What cartridge should I use?

What would you take for a walk-in Wyoming deer/antelope hunt?

  • Lightweight: 6mm ARC NULA bolt-action, 20-inch barrel, not threaded, no suppressor

  • Lightish weight: R700 Ti integrally-suppressed .22 Creedmoor with SWS barrel (14 inches of rifling)

  • Moderate weight: Zermatt TL3 w/ 20-inch PROOF carbon barrel in .22 Creedmoor w/ suppressor

  • Moderate weight: Rokslide Special Tikka .223 with 17-inch barrel

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I think a 20" 22 creed would be the ticket. The difference between your picks is that with the TL3 or an Origin, you can just swap the barrel out for another shouldered prefit, a new bolt head, and be ready for anything else you want. That's the play, I've built two of them and have setups for 4 completely different rifles. I like it so much I'm building a third.
Cans: experience
Triggers: reading, thankfully. R700 triggers have potentially fatal flaws built right into them.
Lethality of the 223 with 77 tmks: experience
Cans: experience
Triggers: reading, thankfully. R700 triggers have potentially fatal flaws built right into them.
Lethality of the 223 with 77 tmks: experience
Curious more on the trigger front. I’ve read of environmental issues with said trigger systems on this forum, but I’m not convinced it happens all that often. Not enough for me to leave any one of the many 700s I own in the safe based solely on the trigger group. Then again I take care of my equipment at home and in the field.

Thanks for the input. The Remington 700 Ti has a Timney trigger (as does the NULA), and the TL3 wears a TriggerTech, so I should be OK on the trigger front.

For those who think I should thread the NULA's barrel for a can, what length would you go with the 6mm ARC? Leave it at 20, or chop to 18 (Hornady's preferred length), 17, or even 16 inches? I'm leaning towards 16 inches myself to keep it relatively handy with a Banish Backcountry can.
Look into the floating connector of the walker trigger, there are lots of good resources, I've posted links to a couple over the years. Remington has lost multiple law suits over the design and done multiple recalls. Sadly, people have died too. Bottom line, the gun can fire when the safety is clicked off, and there is no way you can every tell if or when that will happen. Any type of ice or debris makes it more likely.
Curious more on the trigger front. I’ve read of environmental issues with said trigger systems on this forum, but I’m not convinced it happens all that often. Not enough for me to leave any one of the many 700s I own in the safe based solely on the trigger group. Then again I take care of my equipment at home and in the field.

I'd just ignore that commenter and move on like you didn't see it.

Thanks for the input. The Remington 700 Ti has a Timney trigger (as does the NULA), and the TL3 wears a TriggerTech, so I should be OK on the trigger front.

For those who think I should thread the NULA's barrel for a can, what length would you go with the 6mm ARC? Leave it at 20, or chop to 18 (Hornady's preferred length), 17, or even 16 inches? I'm leaning towards 16 inches myself to keep it relatively handy with a Banish Backcountry can.

No, those triggers are also susceptible. All except the giessele super 700, which is extremely hard to find.
If you’re going to thread the 6arc barrel I wouldn’t cut it down any more than 18” and I’d consider shooting something like a 90gr eld-x loaded by Druid Hill (assuming you don’t reload)… Speed kills.
I’d go either arc or 22 creed 20”. Take your pick