What is your biggest public land pet-peeve?

I haven't hunted public land for many years for these reasons.
Pet peeves
1. All the trash left behind
2. Sneaking in to a earlier scouted area well before light and then have somebody come in after daylight making a ton of noise .then climb a tree and set a stand 30 yards from me even after I tell them don't you think your kind of close. Their comment tuff.
3.. Somebody trying to climb into your tree stand while your in it.
Mylar ballons!!!
People let their kids let these things go in the suburbs and they inevitably end up crashing in my hunt spots!
Yeah, I picked up one of these in a wilderness area that said "Happy Anniversary," thinking it would be funny to give to my hunting partner when I got back to camp, just to find out he'd found one, too, "Happy Birthday!"
I was glassing with a friend last night and our peaceful evening was interrupted by a loud 2 stroke engine. We proceeded to watch a chunky dude start and stop his motorcycle a dozen times while trying to make his way up an old logging roads clogged with downed trees. The only silver lining to the situation was watching his lazy ass tip over a couple times. He finally busted off the logging road and flew past us on the top of the hill while churning up dust and digging a trench in the ground the whole way. I was prepared to tell the dude what I though of him, but he didn't acknowledge my presence as he sped past me at 20 yards. I then watched him go a quarter of a mile up a roadless hillside, leaving a dusty scar behind him the entire way. I know it is not legal to take atvs off trail and the number of tracks I see on the side of the hill really pisses me off. I am tempted to buy a paintball gun and pack it with me in hopes I run into that guy again. I can't imagine a more satisfying feeling than lighting his fat ass up while he is out breaking trail at high speed. It is fat lazy selfish douches like this that get areas shut down and ruin it for everyone.

I feel much better now. Thanks for the vent session.
Great post!! Still laughing an hour later! Watched a fat dude and his wife drive a Ford bronco directly underneath my stand in AZ in a Quiet area (no vehicles) right at sunset and over a hot game trail. I could not believe what I was seeing.
My wife and I like to frequent a lake in SW Oklahoma for fishing, swimming and probably waterfowling this fall. If the trash wasn’t bad enough, now we have to contend with people who burn wooden pallets at the primitive boat ramps and you end up with nails all over the place.
Its not just southern Oklahoma, North Central OK as well. I can't tell you the number of times I've gone to the boat ramp in the morning and found fires still burning and garbage everywhere from people partying and "camping" all night. There are "no camping" and "no fire" signs but I'm not entirely sure the violators can read.
Mine is horses in backcountry wilderness. Horses allow any turd a ride and whatever gear they want many miles back. The deep wilderness should be reserved for those who have the balls and will power to get back there on their own feet. Nothing worse than putting the sweat equity into a spot all year, have your plans made for the opener, packed you gear in with multiple trips, the spot is completely undisturbed. Then opening day a bunch of tards ride in one horses and blow the entire place up in one day. Happens to me every year.
Trash and people who use the wildlife area for target practice during deer season. Not legal anytime in my area but jeez not while I'm trying to stalk deer...
People that can't drive a mile down the road when someone is already in the parking lot. I generally have at least 3 spots in mind any given day incase someone is already there. Now I just keep a mental log of the vehicles of people that have walked in on me and I have no issue doing the same.
People that can't drive a mile down the road when someone is already in the parking lot. I generally have at least 3 spots in mind any given day incase someone is already there. Now I just keep a mental log of the vehicles of people that have walked in on me and I have no issue doing the same.

I live between 60k acres of public. I cant tell you the amount of times Ive come out of the woods to a vehicle parked beside me, drive the entire way home and never see another. A lot of times I didnt see those vehicles all spring or summer. Its like they think.... well this guy found something so I am going here too.

Ive had guys pull in beside me in the predawn in similar situations. Id get it if the woods were loaded full of people but they arent. I usually have the most problem if theres a trail head of any type.
This one is from a friend- "off-leash dog walkers that come up to you and try to have a conversation with you, while you're hunting".
I also hate when you get out of your vehicle and another pulls up and they don’t say anything to you and just head off into the woods.
Big pet peeve that seems to be getting more frequent, I Hiked 6mi today on public land & found 5 different surface $hits and TP right on or within a few feet of the trail. The fact that there was TP strewn about tells me these were planned events and not an emergency, please do us all a favor and at least step off the trail to drop your mud.