What are your thoughts on the Kung Flu?

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Add to that the lack of testing, lack of travel and lack of anything to track any of this and there you have it.

Id agree though. If most saw the crap that people do to themselves and live, it would blow your mind. Healthcare definitely changed my perception on life.

Its obvious that those who exercise regularly , eat healthy fresh, non precessed real foods, fair much better surviving the virus. Ive noticed the few times Ive been shopping since this started is that overweight people, people using the motorized shopping carts because they're too fat and/or lazy to walk wearing masks, are still avoiding fresh fruits and veggies, lean meats and going for processed sugar, carbs, salt and bad fat filled foods plus lots of alcohol. And their kids will follow their example

. People never learn
Let me start off by apologizing if this has been addressed, and is not directly related to covid. I have not followed the thread like the memes thread...... I work for
Fairly large metro fire depart on east coast. Since the day the trump checks hit we have been crushed with heroin over doses. Generally we ride 5-6 a week(pre covid) We are currently around 18-20. Also noted the homeless are now drinking $50 bottles of scotch and brandy as opposed to the yellow listerine. My rookie noted the other day that the checks were more dangerous than covid.
Guess this proves you can’t through money at problems.
Let me start off by apologizing if this has been addressed, and is not directly related to covid. I have not followed the thread like the memes thread...... I work for
Fairly large metro fire depart on east coast. Since the day the trump checks hit we have been crushed with heroin over doses. Generally we ride 5-6 a week(pre covid) We are currently around 18-20. Also noted the homeless are now drinking $50 bottles of scotch and brandy as opposed to the yellow listerine. My rookie noted the other day that the checks were more dangerous than covid.
Guess this proves you can’t through money at problems.
CMPD just announced this week that OD rate has gone up 24% in Charlotte compared to the same time period last year.
Let me start off by apologizing if this has been addressed, and is not directly related to covid. I have not followed the thread like the memes thread...... I work for
Fairly large metro fire depart on east coast. Since the day the trump checks hit we have been crushed with heroin over doses. Generally we ride 5-6 a week(pre covid) We are currently around 18-20. Also noted the homeless are now drinking $50 bottles of scotch and brandy as opposed to the yellow listerine. My rookie noted the other day that the checks were more dangerous than covid.
Guess this proves you can’t through money at problems.
That's crazy, but I suppose not surprising. Sorry you have to deal with that.

At least I can't catch a heroin overdose from someone who breaths too close to me!

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Let me start off by apologizing if this has been addressed, and is not directly related to covid. I have not followed the thread like the memes thread...... I work for
Fairly large metro fire depart on east coast. Since the day the trump checks hit we have been crushed with heroin over doses. Generally we ride 5-6 a week(pre covid) We are currently around 18-20. Also noted the homeless are now drinking $50 bottles of scotch and brandy as opposed to the yellow listerine. My rookie noted the other day that the checks were more dangerous than covid.
Guess this proves you can’t through money at problems.
The world would be a better place if we banned narcan.
Government is the biggest problem with all of this. Doesn’t matter what country we are talking about. They are all a problem.

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Here's a doozy, knew the "Government IS the problem" folks would have a strong showing here. Government (at least local governments, since Trump is telling people to drink Lysol) is the one of the few entities working around the clock right to make sure many of the people you know over 70 don't end up dead by Memorial Day. I have several friends in government who haven't slept more than 3 or 4 hours a night trying to source health care equipment in the last month. They are heroes, not the problem.

I know lots of folks think "I don't need the government; just going to take my wife and kids to the cabin and live off squirrels and mushrooms until Jesus comes again". I've got news, you do need the government and the government needs you. The government is also only as good as the majority of people want it to be, so if you have a problem with the government, you have a problem with yourself.
Here's a doozy, since Trump is telling people to drink Lysol
Fake News alert!! You just told a WOPPER!! No he is not!! He's asking if it's a good idea, which it clearly not. Asking is very different than telling.
I've got news, you do need the government and the government needs you.
Read and learn about the Constitution. We don't need the government, yes the government needs us, they serve us! We don't serve the government, it is the reverse.
The government is also only as good as the majority of people want it to be, so if you have a problem with the government, you have a problem with yourself
Right on first part, second part no, you can have a problem with the majority of people, who elect bad politicians.
until Jesus comes again".
No need to belittle Christian's or those that want to isolate at their cabins. Bill
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“Trump is telling people to drink Lysol”
The percentage of people who can’t understand sarcasm and humor is amazing ! Trump could easily make a killing as a stand up comic ! Soo many autism sufferers here.

Do you even know what autism is? How does this remark even make logical sense?

Maybe ask yourself instead of just trying to throw out insults-- did I make a valid argument where my point can stand by itself?

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