What are your thoughts on the Kung Flu?

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Please accept my apologies if it seemed like I was trying to make things political. This crisis becoming political is my main complaint with all of this, and the blame game that you (and many others - here and elsewhere) seem to be playing makes it feel like the crisis is political. Now is a time we need a leader, and about 330 million followers. That’s how you get out of a crisis. We can criticize later, like at the polls. Politics aren’t as important as getting thru this together.

I didn’t vote for Trump (nor Clinton), and I likely won’t vote for him this fall either, but I hope he can be the leader we need. I love our country way more than I care who the president is.

I don’t disagree with any of what you said. Hope were cool.
Well I think the reason it may seam political, is because we are relying on the government to guide an organized response to a pandemic. And then when I criticize our response it seams like me hating on Trump.

I don't believe the administration has done a good job thus far and I don't trust them to do it in the future.

I cited some sources to prove that point. Some centrist and some left leaning, because obviously right leaning news didn't cover any of that or I would have used those.

Most of the guys praising him, can only say yeah he does a good job, but there's not any evidence of it?

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Not in my area.

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How long is it taking in your area?
Where are they sending their samples?

I ask because we are sending our samples several hundred miles away and getting them back in 48. If it is taking your area two weeks something is wrong.
China is to blame for the disease itself.

I wasn't trying to make it political just show my opinion on why our response has been poor. And asked that if you could disprove any of it, I'd listen. But your response turned political.

But we can't blame our terrible level of preparedness, slow response, lack of testing and ppe, and 2 hours daily press briefings of BS on China.

I voted for Trump, wanted to like him. But am smarter than that and I will hold him accountable when need be.

Trump's measure of success is in three things. Building a wall, military spending and Dow Jones industrial average.

He went out his way saving money in places like pandemic response and infections disease prevention, so he could spend more on those things.

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Did Trump attempt to shut down travel from ground zero for the wuhan virus in January this year and was he successful?
This is an excellent social experiment. I’ve followed this off and on and after awhile I feel compelled to throw my hat in the ring.

its extremely obvious the RS community is highly Intelligent. Well spoken, debated, articulate and concerned. This has for the most part, been a great example that hunters are not backwoods rednecks. Look at the experience and knowledge speaking here. Veterans, first responders, DRs, tradesman, fathers, husbands, etc etc. There’s a pretty incredible talent pool goin here.

a lot of intense concern and feelings here. Fear. Fear of the unknown. What if we just flattened the curve and saved countless life’s? What if all this was for nothing. What if this blows up three months from now and makes everyone’s predictions look like child’s play. No one really knows.

im a husband, father, friend, brother, uncle and fear only their fate. Not mine. I, like you, am a survivor. A fighter. My fear is watching my loved Ones struggle when I could do better. It’s my duty as a man to always fight. As is yours. We work, we save, we plan for the worst yet there is so much unknown. Fear.

i picture all of you in a room fighting each other and watching the eventual division amongst you. This is a shit show I think we all could agree. Opinions will vary. and At the end of the day, all any of us are seeking is some idea of where this is really goin and are OUR families gonna be ok.

We are all on the same team here guys. Stop goin at each other’s throats. Use this as a place to share and gather new information. How many families are hurting here? I’ve got extra resources to help someone out if I can. This is always referred to as the Rokslide family. So how bout we stop tryin to outsmart each other and kick each other’s teeth in and use this to help out OUR COMMUNITY. the RS community? Start a new thread offering help? Seeking help? 🤷‍♂️

My wife is an RN. Feels like she’s being sent off to slaughter every shift. Totally inadequate PPE and direction. Takes us almost an hour to decon her when she gets home. She has a moderate heart condition which makes her ineligible for any of these supposed remedies. We’ve double checked our wills, tightened up our trust and made all final provisions in case of the big what if. Talked with the kids. Powerful shit. No doomsaying, just life can be an ugly bitch when you least expect it. You should know that.

my best to all of you and your families through this. This is truly destroying a lot of people. Maybe we could redirect some of the emotion and expertise we possess here and go a whole new way with this? As you were. NEVER END THE FIGHT🇺🇸
Well I think the reason it may seam political, is because we are relying on the government to guide an organized response to a pandemic. And then when I criticize our response it seams like me hating on Trump.

I don't believe the administration has done a good job thus far and I don't trust them to do it in the future.

I cited some sources to prove that point. Some centrist and some left leaning, because obviously right leaning news didn't cover any of that or I would have used those.

Most of the guys praising him, can only say yeah he does a good job, but there's not any evidence of it?

