What are your thoughts on the Kung Flu?

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My opinion? Glad you asked. 🙃

For all the badmouthing of health care in America we have been able to keep millions upon millions of people who treat themselves like shit and have stacked co-morbidities alive for far longer than they would ever survive anywhere else. This virus is a final straw sort of event.

I don't think that people outside of healthcare have any idea how many people are brought back from death's door on a regular basis by our ED's, ICU's, and step-down units. Over and over and over and over. I never would have believed it until I became a part of it. It's unreal.

Add to that the lack of testing, lack of travel and lack of anything to track any of this and there you have it.

Id agree though. If most saw the crap that people do to themselves and live, it would blow your mind. Healthcare definitely changed my perception on life.
My opinion? Glad you asked. 🙃

For all the badmouthing of health care in America we have been able to keep millions upon millions of people who treat themselves like shit and have stacked co-morbidities alive for far longer than they would ever survive anywhere else. This virus is a final straw sort of event.

I don't think that people outside of healthcare have any idea how many people are brought back from death's door on a regular basis by our ED's, ICU's, and step-down units. Over and over and over and over. I never would have believed it until I became a part of it. It's unreal.

Appreciate your input on that, I need to think on it for a bit. Thanks.
My opinion? Glad you asked. 🙃

For all the badmouthing of health care in America we have been able to keep millions upon millions of people who treat themselves like shit and have stacked co-morbidities alive for far longer than they would ever survive anywhere else. This virus is a final straw sort of event.

I don't think that people outside of healthcare have any idea how many people are brought back from death's door on a regular basis by our ED's, ICU's, and step-down units. Over and over and over and over. I never would have believed it until I became a part of it. It's unreal.
Standing on my kitchen table loudly clapping and yelling Bravo!!
I don't think that people outside of healthcare have any idea how many people are brought back from death's door on a regular basis by our ED's, ICU's, and step-down units. Over and over and over and over. I never would have believed it until I became a part of it. It's unreal.

Couldnt agree more. This is why the murder rate has gone down over the years, but there are more acts of violence, the advancement in the medical field is saving more lives, driving the murder rate down.
The new coronavirus appears to be causing sudden strokes in adults in their 30s and 40s who are not otherwise terribly ill, doctors reported Wednesday.

There’s growing evidence that Covid-19 infection can cause the blood to clot in unusual ways, and stroke would be an expected consequence of that.

Another 4.4 million unemployment claims which brings the total to around 26 million in five weeks.

New info out of California stating the first coronavirus death was February 6. It’s been here much longer then what we experts knew.

Some states like Kansas are starting to realize the shut down is going to cause some budget issues. Kansas is projecting a $1.5 billion hit to the budget.

On a positive note we’re just a few deaths shy of the 2.2 million death projections that our chicken little government officials made their decisions on.

That and the federal government handing out money like it’s free candy. I don’t see how that could become a problem.
The new coronavirus appears to be causing sudden strokes in adults in their 30s and 40s who are not otherwise terribly ill, doctors reported Wednesday.

There’s growing evidence that Covid-19 infection can cause the blood to clot in unusual ways, and stroke would be an expected consequence of that.

An incidence of .0019%
No crap... talk about sensationalism with no context to actual numbers. The "Medical Expert" on my local news was talking about it this morning and its the same BS that has everybody terrified they're gonna die from this.
First day without a death from COVID in Oregon since end of March.

Governor announced this morning that non-emergency surgeries will start back up May 1st. Who knows what surgeries will be given the green light though.

Baby steps, but steps in the right direction at the least.
Couldnt agree more. This is why the murder rate has gone down over the years, but there are more acts of violence, the advancement in the medical field is saving more lives, driving the murder rate down.

No doubt. All the patrol cops here are issued TQs on their belts along with combat gauze and chest seals. At least 1 person gets saved every week 5-10 minutes before EMS shows up.


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The Sweden news is promising. Having been there and the rest of Scandanavia many times they are so much healthier as a general populous than the US. It's absolutely staggering to see it first hand. They're going to look better on paper than the US no matter the scenario because they are starting at a better baseline.

It's good they finally confirmed that the virus was here before March. My five year old had a fever for 12 days back in December and they couldn't figure out what was causing it. Who knows if it was COVID, but it's interesting to think about.

Personally I think the best course of action going forward is to open the world back up and if things are trending towards what the original projects were in October then we shut it down. I mean legit shut it down like a full quarantine for 21 days and restrict all incoming travel unless they are willing to do a 21 day quarantine on arrival.

I think the federal government created a bit of a situation by making it so the bulk of the people out of work right now are making more money, substantially more if they are minimum wage than it they were working. There isn't much of an incentive to get back to it in that respect which just lengthens everything else out.

We have some interesting times ahead of us.
No doubt. All the patrol cops here are issued TQs on their belts along with combat gauze and chest seals. At least 1 person gets saved every week 5-10 minutes before EMS shows up.

plus NARCAN. Police save a lot across the US with NARCAN. Ive given my share of CPR, NARCAN over the years
I think the federal government created a bit of a situation by making it so the bulk of the people out of work right now are making more money, substantially more if they are minimum wage than it they were working. There isn't much of an incentive to get back to it in that respect which just lengthens everything else out.

We have some interesting times ahead of us.
You can bet your ass the vast majority of people are going to take advantage of this and string it out as long as possible. I talked with a lady today who is making DOUBLE of what she would normally make EVERY WEEK. I get helping people out but but really?
CA's governor Gavin Newsome has so far has done a really good job in handling the COVID-19 situation. While that makes me happy as a Californian, I fear that this crisis my be the sort of thing that catapults him to national prominence. His policies surrounding this are about the ONLY things he has ever done that I agree with and we need less rather than more of him.
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