I'm not saying they should be wiped off the map. They weren't prior to ESA listing. But there are far too many in the GYE right now. With them expanding into the Missouri River breaks, southern Wyoming range, the bighorns, and the Pryor mountains, it's obvious they are at carrying capacity.
I don't even care if there is a hunting season for them, but people should have the ability to defend themselves without prison time or tens of thousands of dollars in fines hanging over their head.
If you're a rancher and one is killing your livestock? Shoot it. If you're hiking and get bluff charged? Shoot it. If you're hunting, have been successful, and one approaches your kill site while you're there? Shoot it.
And quite frankly in Wyoming if I were at G&F I would adopt the same management plan for Grizzlies that is used for wolves.