What did you do in the reloading room today?

Loaded some 6.5 PRC cartridges for my newly re-barreled Tikka. Loaded some 143gr ELDX, 145gr TGK, 127gr LRX and some 156gr EOL. We'll see what she seems to like and go from there.
I misspoke in my post above. I follow his theory, I just didn't see him go in depth or explain any test or evidence of this theory being correct.

This book https://archive.org/details/RifleAccuracyFactsFullV1.0FirstFullScan/page/n53/mode/2up contains theoretical, simulation, and experimental results that indicate that barrel modes do indeed exist and impact precision.

Like I said, I think I need to read Jeff's book to really get into the meat of his theory and evidence. I just haven't yet.
Well I bought Siewert's book (caveat, I'm only halfway through), and unfortunately it is much the same as his podcast appearances. A series of statements and anecdotes with little to no theory, data, or discussion of test methods and results. It reads more like a memoir than anything scientific. Yes there are interesting findings and analysis discussed, but it is more a list of results and career accomplishments than it is a scientific explanation of ammunition.

That being said, his experience seems very high-level, so I'm not saying that his presented conclusions and facts are wrong. Just that the book is not very enlightening on how he arrived at these conclusions or tested various hypotheses. Contrast that to Litz's books, where he shows the entire scientific process from problem statement to hypothesis to test to conclusions, as well as often including lots of raw data.

PS: Siewert name-drops the Vaughn book I linked above in his foreword - and it's the only book he does so with.
Ugh. That sounds like a slog for sure. I love shooting them, but bulk prepping handgun brass might be the most monotonous task in all of reloading.

I run through 10mm pretty quick on a Lee turret press, which is quite a bit cheaper than a progressive. Much faster than a standard single stage though.

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410gr Hornady SubX bullets over some IMR 4198 & IMR 3031 for the old Winchester 45-70.

Loading these as super sonics starting at about 1300 fps and worked my way up to about 1550fps which is where I want to top out at. Just following Hornadys published load data from the website. Gonna go shoot them this evening.
Finally decided to sort through my pile of 5.56 range brass I’ve picked up over the last year or so. Ended up just tossing it into piles of lake city and “other”.

Almost 900 pieces of Lake city now annealed, going to swage, size, etc.
Not today, but revamped my workspace in my garage over the weekend and moved my reloading setup out of my utility room. Added 20’ of work bench and lots of bright LED lighting
410gr Hornady SubX bullets over some IMR 4198 & IMR 3031 for the old Winchester 45-70.

Loading these as super sonics starting at about 1300 fps and worked my way up to about 1550fps which is where I want to top out at. Just following Hornadys published load data from the website. Gonna go shoot them this evening.
This is super cool. Can we talk about the 45-70 for a second? 150+ year old round that was a military cartridge, a black powder sporting and target cartridge, then a smokeless sporting and target cartridge, then a heavy loaded buster of a sporting cartridge, and now can be loaded with today's most modern propellants and bullets to be shot through suppressors!

Amazing! 😍
my buddy bought a new Henry X in 44mag and after a trip to a local sporting goods store he sent me a pic of 240gr ammo 50ct box for $65 !!!! Over the last few days i loaded him 50 240gr xtp's over 22.5gr of H110, 50 200gr xtp's over 11gr of unique, and 50 240gr hard cast lead over 8gr of unique. i figure with bullets, primers and powder i might have $50 in it all and he gave me some cigars he brought back from the dominican republic id say thats a solid deal
my buddy bought a new Henry X in 44mag and after a trip to a local sporting goods store he sent me a pic of 240gr ammo 50ct box for $65 !!!! Over the last few days i loaded him 50 240gr xtp's over 22.5gr of H110, 50 200gr xtp's over 11gr of unique, and 50 240gr hard cast lead over 8gr of unique. i figure with bullets, primers and powder i might have $50 in it all and he gave me some cigars he brought back from the dominican republic id say thats a solid deal
Id make that deal!
This is super cool. Can we talk about the 45-70 for a second? 150+ year old round that was a military cartridge, a black powder sporting and target cartridge, then a smokeless sporting and target cartridge, then a heavy loaded buster of a sporting cartridge, and now can be loaded with today's most modern propellants and bullets to be shot through suppressors!

Amazing! 😍
It really is one of the most versatile cartridges! Especially for a handloader!
Loaded my first 25 Creedmoor round. Initial testing was easy and OAL was not finicky at all. Probably the easiest gun I have ever loaded for. 134 Eldms at 2884 FPS


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Loaded up 90 rounds of new 6um brass for fire forming and realized how much of a bottleneck trickling every load by hand is. On top of that I somehow managed to bump my beam scale twice up by a grain. Caved and bought an fx120i and AutoTrickler out of frustration. Hoping the juice is worth the squeeze and that my wife is ok with me working some overtime 😂


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To qualify the target better the top right and left are only 2 shots. The rest were 5 shots.
Oh, well then I take it back. You suck! 😂

Still, though. The hard part is picking the load from that impressive array. Any one of those is beyond superb for a hunting rifle. Nice work. 🤘
Loaded up (100) 260AI, 6.5CM (buddies gun, I feel gross now, lol) 6.5x47 Lapua, (50) 308 Win with Sig Fury Hybrid brass and (20) 338 NMI with 285 grain Warner Flatlines. We have an upcoming trip to NRA Whittington and have the 1 mile range set up.

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Also tested out some loads yesterday. 300 BLK with 110 gr Varmageddon and N110 powder. This will do! 10 shots at 100 yards with the AR and a red dot.

Loading up another 300 rounds for it this afternoon.
