What are your thoughts on the Kung Flu?

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If your in a tunnel and there is a train bearing down on you what is the proper course?

I believe that what I said is a definite possibility, both the end of the USA as we know it and a premeditated release of kung flu by enemies of freedom. Trump was this countries last hope as far as I see it. If you disagree that's OK with me.
New York City today has reported 3,778 additional deaths that have occurred since March 11 and have been classified as "probable," defined as follows: “decedent [...] had no known positive laboratory test for SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) but the death certificate lists as a cause of death “COVID-19” or an equivalent"

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Am I the only person here that is aware that the Mayor of NY city decided the death count was low and added an additional 3500 deaths to the total count. Get this. Because he "suspected" that many more people had died from covid 19. No tests. No data. No confirmation. Just 3500 more people because they died during the epidemic. Unbelievable. SMDH

You certainly may be the only person 'aware' of this. You got a source?
Which state do you care for covid patients in? How many healthy patients prior to infection, has died under your care?

Is it the disease she is upset about. Or, the fact the Chinese Government spent weeks lying to the world while buying open market PPE's so other countries wouldn't have them?

I still can't get by the stats the CDC has published. Is it killing healthy people or is it killing compromised people due to complications created? I'm not God nor, do I claim who has the right to live. But, over and over this keeps getting repeated in guilt trip posts by people telling us how bad it is. Yes it is bad. So, is 40 million Americans starving to death because we can't stomach the idea that people die.

It probably has to do with the fact that her job is requiring her to have daily physical contact with people who have a disease that could kill her while not being provided basic safety equipment. Folks on the front lines don't have the benefit of being able to grandstand from the safety of their homes about how it is not as bad as it is being made out to be.
It probably has to do with the fact that her job is requiring her to have daily physical contact with people who have a disease that could kill her while not being provided basic safety equipment. Folks on the front lines don't have the benefit of being able to grandstand from the safety of their homes about how it is not as bad as it is being made out to be.
I asked you for your experience of how bad it is. Surely you wouldn't be grand standing with no personal front line experience. Would you?

If knowing someone on the "front lines" is a qualifier, does having 4 cousin RN's working in the ER at local hospitals, one cousin who is a Nurse Practitioner at Med Express here, and one cousin that is a pharmacists qualify me to be above the grand standing? Just wandering since that seems to be the premises in which you are basing your superior knowledge on? I mean, at least they are family. :D

This whole thread you have talked down to everyone about their opinion. When it turns out, that is all you have. No first hand experience. Just a pissed off neighbor because her employer didn't buy proper amounts of PPE's. Tell me it ain't so.
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You certainly may be the only person 'aware' of this. You got a source?
Sorry, blueyceman, but New York Times has sn article about it as well as other news agencies. So yes, they really did do that. I guess they decided that they will take advantage of every death they can to make COVID-19 sound as bad as possible.

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You certainly may be the only person 'aware' of this. You got a source?
I sure do. Go to your search engine. Type "NY Times" into it, click on their link when it populates the page, scroll down past the part where they are bashing Trump about shutting down the country, and click on that little headline that reads "NYC death toll sores past 10,000". Read it until you can't take it.

BTW, I was wrong. It was 3700 deaths. Not 3500.
It depends on how big the train coming is compared to my train. If the train coming is a small toy Democrat one, and I'm on the Trump train, well full speed ahead to 2020 🇱🇷 Wooo Wooo!

I hope I am wrong but what I see is for the next seven months the liberals are going to drive this country into the dirt.....it will all be Trumps fault and Biden will be proclaimed as the only hope we have. I may be jaded but I see it as I see it and if they have a chance to get rid of Trump they will have no qualms about driving the country into the dirt because if they win they will have their way easier than if things were going decent. No way things will be going good in 11/20.
I hope I am wrong but what I see is for the next seven months the liberals are going to drive this country into the dirt.....it will all be Trumps fault and Biden will be proclaimed as the only hope we have. I may be jaded but I see it as I see it and if they have a chance to get rid of Trump they will have no qualms about driving the country into the dirt because if they win they will have their way easier than if things were going decent. No way things will be going good in 11/20.
Have faith my brother. This country is still composed of a lot of gritty people who has no intentions of letting it get stolen away. The past 4 years, party politics has solidified Trump's re-election. And, the way they are spinning this is not going unnoticed.
You read New York times? That's dapper. Well, can you highlight the paragraphs you are referring to, and send me the link to the article? I'd rather drink my beer than dig up your half-quoted citations. Not saying you're wrong, but just show me the link Mr Mountaineer.
My brother, your as lazy as you are intelligent. It is as said, you can google it yourself with the directions I provided or, watch it on you tube. It was covered all evening on news sources as well. I'm not your pawn or, your fool.

FWIW, I don't regularly read the NY times. And, I figured you for a wine drinker instead of beer.
My brother, your as lazy as you are intelligent. It is as said, you can google it yourself with the directions I provided or, watch it on you tube. It was covered all evening on news sources as well. I'm not your pawn or, your fool. FWIW, I don't regularly read the NY times. And, I figured you for a wine drinker instead of beer.
Haha, I take that as a compliment....

Anyway, I found the article, let's dive into it. Please take the time to read through the bulk text of this NYT article. I've paraphrased each section of the article for those who prefer to skim:

"New York City, already a world epicenter of the coronavirus outbreak, sharply increased its death toll by more than 3,700 victims on Tuesday, after officials said they were now including people who had never tested positive for the virus but were presumed to have died of it. The new figures, released by the city’s Health Department, drove up the number of people killed in New York City to more than 10,000, and appeared to increase the overall United States death count by 17 percent to more than 26,000."
"Three thousand more people died in New York City between March 11 and April 13 than would have been expected during the same time period in an ordinary year, Dr. Oxiris Barbot, the commissioner of the city Health Department, said in an interview. While these so-called excess deaths were not explicitly linked to the virus, they might not have happened had the outbreak not occurred, in part because it overwhelmed the normal health care system."

