What does everyone do for a living?

Not Nuthin ! After 28 years in the Petro industry. ( and about 10 years doing HVAC and cabinetry work ) Just hunt and fish mostly now. I now make a buck here and there doing work for locals.
Service technician in the water/ waste water industries. I sell ,service ,and install ag, muni, and industrial pumps and controls. Combination welder/ electrician/ and mechanic. Ran my own company for 15 years, sold out to my competition in 2015 and now run their service division in the Coastal Carolinas.
Integrated circuit test engineer at Broadcom
as a young man, I was a commercial longline fisherman and gill etter in Alaska for 10 years.
I have realized that sitting on my ass isn't near as bad as 50 foot waves in the Gulf of Alaska.
Oh, and e-tech at Halliburton for a year; that was fun!