I had something happen in CO for the first time last season, and it happened repeatedly on that same hunt. I try to talk to everyone I see hiking in or out on the same trails, especially if we're both heading into the same area. An hour before daylight, 2 miles in and 1000' vertical from the trailhead, I have a young couple come up the trail behind me so I say hi and ask which direction they plan to hunt that day. It's the kind of area where you only have a couple major drainages, and I didn't want to bump into them later. If you're in this spot, everyone knows about every 'honey hole' up there and we're all day hunting. They were super tight lipped about even the general direction they were going, so I let them know where I was headed and they said ok, good luck, etc. 2 hours later we bump back into each other in the spot I said I was going into and the guy's response "hey, it's public land." Had that guy told me he wanted to hunt that drainage I would have said cool and went a different direction to avoid the pressure. I let him know that and tried to have a conversation since we were both hunting this area during the rest of the 9 day rifle season, but he wasn't having it. We had a couple similar awkward encounters throughout the week.