SUMMARY: Dr. Oxiris Barbot, commissioner of the city Health Department believes 'excess deaths' have happened due to the overwhelemed resources of the healthcare system in NYC during the outbreak.
"The revised death toll renewed focus on shortcomings in testing that have hamstrung city and state officials since the beginning of the outbreak. A limited number of tests have been available, and until now, only deaths where a person had tested positive were officially counted among those killed by the virus in New York. But for weeks, the Health Department also had been recording additional deaths tied to the virus, according to two people briefed on the matter. Those cases involved people who were presumed to have been infected because of their symptoms and medical history."

SUMMARY: Until today, NY was only reporting deaths with positive COVID19 confirmations. However, the health department has been keeping track of 'presumptive positive' cases due to symptoms and medical history, and the limited number of COVID19 tests available.
"They were not included in the counts given publicly by Mayor Bill de Blasio because no tests had confirmed that the victims had the disease, Covid-19. Mr. de Blasio decided, after another round of briefings over the weekend, to release the presumptive cases, the people said. Most of the added deaths took place in hospitals, according to the data. Others occurred in nursing homes or other long-term care facilities and in residences."

SUMMARY: Mayor de Blasio decided after briefings over the weekend to include presumptive positive cases in the death toll, which mostly occurred in hospitals, nursing homes, and other long-term care facilities.
"The C.D.C., in its guidance to local governments, has recommended that cases of “assumed” coronavirus infection be noted on death certificates since before New York City recorded its first death on March 14."

SUMMARY: Your very own federal, Trump-backed CDC ENCOURAGES cases of 'assumed' COVID19 infection be noted on death certificates, even before NYC recorded its first death.
While the city has been uniquely overwhelmed by cases and deaths, the newly released data suggested that the toll elsewhere in the nation and the world may be much higher than reported.
“This is quite portentous,” said Andrew Noymer, associate professor of public health at the University of California, Irvine. He said the revised New York figures provided “a sobering reality that confirmed and probable Covid-19 deaths exceed deaths from all other causes.”

SUMMARY: Confirmed and presumptive-positive COVID19 deaths exceed deaths from all other causes.

"Public health officials say that counting the dead from a pandemic disease like Covid-19 presents difficulties because many of those who die are older or suffering from other serious health conditions. And the full effects of the outbreak on mortality in New York City, and around the country, could take many more months to study and understand. Epidemiologists who study such events said a complete account would include an analysis of the number of the excess deaths. Such an analysis can be “very hard to do” as an event is unfolding, said Sabrina McCormick, an associate professor of environmental and occupational health at George Washington University, who has studied excess deaths in heat waves. “This virus is moving so fast,” she said. But, she added, an analysis of excess deaths is “the simplest and most straightforward way of measuring how many people have died from an extreme event” and can offer a more accurate accounting of the actual impact than the daily death counts provided by officials."

SUMMARY: Counting the dead from a pandemic is hard to do, especially in the midst of the pandemic, because many who die are older and/or have serious health issues. A complete post-mortem analysis will be necessary to get the most accurate count.

Now WV Mountaineer - you said, "Am I the only person here that is aware that the Mayor of NY city decided the death count was low and added an additional 3500 deaths to the total count. Get this. Because he "suspected" that many more people had died from covid 19. No tests. No data. No confirmation. Just 3500 more people because they died during the epidemic. Unbelievable. SMDH".

In actuality, he added 3500 deaths to the count because his medical briefing team made him aware of many more presumptive positive cases of individuals in nursing homes, hospitals, etc. who had many of the SYMPTOMS of COVID19 but either died before they could be tested, and/or had no access to the test. So there is DATA. Just not the test itself. It is actually quite believable, and may be happening in more places than NYC.

Clearly, COVID19 prefers to take the lives of older, immune compromised, sometimes obese individuals. But, it also likes to occasionally hospitalize and sometimes kill otherwise perfectly healthy (generally younger) people.

So if 75 year old Aunt Jane with emphysema catches COVID19 and dies of it in her nursing home after she's had a recorded fever of 103, a brutal cough, and trouble breathing, but never got the test because she wasn't "sick enough", essentially you're saying that her death shouldn't be counted as COVID19 because it'll make some greedy politician look bad? Or that counting her death in the stats over-inflates how bad the virus is?
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I saw a lot of colors up there but I didn’t read that because I believe people can and should make points much quicker. I hate bloviating.

I hear a lot of doctors talking about death rates being much lower than most all projections. Why?

Well, we have much more people infected and asymptotic than we can realize and test for, probably multiple millions.

We do not have a vaccine for covid like we do the flu. If we didn’t have a flu vaccine it’s death rate would be higher, like covid’s supposed rate. This also hit hardest in the most densely populated areas of our great country. Most of the rest of it has slowed to a cold molasses crawl.

This hit us quick, spread before we knew what hit us, chopped us at the knees before we could test. The numbers are initially and temporarily inaccurate.
You forgot this part: Dr. Barbot said that the city would continue reporting only confirmed cases to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for its coronavirus tracker, because the agency requested those statistics.

ie the CDC isn't interested in presumed deaths for their records.

Aunt Jane, in the shape she was in, very well could have had influenza or the common cold with the exact same symptoms and exact same result.

That's why you don't code it as Covid. That is the very antethis of science.

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