Ummmm they do have the ability to defend themselves. Can you show one case of someone getting fined for self defense? Or prison time?
I personally know multiple people who have been investigated and/or in court due to defending themselves in a grizzly charge. The attitude by the officials in charge (I don't remember if it was WY G&F or feds) AS COMMUNICATED TO ME BY THOSE BEING IVESTIGATED was definitely guilty until proven innocent. My coworker happened to be one who was inside Grand Teton National Park when they shot a charging bear said his phone line was tapped, and they would ask him about specific conversations from the day before. The lucky one was the guy who had the bear run away and was never found, but there were plenty of searches and hopes of "nailing this guy". Another case that went to court never reached a verdict and there was never a "not guilty" conclusion. Instead they will just wait until the statute of limitations runs out and in the meantime let it hang over the accused's head just in case other wildlife crimes happen to confirm you poached a grizzly bear.
If you enjoy being in the woods with family (kids), there's no comparison in the quality between grizz territory and non-grizz territory. If you have the appropriate respect for grizzly, and aren't somewhere on this interesting John Rambo/Timothy Treadwelll outdoorsman spectrum we're seeing when it comes to embracing grizzlies in the woods, you WILL change the way you spend time outdoors.
What my outdoor experience is like living in no grizzly WY:
• Bow/rifle hunting/camping solo most of the time
• Never carry a sidearm
• Young kids hunt and hike with me regularly
•My wife takes the kids out hiking and fishing solo a lot
• kids go explore up the creek bottom on their own
• kids play night games around camp
What it looked like when living in dense grizzly populated Wyoming (more grizzly sign than elk sign)
• no solo bow hunting
• solo rifle hunting only where I have service or within a mile or so of the roadway
• always armed (pistol only if packing 12 guage is not an option)
• adventuring on fourwheelers much more than on foot
• if wife and kids are going out, I am there, loaded for bear
• wife doesn't go out alone (her choice)
• kids never leave my proximity
• hard side camper only restriction imposed by forest service = we do mostly day trips and don't camp as much (I don't havea camper and prefer tent camping)
Life is different in dense bear territory. At this stage, no grizzlies means me and my family have a lot more fun.
EDITED to indicate this is hearsay from involved parties that I know personally.