Whats the closest shot you have had on a Pronghorn?

25 yards - the herd ran around some bushed and stopped 25 yards from me, looking back over their shoulders at a truck on a road. Could see the eyelashes and bumps on the bucks horns. I only had doe tags.
Whats the closest shot you have ever had on a P ronghorn? Because of Pronghorns weary nature i think it is neat when guys get real close to them. My closest shot ever was 9 yards.
60 yards, with a 7 mag... next time a took a 257 roberts and had to shoot a whopping 75 yards.
I’ve shot 3 at less than 10 yards, 1 was probably 3-4 yards. All spot and stalk. I don’t even attempt stalks anymore if they aren’t in absolutely perfect spots. But I live where I hunt so time isn’t an issue