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Common sense people have enough wisdom to see the fault lies where it lies. It was you here defending the Chinese government and their actions to this whole thing. And, you want to complain about what should have been done, after the clear answer is exposed. Things don't work that way when you govern the masses for the greatest good for all. You then say something about a pandemic team Trump fired in 2018. You've done all this while twisting things to fit your narrative of blaming Trump. Are you the guy that this country should all be listening too? Because if you are I'm going to be pissed you are just now speaking up about it

You are completely focused on the immediate danger and how a guy you don't like should have forced businesses in a free market system to buy the supplies they needed. Yes, in an emergency, the federal government should step up but, unless you are a political fool bent on politicizing this, you'd see that the government did step up and stepped up big for hot zone places. And as far as emergency reactions, what is FEMA for?

I get it, you don't like Trump. However, this isn't about Trump. He didn't cause this. He took the WJO's word that this wasn't a pandemic coming. And, as soon as he found out differently, he took immediate actions. There was/is a lot at stake here. Which brings up another point. You want to criticize reactions because people are dying. Yet, your argument seems totally oblivious to the fall out we are going to suffer here aside from the deaths caused by Covid 19. Does the history and science of that fall deaf on you? It sure seems to because you are pissed at the president.

That's the way you come across and everything but that last sentence has been your own admissions. Yet, you aren't politicizing any of this are you? SMH
Did Trump attempt to shut down travel from ground zero for the wuhan virus in January this year and was he successful?
Airlines had already stoped flying those routes before Trumps travel ban. It was far from the big revolution that he claims it to be.

After that something like 450,000 people flew back to the us via alternative routes. Many of them got no screening and did not quarantine. Lots of them did wait shoulder to shoulder in crowded customs lines when they landed.

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Doubling rates on deaths up to 6 now. Cases been down 8 straight days, today should be 9. New daily deaths down last two days and today should be three.

Strong indicators we are on the backside of the curve now.

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Common sense people have enough wisdom to see the fault lies where it lies. It was you here defending the Chinese government and their actions to this whole thing. And, you want to complain about what should have been done, after the clear answer is exposed. Things don't work that way when you govern the masses for the greatest good for all. You then say something about a pandemic team Trump fired in 2018. You've done all this while twisting things to fit your narrative of blaming Trump. Are you the guy that this country should all be listening too? Because if you are I'm going to be pissed you are just now speaking up about it

You are completely focused on the immediate danger and how a guy you don't like should have forced businesses in a free market system to buy the supplies they needed. Yes, in an emergency, the federal government should step up but, unless you are a political fool bent on politicizing this, you'd see that the government did step up and stepped up big for hot zone places. And as far as emergency reactions, what is FEMA for?

I get it, you don't like Trump. However, this isn't about Trump. He didn't cause this. He took the WJO's word that this wasn't a pandemic coming. And, as soon as he found out differently, he took immediate actions. There was/is a lot at stake here. Which brings up another point. You want to criticize reactions because people are dying. Yet, your argument seems totally oblivious to the fall out we are going to suffer here aside from the deaths caused by Covid 19. Does the history and science of that fall deaf on you? It sure seems to because you are pissed at the president.

That's the way you come across and everything but that last sentence has been your own admissions. Yet, you aren't politicizing any of this are you? SMH

He certainly contradicts himself
Every person on this thread that has tried to make this a political debate, has massively contradicted themselves.

Ironically, that is why this is such a topic though. Because it has been politicized all the way to the top. Our president spends his time telling reporters everyday he isn't sure what day he will lift travel bans, that he will use input from his advisers when he does change something, that he doesn't know why the CV 19 hits blacks harder except what Fauci has summarized, That he isn't sure how to further protect blacks from it other then they follow protocols, why private owned hospitals didn't buy more supplies when hearing about this, what he intends to do to make private hospitals prepare better for future pandemics, etc...... It really gets good when some dimwit wants to know why he ships all the federal supplies to only his friends. SMDH. Then we have to hear about it here. We get enough of that stuff from watching briefings. But, when you have to be told when to breath, as political fools do, all you can do is recite the medias punchlines.
@WV Mountaineer I appreciate that you take the time to express your views to those that can’t seem to see the light. I’ve given up myself.

Just one thing that I’ve had in my head thru most of this shit show.......everyone always wants less control/restrictions/over reach by the federal government. HOWEVER, when some unknown scary shit came into play, it was a totally different story. Now they are all criticizing that the government didn’t do enough or do it fast enough. Once all this is over and done, they will once again want the government to back off, shut up, and mind their own business.
Doubling rates on deaths up to 6 now. Cases been down 8 straight days, today should be 9. New daily deaths down last two days and today should be three.

