What!!?? The dreaded hearing aid

Jeez, amazing what you discuss as you age.
I figured I would post this here even though hearing loss affects younger folks also.
So..........without breaking the bank or selling off your gun collection, anyone have experience with affordable and cheaper hearing aids that you are happy with??
It's mind-boggling what some of them cost.

Dang sorry to hear!
I'm still amazed at the cost through Medicare and insurance co's. It is highway robbery. They are almost all cheaper without insurance. Not to say $1800 bucks is cheap. $7000 dollars for a set is just stealing. JMHO. I'll bet the chinese parts are worth worth about $30 bucks.
I talked about my dislike for the Phillips 9040 series and Costco a few posts ago.
I ordered some Jabra "Enhance select 300" aids and after wearing them all day I can say I really like them, the app is better and I can hear better than with the Phillips.
I went to lunch in a semi crowded restaurant and everything was good, they have several modes including "restaurant mode" but I did not feel it necessary to switch, I am happy.
Hearing loss and a lack of hearing aids is associated with increased dementia risk. So, more than just a convince factor to spend the money and get things taken care of (or to spend the money on a muffler for younger guys who have not fully trashed their ears).
I just ordered some amplified ear protection for hunting, dog training and running in hunt tests. I wear ear muffs mowing my yard now too. My dad had lost his hearing as he got older and I don't want the same, so I'm protecting what I have left.
I am on my 3rd pair of HA's. .. First (2) pair were Oticon (w/ batteries). .. Present pair, which I have had for approximately 2-months, are Phonak rechargeable. ... My research indicates Oticon & Phonak are considered top (2) HA brands + my Audiologist who has worn HA's since 3-years old agreed, letting me know she switches back & forth between these (2) brands. ... I went to Costco on suggestion of friend. Costco offered me Phonak, but after researching, I determined like "most" stuff offered by Costco / Sam's Club etc, the Phonak HA's offered by Costco were not the same, "top of line model Phonak's" I was able to get thru Audiologist. Plus, if you are in an area w/o a Costco, & need some service, local hearing aid providers cannot service them as Costco has some type agreement w/ manufacturer preventing this & wanting you to come back to them for service. ... I paid the extra $900 and bought top of line model Phonak's from my Audiologist. ... Totally satisfied! ... Love the HA's!
I was given two sets through the VA, neither has worked very well. Now they sit in a closet. Part of the problem is they go in my ear and that drove me crazy. They also amplified everything but what I was trying to hear.

I dont wear them anymore, but I’m more selective about where I’m going and what I’m doing as far as my hearing is concerned.
I use Apple AirPods Pro 2 with the hearing aid function. Very impressed. My hearing loss is moderate in the higher frequencies, and these help a bunch. Their noise canceling seems to work well too.
I use Apple AirPods Pro 2 with the hearing aid function. Very impressed. My hearing loss is moderate in the higher frequencies, and these help a bunch. Their noise canceling seems to work well too.

Im not as impressed. But I’ve never had anything else to compare with. To me everything sounds a bit tinny. But the phone and media sounds fine.
They do help in situations like restaurants where there’s a lot of background noise though.

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As a 37 year old with hereditary hearing loss, do not wait to get hearing aids. You stop learning what you stop hearing. I cannot imagine living without mine and quality of life is so much better. I don’t have experience with Costco but the price of hearing aids at my audiologist (ENT office) were insane. Like $5k.

I’ll be hunting with a suppressor whenever possible.
Im not as impressed. But I’ve never had anything else to compare with. To me everything sounds a bit tinny. But the phone and media sounds fine.
They do help in situations like restaurants where there’s a lot of background noise though.

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I think you'd find them better than budget hearing aids, with better noise cancelling. I’ve not found any that give perfect tone. You might try the Costco versions, they get good reviews for under 2k. My Apples were under $200.
I think you'd find them better than budget hearing aids, with better noise cancelling. I’ve not found any that give perfect tone. You might try the Costco versions, they get good reviews for under 2k. My Apples were under $200.

I didn’t buy them for the hearing aid feature. I use it tho because I have significant loss in one ear. I can’t compare them to anything and probably won’t ever. On sale they aren’t much less than $200. They are more like $240. Except on Black Friday when they are around $165.

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As a birthday gift for my wonderful wife last year I bought a pair of Phillips hearing aids...for myself LOL!

Got them and my hearing test at our local Costco. I've had them for a couple months now...it's an adjustment and I need to improve on my use consistency, but I hear things I've not heard in a while.
At one point I started feeling a bit sorry for myself that I let my hearing diminish. But then, I see folks in much worse permanent condition, i.e., obese, wheelchair, amputations, so realized hearing aids are similar to having to wear glasses for folks. Just put them in every day and it's part of life. Truly glad we have the technology and options in aids.
We do not have a Costco nearby (I have used them and have a "spare set"). I went to Sam's Club and they had Lucid. I am on my second pair. Reasonably priced, but I am interested in trying the Jabra and Apples in the feild.
Got mine from Costco, too. Philips hearing aids. It's not back to perfect and normal but it is much better.

$1700 for mine, 2.5 years ago. Money well spent.