What's the compromise caliber?

308 and 6.5 PRC are, on average, essentially the same in recoil. 6.5 CM will, on average, give you an 18% reduction in recoil over the 308.

I'm going to ask a really dumb question... but do you find that 6.5prc has "snappier" recoil?
I shot my dads 270 a bunch this year and that gun, at a similar weight to my 308 felt a little sharper. May have been stock design, weight of the gun, etc. But it hit my shoulder differently than my 308. Is that the case with 6.5 prc?
Do you think the recoil is a factor for 6.5 prc or is it manageable for most people?

I'm asking genuinely, having never shot one I'm not sure what the recoil is like in a normal hunting weight rifle setup. I thought I could tolerate recoil, which I can sort of. But I shoot 308 and everything with less recoil than 308 better than I do anything above. It made me change my mind on magnums and magnum recoil.

This is heathen style unbraked, unsurpressed just for comparison sake since I'm a barbaric idiot and I haven't ponied up for a surpressor yet

Very manageable if you are a normal hunter.

Not so manageable if you are adamant on spotting shots.
Gotta make a big list. Then see what your compromise is after ranking things and hard limits on others. Some of mine...

factory ammo(common)
Short action or shorter
20” or shorter
7-8lb scoped rifle
recoil (270 win at 7lb all up equiv max)
BC/SD (.5 g1 and .25 min)
Rapid expansion construction(eldm)
moderate velocity
120gr or higher
6.5 or higher
0-500/600 potential

I can watch 6.5 Grendel 123’s but wouldn’t mind another 100 fps from short barrel and factory ammo so hope for 6.5 gay tiger 123-130 eldm on shelf one day for short action ease and full pressure, that would replace Grendels. Which would be less gay than 6.5 manbun which i’d run 140’s as alternative but because it’s so gay I run 308 168 white box m’s as my compromise instead and refuse to ever own a creed despite it may be the ultimate comprise of them all.

Trade offs in recoil advantages on the sub 120 gr stuff rationalized away by wallop factor. ;)
The cartridge compromise is real, but I see it as a matter of comfort and convince. In these days of heated and air conditioned seats to keep your hoo ha at exactly the correct temperature, 3/4 ton trucks sprung like a 4 door Buick, satellite radio to never miss Joe Rogan, and sissy tailgates that automatically fold down and deploy a loading step like some mini corporate jet, people just don’t like loud noises or any recoil out of a rifle. If it sounds and recoils like a dog fart everyone loves it. Rather than hold it like a Clovis spear about to off a mastadon, folks strap it to their pack so their hand doesn’t cramp. Way too much time is spent discussing what brand of plastic is better for gun parts, rather than throwing that junk in the recycling bin to be made into Trex decking and nylon spatulas.

Make a rifle big and all steel, with a flame that jumps out the muzzle and recoil that sets you back in the seat like an alcohol powered dragster. Make the thing loud like some good fireworks. Shoot the damn thing until you’re accurate with it, rather than complain it’s too hard to get to the range, or the weather will make you melt, or never zero in the wind, and rely on dog fart recoil to make you accurate. lol

Not going to lie, I do wish my jitney had heated seats, so what do I know. 🙂
You never stop talking, and never say anything accurate.
A Hoo Ha is a vagina, so do what ever you need to do to keep it at the correct temp!

You never stop talking, and never say anything accurate.
A Hoo Ha is a vagina, so do what ever you need to do to keep it at the correct temp!

You’ve got me - no putting anything past you. The word police win this one. Rather than saying “…to keep your hoo ha…” I could have said “…to keep your vagina…”

Your feelings are valid - do lots of positive affirmations. *big hugs*

If it helps you feel better I’ll take back my snarky comment about your tailgate - that probably was uncalled for. I’m just jealous my old Ford doesn’t have a remote controlled tailgate.
I'm going to ask a really dumb question... but do you find that 6.5prc has "snappier" recoil?
I shot my dads 270 a bunch this year and that gun, at a similar weight to my 308 felt a little sharper. May have been stock design, weight of the gun, etc. But it hit my shoulder differently than my 308. Is that the case with 6.5 prc?
I've no experience with the PRC myself, but I can speak to the data. According to the chart, there is no effectively difference in recoil velocity between the two, My guess is that your experience is based on differences in gun weight or recoil pad.
Rather than caliber, figure bullet weight and powder capacity vs barrel length. A medium capacity cartridge with ~120gr bullet is available in multiple calibers and cartridges. The recoil is pleasant in a standard weight gun for extended shooting, though barrel heating never is. With advances in bullet designs, such can be used for pretty much all hunting most people actually do and without too much sacrifice on the target range.

If you go shorter on the barrel, trend upward in caliber. If I had to pick one cartridge to represent this, and giving every consideration: .308. Anything else is a practical sacrifice of one kind of another for less than total improvement.
Too true. I dont think anyone will argue with me when I say that one’s hoo-ha can never be too temperature controlled.
Yes, that was a challenge.
I've tried just about everything made for cold weather hunting, and my arse freezes no matter what. Except one year when I wore thick thermal/waterproof overalls and crammed a seat cushion back there. That worked pretty well, but walking was hell. Didn't exactly want to swing by a store on the way there or back either...
I've tried just about everything made for cold weather hunting, and my arse freezes no matter what. Except one year when I wore thick thermal/waterproof overalls and crammed a seat cushion back there. That worked pretty well, but walking was hell. Didn't exactly want to swing by a store on the way there or back either...
Dontcha know hothands and back pockets go together like elk and 6.5creedmoor!