not a big guy, and I've stuck with 55 because I haven't had time to shoot a lot lately. I know I can be consistent at that weight without practicing. Thinking about bumping up to 60lbs for elk this year.