What's your favorite caliber?

Favorite caliber?

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Sorry for delayed response. Just had hip replacement 2 days ago.
I wish they would make a 223 /556 also.
Think ideal would be like creedmore or 243 over 12 gauge. They are heavy to carry though
Sorry for delayed response. Just had hip replacement 2 days ago.
I wish they would make a 223 /556 also.
Think ideal would be like creedmore or 243 over 12 gauge. They are heavy to carry though
Hopefully you are on the mend! Check this one out. Not in stock right now but might be some out in the wild some where. 243/410... wish it was a 20 gauge instead.

Yes I’ve seen those. Agree should be a 20 g.
I’ve seen a 30-06 / 12ga. Be good gun for bigger stuff. I use my 222/ 20ga for small game but have taken couple deer with it in the 222. Under 75 yards. It shoots same hole with hand loads.
.308 in a Remington 760 and 150 gr Core-Lokts. 1963 edition rifle my dad gave to me and it's shot those same bullets as well as anything all these years. Scope upgrades over the years and I refinished the wood last winter. Most fun: Any flintlock.
I would have listed 223 as my go to but thats not a legal caliber size in my state even though we all know its highly effective for killing deer

currently I'm using a 6x6.8SPC, I plan to move to a bolt action 300blk for hunting the woods and I'll move to a 6 creed for deer hunting.

I'm finding 85-95g copper solids are wonderful for deer. I can only stuff 85g coppers in the 6x6.8. I'm throwing those at about 3000fps

Unless I'm shooting sub sonic ammo, I feel like anything bigger than 6.5mm is overkill for whitetail
308, 168 Amax DRT combo. Having to move to the ELDM when the Amax runs out. Hoping it will work as well. High shoulder or shoulder crease. Our shots are 95% under 300yrds. 300wsm 208 Amax for 400+. Only had 2 of those shots in 35 years. Boiler room on one big swamp buck and spined the other right above shoulder. Over estimated the drop... Both went down but spine required a second round.
.280 browning A Bolt with a 140 grain bullet is a great pill for whitetails. Ive killed bucks out to 300 yards without any problems. Going to be using the same set up next fall for antelope.
7mm-08 with 140 interlock, is one if the smoothest whitetail rounds. But picking a favorite is difficult! Lol
I have been a 257 weatherby user for almost 10 years now. And this was my 1st bolt gun I got and gave to this day. I recently ordered a Browning XBOLT Pro in 6.5PRC. Not a big jump, but capability wise it meets all the standards.
I bought a Henry X-Model .30-30 a few years ago. My shots are short, it's very quiet suppressed, and I haven't had to track a deer I've shot with it yet. All DRT.

I've used many other calibers over the years, from 6.5G on up to 7 mag and .45-70. For my purposes, none have been more effective. I have another X-Model in .45-70, so I'm going to give that a try next year with subsonic hand loads. I have a can for it in jail.

Now if I were to hunt somewhere else with longer shot possibilities, all bets are off. Of my current options, I'd probably go back to 7-08.
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6.5mm family for me. When I’m expecting 200yd and in, suppressed Howa Carbon Stalker I had cut down and threaded to 16” sending 129gr Accubond LR’s at 2,300.

When I’m hunting out to 500yd, suppressed Christensen Mesa FFT in 6.5PRC sending Norma Bondstrikes at 2,750.

Anything further than that gets the 300 WSM.
my favorite thru the years has be the 30.06..not just because I have killed enough deer with it to know if I do my part I don’t have to worry about finding my deer. But it’s common enough and most of the guys at camp shoot it too. There’s value in being easy to get these days.
Depends on where I'm hunting but either a 30-06 or a 30-30 with a 150 gr bullet for whitetail.
Likely shot distance 200 yards or less and heavy timber grab the 30-30, longer open field range is the 30-06.

Looking into options for the more restrictive straight walled areas, maybe a 350 Legend or the newer 360 Buckhammer.

I have a favorite screwdriver too, but it's not the only one I need.