What's Your Non-Truck Hunting Rig?

2017 Toyota Sequoia.

Slept in it.

Has BFG tires on it. Loud as hell! But it's been everywhere.
Best reply yet, depending on the day, the attitude could potential turn into a wild ride!

She had a fear of heights, believe it or not. Almost got both of us killed last summer, but I think we’re through that now. But that attitude is also what makes her so valuable when SHTF on the mountain.

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I have a truck now but 20 years ago I had an Oldsmobile and have had two bucks in the trunk on a midsize vehicle about the size of a Honda Accord. Had a Dodge Caravan which was great. Had a new 2007 Yukon XL and I may have been the only person who used it as a true Utility. I have had 7 deer in the back. Just folded the seats down and covered with a tarp. Should have seen the butchers face when I opened the hatch. It was priceless.

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On the first day I ever went hunting I was driving past a WMA in NJ and saw a guy have an old MG Convertible with a huge buck starting in the back seat and draped over the too small trunk. Funniest thing I have ever seen.

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2013 jku unlimited 2 1/2 lift 33's 9000lb. winch. Can pretty much get where I need to be. if that does'nt work 2020 Can Am max 10 xt full rear gage for the hounds or me to sleep in.
Suzuki Samurai (87TT) Go anywhere a Side by side can and most ATVs. Can roll the windows up and turn on the heater when cold, or dusty. Quartered elk or whole deer no problem. Bought one brand new in '87. Had one since. Prices have gone up if you can find a good one.
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Sometimes it's nice to have a comfy base camp.
I drive a Honda Element, 5 speed, all wheel drive. When I'm careful I get 24 mpg, lots of room, and decent ground clearance. Plus, it's a good incognito huning rig!
We have a RAV4 that I take hunting with the hitch basket set up like others have posted. I got the basket for $40 on Craigslist about 5 years ago… one of my best purchases.
First hunt ever was WI deer gun season in a 1998 Chevy Cavelier. No clue what we actually would have done with a deer if we got one down (our experience matched our rig, so no luck on that one)

Perhaps an odd question, but was it with a guy named Sean?
Our newest non truck… verdict is still out, but we needed something a little more economical (wife’s daily driver is our tundra) and it’s nice having a 3rd rig just in case… my stipulation was it should be able to handle some off-road use for fishing and hunting, so we got the crosstrek and put a 2” lift and ko2’s


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Our newest non truck… verdict is still out, but we needed something a little more economical (wife’s daily driver is our tundra) and it’s nice having a 3rd rig just in case… my stipulation was it should be able to handle some off-road use for fishing and hunting, so we got the crosstrek and put a 2” lift and ko2’s

What size & load rating/ply are your KO2’s?
What size & load rating/ply are your KO2’s?
215/75-15, load range C

With the car being as light as it is, I’m hoping the c rated tires hold up on gravel, it’s going to take awhile to trust them, but it’s the toughest small tires I could find… falken makes another notable option, still c rated

Almost went with the km3’s, but glad we didn’t, the ko2’s are loud enough for me 😉

Funny, they are quiet on my zr2, silent on the tundra, but fairly loud on the car