I know you guys are tired of me talking about my friends, but I hope someone is figuring out how to publish a book about hunting with the small calibers.
The three most significant changes to shooting in my lifetime have been laser rangefinders, reliably scopes that dial, and now, effective hunting bullets for smaller calibers. If you asked me a year ago if I’d ever put a big game rifle together based on a centerfire 22, that would have seemed crazy, but my grandson will get a little fast twist 223 hunting rifle. Even way back when, we all knew guys that shot everything with what would consider light bullets that just fly apart, but there wasn’t a resource that described it well, or dug into the reliability of taking game with them, and what is known to work and not work. If an old fud like myself would buy the book, there must be a large percentage of the hunters all across the country that would find it interesting.
Somebody is going to write this kind of book, and while hunting books don’t make anyone rich, it would be nice to see it go to the guys who are making the change happen.