What is your biggest public land pet-peeve?

I won't reiterate what everyone else has stated. For me it boils down to RESPECT, or the lack thereof. Respect for the land, respect for fellow hunters, respect for other public land users, respect for wildlife, respect for habitat, etc.

Too often I walk away shaking my head. The level of stupidity and lack of respect ruins it for everyone.

The lack of respect for our fellow human beings is destroying this country. It all seems to be just about ME these days. Sad.😥
Some of the places I've found beer cans are just stunning. And not even good beer. I mean, if you're gonna haul 12 oz. into some of these places, it should at least be worth it.

Theres a pretty remote canyon I decided to explore last fall. Imagine my surprise when I found a TV in the bottom of it. No way you could get a truck there to push it out of it.
For me, it’s definitely those that don’t bury their crap and leave their toilet paper blossoms everywhere and anywhere. What surprises me is the same people that recreate there year after year (say in a big gravel pit area) keep coming back to their own shiitty area the next season! You would think they would even get tired of dodging their own filth.
I was glassing with a friend last night and our peaceful evening was interrupted by a loud 2 stroke engine. We proceeded to watch a chunky dude start and stop his motorcycle a dozen times while trying to make his way up an old logging roads clogged with downed trees. The only silver lining to the situation was watching his lazy ass tip over a couple times. He finally busted off the logging road and flew past us on the top of the hill while churning up dust and digging a trench in the ground the whole way. I was prepared to tell the dude what I though of him, but he didn't acknowledge my presence as he sped past me at 20 yards. I then watched him go a quarter of a mile up a roadless hillside, leaving a dusty scar behind him the entire way. I know it is not legal to take atvs off trail and the number of tracks I see on the side of the hill really pisses me off. I am tempted to buy a paintball gun and pack it with me in hopes I run into that guy again. I can't imagine a more satisfying feeling than lighting his fat ass up while he is out breaking trail at high speed. It is fat lazy selfish douches like this that get areas shut down and ruin it for everyone.

I feel much better now. Thanks for the vent session.
Finding trash is my biggest pet peeve. I always pick it up but it really irritates me.
So glad I found this thread, I was just stewing on these issues & wondering what the hell is going on with society. Here are a few observations:

1. A dramatic increase in public shitting, every trailhead, boat landing, parking lot, etc has a mud pile and paper. More disturbing to me is that where you find one, you find more in the same area....makes me wonder, is this person returning to the same spot? or do others see the pile & feel comfortable leaving their own offerings?!

2. The ATV/UTV craze, seems like every one of these people are cut out of the same mold overweight, mildly intoxicated, usually driving someplace they shouldn't be but are too dumb to realize it. Also, seems like they always want to chat, and "you'll have a hard time finding anyone who spends as much time in the woods as I do"

3. "Hunting Trucks" with excessively loud custom exhaust....this one is hard for me to wrap my head around.

4. Trash

5. Road hunters

The icing on the cake was taking a nice walk with my wife in an area that usually has other hikers, I am enjoying my hike when a mouth breathing shirtless guy comes out of nowhere, stands in front of me and asks "Hey, you guys up here to go skinny dipping in the lake?....lots of people come up here to skinny dip".

I did my best to look at my wife with a facial expression that expressed: "Honey, please give me the nod so I have your permission to kick the shit out of this guy"
"Super petty pet peeve: People who fish with the plastic shrink wrap still on their cork fishing rod handles. It’s made outta cork for a reason, idiots! I guess it’s better than cutting it off and pitching it on the bank."

I believe this is a technique commonly used to make it easier to spin the rod so that the spinning reel is upside down and reeled backwards after you have made your cast
Here in CO folks are starting to paint graffiti on rock outcroppings. So that is a nice touch. And I also like the folks who haul out tv sets, hot water heaters, cardboard boxes for targets. They shoot em full of holes and then leave them laying there. Lot of losers in the world.
People hauling in a bunch of crap into the backcountry and leaving it. I just got back from a backpack trip in the Weminuche wilderness and found a lot of trash. Here's a couple pics taken at a campsite about 9 miles in. I don't get it, do they think it's just going to dissolve or most likely just don't give a crap.


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Honestly, I know it's been said a thousand times on the thread, but mine would be:

-Litterers, Nothing makes me more upset than going Hiking/Hunting/Camping and seeing an area completely trashed by the people who were there before like it's not that hard to put all Your beer cans and cigarette butts in one place and then throw them away, also people who leave broken camping gear behind, Like I get if you leave something for the next guy to cook/Roast his food with but that goes under the same thing to me.

-Also, people who have no regard for others or nature When they are out in the woods, I go up here to get away from people the last thing I want to hear is you Redline your 60CC Yamaha Trying to get up the mountain while blasting music from your Blown Bluetooth speaker at what must be 3AM on the mountainside.
Here in CO folks are starting to paint graffiti on rock outcroppings. So that is a nice touch. And I also like the folks who haul out tv sets, hot water heaters, cardboard boxes for targets. They shoot em full of holes and then leave them laying there. Lot of losers in the world.

-This one also really rubs me the wrong way, I get not being able to pick up every single piece of Brass but at least clean up your targets guys. also, the Graffiti one I will never Understand we had a historical monument out here in UT debased not too long ago and I just can't imagine what child would have done that cause my mother would have beat me senseless.

People who cache their hunting camps.


Especially when every spring and riparian area and stream bank nearby is beat to sh*t.

Especially when they are there during times of year when they are not supposed to be according to the terms of the grazing permit.

Especially when I call the BLM range con and tell them that and they give me the “um, we know, but we aren’t gonna do anything about for whatever lame reason.”

Especially when it goes on year after year.

*sorry, I know cattle grazing a third rail of public lands hunting/conservation as espoused by Newberg/BHA/RMEF
I agree with the cattle and sheep.

I see it akin to having the public pay for a private business' operating expenses. When was the last time you saw beef prices go down?

If the drought is so bad then perhaps we shouldn't invade our public lands with cattle to eat all the feed. The deer, elk and other wild animals have nowhere else to get food while the cows certainly do.

In fact, the cows invade and eat the wild food then we shoot at or kill elk and deer that do the same in return when they turn to the farms for a food source.

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It bugs me when I find atv/utv and snowmobile tracks on an area I hunt that’s basically a mile from any access point. I work hard to get back away from the crowd just to find that someone has been cruising around on old trails that were there from when the land was private.