I am on my 3rd pair of HA's. .. First (2) pair were Oticon (w/ batteries). .. Present pair, which I have had for approximately 2-months, are Phonak rechargeable. ... My research indicates Oticon & Phonak are considered top (2) HA brands + my Audiologist who has worn HA's since 3-years old agreed, letting me know she switches back & forth between these (2) brands. ... I went to Costco on suggestion of friend. Costco offered me Phonak, but after researching, I determined like "most" stuff offered by Costco / Sam's Club etc, the Phonak HA's offered by Costco were not the same, "top of line model Phonak's" I was able to get thru Audiologist. Plus, if you are in an area w/o a Costco, & need some service, local hearing aid providers cannot service them as Costco has some type agreement w/ manufacturer preventing this & wanting you to come back to them for service. ... I paid the extra $900 and bought top of line model Phonak's from my Audiologist. ... Totally satisfied! ... Love the HA's!