Whats the closest shot you have ever had on a P ronghorn? Because of Pronghorns weary nature i think it is neat when guys get real close to them. My closest shot ever was 9 yards.
I put a stalk on a goat once, thinking that I would pop over a ridge about 100 yards from him. While I was en route, he moved down the ridge and was only about 20 yards from me when I poked my head over. I didn't have my rifle ready, but I still got him at about 150 yards when he stopped to look back!
Missed one this past season in Idaho at 12 yards after a very long stalk. I just totally blew it!
Missed another one in KS after an awesome decoy set-up. We had something like 6-8 bucks come running at the decoy, shot for about 20 yards, he was closer and the arrow went over his back.
I think I have the worst luck with Pronghorn's. One of these years I might just get to punch my tag and put one on the wall.