Strong indicators we are on the backside of the curve now.

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I really hope we are. It will be nice to get back life as "normal." I am not enjoying this working from home thing.
I really hope we are. It will be nice to get back life as "normal." I am not enjoying this working from home thing.
Working from home sucks... especially when a new roof is being installed... Full tear off.

Back to the original question of this thread.. My opinion is the kung flu sucks. People are dying, the economy is a mess, breweries are shut down, and I cant go Kokanee fishing, I think its a piece of **** and wish life was back to normal. That is my thought on the Kung Flu.
This is an excellent social experiment. I’ve followed this off and on and after awhile I feel compelled to throw my hat in the ring.

its extremely obvious the RS community is highly Intelligent. Well spoken, debated, articulate and concerned. This has for the most part, been a great example that hunters are not backwoods rednecks. Look at the experience and knowledge speaking here. Veterans, first responders, DRs, tradesman, fathers, husbands, etc etc. There’s a pretty incredible talent pool goin here.

a lot of intense concern and feelings here. Fear. Fear of the unknown. What if we just flattened the curve and saved countless life’s? What if all this was for nothing. What if this blows up three months from now and makes everyone’s predictions look like child’s play. No one really knows.

im a husband, father, friend, brother, uncle and fear only their fate. Not mine. I, like you, am a survivor. A fighter. My fear is watching my loved Ones struggle when I could do better. It’s my duty as a man to always fight. As is yours. We work, we save, we plan for the worst yet there is so much unknown. Fear.

i picture all of you in a room fighting each other and watching the eventual division amongst you. This is a shit show I think we all could agree. Opinions will vary. and At the end of the day, all any of us are seeking is some idea of where this is really goin and are OUR families gonna be ok.

We are all on the same team here guys. Stop goin at each other’s throats. Use this as a place to share and gather new information. How many families are hurting here? I’ve got extra resources to help someone out if I can. This is always referred to as the Rokslide family. So how bout we stop tryin to outsmart each other and kick each other’s teeth in and use this to help out OUR COMMUNITY. the RS community? Start a new thread offering help? Seeking help?

My wife is an RN. Feels like she’s being sent off to slaughter every shift. Totally inadequate PPE and direction. Takes us almost an hour to decon her when she gets home. She has a moderate heart condition which makes her ineligible for any of these supposed remedies. We’ve double checked our wills, tightened up our trust and made all final provisions in case of the big what if. Talked with the kids. Powerful shit. No doomsaying, just life can be an ugly bitch when you least expect it. You should know that.

my best to all of you and your families through this. This is truly destroying a lot of people. Maybe we could redirect some of the emotion and expertise we possess here and go a whole new way with this? As you were. NEVER END THE FIGHT

Thank you

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New site for live stats on the virus. Made by a kid in WA, supposedly has turned down huge offers for advertising.

I'm liking this thread. It's entertaining to read all these posts from people who are pontificating on the covid.

I'm curious as to how many resident expert epidemiologist posters we have on this thread? I'm just a lowly ER RN seeing it first hand, so....... I'm very curious as to what advice, and knowledge, that the people who are posting safely from their homes have for me and my coworkers in this crisis. I mean I'm sure they don't even know anyone who's been diagnosed as positive....and I'm damn sure those people aren't dealing with the people who are dying daily. So in their own small worlds this whole covid thing is just blown way out of proportion and isn't that bad. So I'm all ears for your home grown Google advice , and research, on how bad it is, or isn't.

If anyone wants to come hang out in the ER and help me take care of covid patients I'll see what I can do. We need all the help we can get.

And if nobody is interested, I guess I'll enjoy my 3 days off with my wife and young son and be right back in it.

I'll check in on this thread again after my next stretch of days off to see what I'm missing.
I realize this is a depressing thought but has anyone thought about what might happen to our favorite hunting brands? KUIU, Sitka, FL, Kodiak Canvas and many others have all gambled on the manufacturing in China bit. There's no way their 2020 lines will be coming out on time with all of this going on right? Makes me wonder if some of them won't survive.

I already noticed that Sitka pulled their regular LeoAdventures discount and are doing everything through their pro program now. It wouldn't surprise me to see more drastic cuts in the next few months. I think the big manufacturers in China like the steel industry are already back and running but many of the smaller companies are still shut down or running on fumes at this point.
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