What does it take to kill a grizzly?

MHG - we may need to hold back due to a medical accommodation.

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I am actually concerned that he may have dementia…. Not sure how else you couldn’t remember if you had killed 3 grizzly bears, or 30 grizzly bears.
Lol, that’s the funniest thing I’ve read on here for awhile. You’ve killed between 3 and 30 grizzly bears? How on earth do you not remember? Is that because you have shot at 30 and only recovered 3? Not being snarky, I’m genuinely curious about that discrepancy.
You are not being snarky at all. I am private about my personal life to a certain degree . It’s a fact I have killed between 3-30 grizzly bears. At least 3 more than Formidilosus has. None with a .223. I just don’t get off on internet experts with zero experience feeding the masses.
You are not being snarky at all. I am private about my personal life to a certain degree . It’s a fact I have killed between 3-30 grizzly bears. At least 3 more than Formidilosus has. None with a .223. I just don’t get off on internet experts with zero experience feeding the masses.
Ah, guess I missed your op about it, that makes more sense than not remembering the exact number. I can understand keeping your personal life somewhat private. I have personally had close encounters with between 2 and 7,541 grizzly bears in north Idaho, but I don’t like to share about any of them on here.
The same argument again. The hypothesis is that a heavy for caliber bullet in 22 or 6mm will do the job in harvesting animal X. Lots of people argue other calibers are needed to do the job, yet few offer any examples of the original hypothesis either working or failing. You don’t disprove the original hypothesis by proving a big bore works, all that proves is other solutions exist to the problem at hand.

I have never hunted a bear, but do know they can be killed by an arrow. A coworker and his father both got deer by bow in Canada. That suggests you don’t need a magnum to get the job done.
The same argument again. The hypothesis is that a heavy for caliber bullet in 22 or 6mm will do the job in harvesting animal X. Lots of people argue other calibers are needed to do the job, yet few offer any examples of the original hypothesis either working or failing. You don’t disprove the original hypothesis by proving a big bore works, all that proves is other solutions exist to the problem at hand.

I have never hunted a bear, but do know they can be killed by an arrow. A coworker and his father both got deer by bow in Canada. That suggests you don’t need a magnum to get the job done.
You are missing the point.
Formidilosus who never has even been on a grizzly/brown bear hunt is giving advice to use a.223REM to hunt grizzly brown bears.
Cape Buffalo have been killed with a .17 REM.
We are saying there are better choices and would not recommend a .223 REM especially being recommended by someone with zero experience hunting grizzlies. Read Phil Shoemaker’s comments over on Accurate Reloading
I’ll freely admit that l’ve never had a grizzly tag in my pocket, although I don’t understand the reasoning that buying a bear tag increases your knowledge on terminal ballistics…. But for those of you that are saying a .22 cal with heavy bullets is fine for a perfect, broadside shot on a calm bear but won’t work on a charging one, would you be comfortable using a .44 magnum revolver on a charging bear? Or maybe a .454 casull or .500 magnum? Because a 77 tmk at high velocity is going to cause multiple times more damage than any handgun cartridge with any bullet you want to pick.


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Use whatever you want, with appropriate bullets they all seem to work ok. Don’t give advice to others on what to use on the big bears unless you have had 1- a successful encounter with your suggested cartridge, AND 2- an unsuccessful encounter (ie you died) with the one you’re arguing against. Great, now we can move on!

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You are not being snarky at all. I am private about my personal life to a certain degree . It’s a fact I have killed between 3-30 grizzly bears. At least 3 more than Formidilosus has. None with a .223. I just don’t get off on internet experts with zero experience feeding the masses.
This has to win the prize for gayest answer in history...🤣
Lol, so you compare your experiences to Phil Shoemaker? Really??
Your grizzly/brown bear pic (your one and only?) is much smaller than any black bear I have killed.
Dang...you called my bluff...you got me!

Oh, wait, I have between 3 and 30 grizzly skulls laying around in the yard...I'm kind of gay, uh, I mean private though so I can't give you an exact number.