What's the most accurate fixed blade head on the market?

A magazine tested a bunch of heads a while back with a hooter shooter.
I'm thinking it was petersons bowhunting but I'm not sure.
See if I can dig it up tonight.
Having a "perfectly" tuned bow helps, but you also need a very forgiving head. The reason I say this, is b/c all of us, at one time or another, have had to draw your bow and shoot from a weird position. Yeah, If I have time and get a perfect shooting lane, perfect form and a relaxed grip, I will shoot bullets thru paper every time. When that Bull elk decides to "backdoor" you, and you find yourself trying to figure out how to draw without him seeing you. It is nice to know that my form may not be perfect, but my Wac em' is still going to hit the mark.
If only that were truly the case... I can't count how many people I have helped broadhead tune because they either never shot broadheads for practice or they did and it only produced erratic arrow flight with no clue on how to fix it.

haha I hear ya, working at a pro shop I used to get this all the time! Broadhead tuning is not the 1st step I recommend, but it is vitally important for great arrow flight imo.
Clueless, incompetent, or out of tune have nothing to do with the original question however. And that was........"What's the most accurate fixed blade head on the market?" Pretend that every bow is in perfect tune, and every shooter is a Hooter Shooter........then answer the question.

If every bow was in perfect tune, every broadhead would fly accurately as the next. Assuming "perfect tune" means tuned to your broadhead/FP POI being the same, which should be the ultimate goal of anyone shooting a bow...
If every bow was in perfect tune, every broadhead would fly accurately as the next. Assuming "perfect tune" means tuned to your broadhead/FP POI being the same, which should be the ultimate goal of anyone shooting a bow...

That presumes a perfect release, no wind, etc. Some BH's are more forgiving of external factors.
Having a "perfectly" tuned bow helps, but you also need a very forgiving head. The reason I say this, is b/c all of us, at one time or another, have had to draw your bow and shoot from a weird position. Yeah, If I have time and get a perfect shooting lane, perfect form and a relaxed grip, I will shoot bullets thru paper every time. When that Bull elk decides to "backdoor" you, and you find yourself trying to figure out how to draw without him seeing you. It is nice to know that my form may not be perfect, but my Wac em' is still going to hit the mark.

If you don't use the same or "proper" form, even when a bull back doors you, your point of impact will be off. This is just making an excuse, every shot with a bow you have to replicate not exactly proper form because most don't have that, but the same form every shot, to be accurate. Your anchor, even nose pressure on the string can move point of impact.

All this, can't do perfect form is a load of horse $h!t. You can still have perfect form hunting. It's being lazy and using an excuse.

Not calling you out, but all it is lazy BS.
That presumes a perfect release, no wind, etc. Some BH's are more forgiving of external factors.

Perfect release is related to form. Yes that's true of external factors, but then that brings up the question of distance given the situation.
I've had good luck over the past 4 years with Hellrazors. They seem to shoot very accurately and tune quickly out of my 70# setups. This pic is the final tune before my elk hunt a couple of years ago, 60 yards, snuff can, the arrow in the can is the broadhead and the field point is just outside. Took the Hellrazors to Africa in 2011 and killed 6 critters with complete pass thru on everything except for the Kudu that I hit in the shoulder blade. The arrow did go through the shoulder blade and stopped on the opposite shoulder blade, and did kill the Kudu.


Having said that, last year I tried a mechanical for the first time and used the Ulmer Edge on a large cow elk, worked extremely well and I am impressed. Going to stick with the Ulmer for this year too, if I draw a tag.

If every bow was in perfect tune, every broadhead would fly accurately as the next. Assuming "perfect tune" means tuned to your broadhead/FP POI being the same, which should be the ultimate goal of anyone shooting a bow...

Not true. You're saying that if your bow is in perfect tune that every head you screw on will hit perfectly. That's not the case. And that's not the case because every BH has different characteristics, just as every shooter has different form. So..........is the question really "What is the most accurate BH for your setup"? Or is it what was actually posted?

