Who said anything about not taking precautions? On several media platforms today, there are people just like you that think anything but, throwing up our arms and screaming for nationwide lock down means you must be against protections. What is wrong with you?
This virus is going to kill people. It might kill me. I don't know. What I do know is people country wide are acting as if we are all in NY state. We aren't. We might be soon enough but, the way this republic works is you carry those that can't do for themselves. People in these highly affected areas need for the rest of us capable people to work and produce PPE's, food, necessity's, etc..... To keep commerce rolling. When it becomes our turn to take shelter, we need the same from them in return. Its how a team functions.
I've spent all dang day listening to people lecturing everyone on the dangers of this virus as if they are the only ones who knows. I've also spent 40 years reading and watching on TV when recession, depression, and the attitudes of those suffering through them, literally kill their neighbors over things we take for granted. Don't think for a second that can't happen here. When things get bad and people stop getting things they perceive as needed, they take it from others at any cost. Why are all those preaching for country wide shut down not seeing this? Have you been asleep over the last three weeks. When things weren't even bad and country wide there were already shortages. People fighting in stores over stuff not even needed to survive. Did you miss that?
As calm has taken more root, research is finding out that this is not the country wide threat YOU are making it into at this point. Yes, we must take the precautions put in place. They weren't flung in as a knee jerk reaction. They have been implemented to save as many in danger as possible. 99% of those that have died in ITALY had other major health issues. 99%. Yet Italy has been thrown out as the poster child by many as what to expect. This isn't Italy.
I don't now what you do for a living. But, I suspect you and a bunch of the country wide shut down specialist get paid salary. Two weeks won't break me or anyone else on this forum. But, if you keep spreading doom and gloom as the expectations to expect, I promise you are going to sink nearly every small business owner in this country. When does that lose become relevant to you. Have you give one seconds though what is going to happen to the health care system, farming, utility companies, this whole country if we hurt this economy this way?
Things are going to be ok health wise if we handle this with common sense. But, you have to realize that with the info we know about this virus, there are much worse thing going to happen to this country then COVID 19.