I'm liking this thread. It's entertaining to read all these posts from people who are pontificating on the covid.
I'm curious as to how many resident expert epidemiologist posters we have on this thread? I'm just a lowly ER RN seeing it first hand, so....... I'm very curious as to what advice, and knowledge, that the people who are posting safely from their homes have for me and my coworkers in this crisis. I mean I'm sure they don't even know anyone who's been diagnosed as positive....and I'm damn sure those people aren't dealing with the people who are dying daily. So in their own small worlds this whole covid thing is just blown way out of proportion and isn't that bad. So I'm all ears for your home grown Google advice , and research, on how bad it is, or isn't.
If anyone wants to come hang out in the ER and help me take care of covid patients I'll see what I can do. We need all the help we can get.
And if nobody is interested, I guess I'll enjoy my 3 days off with my wife and young son and be right back in it.
I'll check in on this thread again after my next stretch of days off to see what I'm missing.