There's more than just having a "tuned" bow to shooting different fixed heads well. For one, you need enough fletching to overcome the plane of the blades. You want the fletching steering your arrow, not the BH. But even with adequate fletching, not all BH's are still going to hit exactly the same. That's why it's best to pick a head, tune to it, and shoot the heck out of it.

However, there still should be a "Most Accurate Fixed Blade Broadhead on the Market".
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Not true. You're saying that if your bow is in perfect tune that every head you screw on will hit perfectly. That's not the case. And that's not the case because every BH has different characteristics, just as every shooter has different form. So..........is the question really "What is the most accurate BH for your setup"? Or is it what was actually posted?

There's more than just having a "tuned" bow to shooting different fixed heads well. For one, you need enough fletching to overcome the plane of the blades. You want the fletching steering your arrow, not the BH. But even with adequate fletching, not all BH's are still going to hit exactly the same. That's why it's best to pick a head, tune to it, and shoot the heck out of it.

However, there still should be a "Most Accurate Fixed Blade Broadhead on the Market".

5Miles, I am not sure if you are not understanding what I am saying. A perfectly tuned bow is one that is shooting same POI with FP's as with FBBH's. If your FBBH of choice is not shooting the same POI as your FP's then you make a few adjustments (tune) to get them the same. If you do nothing and just adjust your site, your arrows are likely not flying very well. So, read what I wrote again and tell me that I am off base... I highly doubt there is a "tune" out there that will shoot every FBBH the same, so some tinkering to the specific head will likely be required...

Which is why I said... "Assuming "perfect tune" means tuned to your broadhead/FP POI being the same, which should be the ultimate goal of anyone shooting a bow..."
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5Miles, I am not sure if you are not understanding what I am saying. A perfectly tuned bow is one that is shooting same POI with FP's as with FBBH's. If your FBBH of choice is not shooting the same POI as your FP's then you make a few adjustments (tune) to get them the same. If you do nothing and just adjust your site, your arrows are likely not flying very well. So, read what I wrote again and tell me that I am off base... I highly doubt there is a "tune" out there that will shoot every FBBH the same, so some tinkering to the specific head will likely be required...

Which is why I said... "Assuming "perfect tune" means tuned to your broadhead/FP POI being the same, which should be the ultimate goal of anyone shooting a bow..."

Right........but that's different than what was asked in the title of the thread. And you explained why.......because every BH will tune a little differently. Just because someone is shooting the same POI with FP's and BH's at lets say 40 yards, does not mean that they are in fact shooting the "most accurate fixed blade BH on the market". Are you not understanding this?
Thank you for proving my point... 95% of the broadheads out there will be accurate if the person is willing to put in the time to properly tune their bow.

What are the parameters to constitute accurate? Bow off the shelf, shooting FP's good, throw on a FBBH and shoot, whichever shoots the best is "the most accurate FBBH on the market"?

I can tell you right now that there are likely 4 or 5 "mainstream" FBBH's out there that will fly pretty good with no adjustments required. Slick Tricks, Shuttle Ts, Wac-ems, Solids, etc. But even sh*tty form can throw those off... So are they the most accurate, because you didn't have to move anything? The broadheads that require some tuning, such as a VPA, Muzzy, Magnus, etc are now considered not accurate, even though a guy can get them to shoot great with a little work?

And I fully understand "this".
Ya, but this isn't the "Can I shoot fixed blade BH's accurately out of my bow if I tune it" thread.

As stated, yes there is a "most accurate" head out there on the market. Only a Hooter Shooter will definitively figure out which one. You read the thread title, and your first response is "All of them". That is not a correct contention for the title of the thread.

Did you know that even an out of tune bow should shoot the same BH to the same impact point every time if everything else is held constant? That still doesn't mean that this particular BH is the most accurate on the market. See what I mean? Tuning is extraneous to the initial question.
Seems to always turn into broadhead tune and do not worry about it, but some broadheads will emphasize a mistake in form or tune much greater than others.