What’s your ideal hunting truck?

Been looking at the Coloado ZR2's. Looks like a very capable midsized pickup.
My buddy had a 1st gen diesel and it was awesome, tried buying the 2nd gen and had nothing but issues and sold it with less than 20K on it because of it.
If I wasn't towing, there's no way I'd consider anything other than a 1/2 ton gas rig for a daily driver/hunting rig.

Seems like everyone makes a good truck. Any crew cab 1/2 ton with a camper shell would be great. Throw a shovel in the bed and some good tires and try not to over think it.
What were some of the issues? Was it another diesel?
Yes it was another diesel, It leaked a lot of fluids and they couldn't track it down. He went in 3-4 times I think before he got tired of it and got the dealer to take it back.

The 1st one he had was awesome. Towed a small trailer around the country with his family and never had a single issue. Thousands and thousands of miles worry free.

He was leasing that one and wanted to get a new one so he could get more miles out of it, he wishes he would have just bought out the lease now though.
For the local areas I’d love to get another old Tacoma/ranger. Small. Good on gas. I swear they are impossible to get stuck if you don’t do stupid stuff.

Currently building a 24 valve Cummins swapped suburban 2500. The more I think about it, the more I like the idea of it for a hunting rig. Only problem is my performance build plan for it. 650ish target horsepower might not be easy to handle in the western mountains.
So where you hunt is a major factor. Id love a longbed lifted 350 with cap or camper top and all the fixings but hunting in central CO, most USFS roads are single track and they are called jeep roads for a good reason. F150+ sized vehicles can have a hell of time attempting to turn around, back up or even going forward up switchbacks or letting other vehicles through. This applies to much of Wyoming and Idaho as well. Its not about approach angle, lift or lockers as much as length and turning radius of the vehicle. The modern Tacoma/4runner is about as big as it gets for being jeep road nimble and I would not take any larger vehicle up unknown roads, particularly in busier OTC areas or in September when the non hunter users are still going up jeep roads. Tacomas/four runners/ chevy colorados/ ford rangers/ jeeps (if you like breaking down haha)/ are all about the max vehicle size Id recommend. You only need to watch an F250 8 point turn up a switchback on a 40 degree face shelf road once to realize they aren't it. Or have to back down a trail half a mile because the 1500 long bed couldnt fit in the pullout to let you pass.... For my money the FJ cruiser is the best rig Ive hunted in. Excellent turning radius, can tow 5k, can sleep in the back and can crawl up any road without worry of whether I can turn around or make it up.

I've had Frontiers for awhile and I absolutely love them. Throw a camper on it and it does everything I want with decent mpg. I originally wanted a taco but I couldn't justify the extra 10K here in CO. As much as I'd love to run something American, every Ford or Chevy I had growing up was nothing but problems. I don't tow anything though, it's just my commuter/hunting&fishing rig.
I want to second what @Str8shooter said. I'm in south central CO and previously had an F250. A full size, especially an HD truck, can be an absolute liability on some of these super tight mountain roads. A lot of these roads wind up being more like goat paths. I traded my F250 in on a 2013 Tacoma.

Now to piggyback off of @CObywayofUSAF. I dumped my 2013 Tacoma SR5 4x4 and eventually picked up a 2019 Nissan Frontier Pro 4x. IMO, a way better truck and super underrated for some reason. Significantly more power than the tacoma I had. After having this Nissan, I think Tacomas are way overrated. Anybody who's considering a tacoma owes it to themselves and their wallet to at least consider the frontier.
Best hunting truck I have had or been in, was my 1981 Toyota pick up. If it got bad snow or mud, chain it up and it was a beast. The problem with full size trucks are they are to big, not nearly nimble enough to maneuver through trees around rocks nearly as well. Now that I don’t have my Toyota any more, I had to buy a side by side and a four wheeler, to get to the same places we hunt. And they will get even “ deeper” then to yoda did.
IMG_0101.jpegPicked up this 2024 TRD Pro Tundra in September. Took it out for elk and deer and was really impressed with how it handled the sketchy National Forest Roads compared to my Tacoma. Very please with it so far.
My old Toyota T100. It’s a ‘95 and I bought it in ‘06. It’s rough enough on the outside that I don’t mind going about anywhere. Awhile back it needed new seals on the rear axle so while they had it apart I had them put a posi-track setup on it. Runs like a top with 177k miles, expect to use it at least another five years.


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I hunt out of an 01 ford Excursion. It's older and a little rough around the edges so I don't worry about beating it up on some trails that are better suited for a tacoma. It's a solid axle super duty with a station-wagon body! It's super capable off road. Home built deck system in the back that works for me to sleep on and keep my gear organized. And it keeps me from beating up my purdy new diesel! I have hunted out of a long bed F350 before, that wheelbase makes tight trails really tough. This thing is more like F150 short bed wheelbase. With chains on all 4 corners it's basically a snowmobile. IMG_2128.jpegIMG_2123.jpegIMG_2097.jpegIMG_0721.jpeg
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My brothers Ford Raptor. That thing will do 60 on a bumpy ass dirt 2 track and float I kid you not. Every other truck you get smashed around the cab like a pin ball. Seriously the smoothest off road truck I've been in.
Currently hunting rig is an '07 corolla. I do the basic maintenance on it, treat it like a 4-wheeler for a fair portion of the year, and it never has a problem. Its just not exactly a great rig for hunting. So, I am biased towards toyota and dream of the day I can afford a tacoma (not that I couldn't buy one now, we just have other more important priorities at the moment).

I'm not much of a big truck person, but if I did feel the need to go bigger, an f150 would do more than what I need. I've really enjoyed some of the f150s I've driven around for work...not unnecessarily big, but still powerful enough to take on some crazy country.