What are your thoughts on the Kung Flu?

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Mar 17, 2020
Midwest ....
There are more hypochondriacs/conspriracy theorists/ "what if'ers" and the "I was told" types here than any other "hunting site" ... stay away from CNN/MSNBC and social sites, wash your hands and keep 6 ft away from the next person ... all will be fine ..btw, I found 2 nice sheds yesterday while I was out distancing myself .. try it


Jan 15, 2017
Blown out of proportion? Very interesting. Lets find all the people's families that have died from this disease and one by one I want you to tell that that this was blown out of proportion, politicized, etc.
No amount of money can bring them back. I just saw that a 7 month old has it now. Quite a few on this thread are understanding of this process and properly educated. However, I'm blown away by some of the comments that spew out of the mouths of the uneducated.
Quit being so emotional.


Sep 4, 2018
New Mexico
Whole thing is getting blown out of proportion, politicized, etc. The amount of money lost, business closed, about to be closed forever, life savings gone. And for what?

America is soft, beyond soft. Now more than ever It pains me to think of what those young guys gave up on those foreign beaches. Take a look around......This?

Our country is in serious trouble if this kind of thinking is still prevalent at this stage of this pandemic


Jun 12, 2012
Piedmont, SD
Correct. But it lessens the daily burden on the emergency services. If everyone that is going to get this gets it at the same time it would overwhelm our healthcare system to the point where they would be rendered useless. This way if we "flatten the curve" it will at least give them a better chance to help us through this.
True but there also needs to be a balance in here somewhere. We can't just shut everything down for months to flatten the curve.

How many die, how many families are destroyed by the depression you cause? Why is one form of ruin so accepted over another?

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Nov 27, 2013
Blown out of proportion? Very interesting. Lets find all the people's families that have died from this disease and one by one I want you to tell that that this was blown out of proportion, politicized, etc.
No amount of money can bring them back. I just saw that a 7 month old has it now. Quite a few on this thread are understanding of this process and properly educated. However, I'm blown away by some of the comments that spew out of the mouths of the uneducated.

As sad as those deaths are, people die every day. Every day. In 2009 over 500K died around the world. Did the economy stop? No!

Wait until all these people who are laid off without health benefits put a further drain on the system when they catch the “flu”


Sep 26, 2017
you would also get a much higher survival rate..... I think the type of testing is very much related to the severity of the virus.... we are only seeing people tested that are likely to have it (relatively) so all of the rest of the people including the 80% that experience little to no symptoms are not added in to the survival rate..... only those who are really sick, or exposed to those infected is our baseline..... that gives a different feel than the realistic big picture....that alone makes it seem more grim.

i'm skeptical still about how coronavirus stacks up to other things we haven't batted an eye at in the past. obviously Italy proves this can be devastating in certain environments, but if we didn't know this was coronavirus in the US, would hospitals be getting overwhelmed, or would they send way more people home saying to rest and stay hydrated?

there is absolutely a hype train connected to this virus, and i'm having a hard time sorting out how bad this is because of that.

one things that still adds to my skepticism is the material the media covers, and how they cover it.

I am taking it seriously, and doing my part, being skeptical doesn't mean careless..... I myself am treating it as being very serious, because the backlash from this IS serious at the very least..... I am very curious how this will all look in hindsight.... hopefully we can see that picture sooner than later.

Take a look at some of these stats. Context and scope are extremely important as data doesn’t exist in a vacuum. I will leave the interpretation to the individual.

Aug 23, 2014
oregon coast
Blown out of proportion? Very interesting. Lets find all the people's families that have died from this disease and one by one I want you to tell that that this was blown out of proportion, politicized, etc.
No amount of money can bring them back. I just saw that a 7 month old has it now. Quite a few on this thread are understanding of this process and properly educated. However, I'm blown away by some of the comments that spew out of the mouths of the uneducated.
there has been 417 so far in the whole country, the seasonal flu kills an average of 35k per year here.... average of 103 every day in car accidents, etc.

if the media highlighted every car wreck fatality, and every wreck with serious injury, and didn't cover anything else, it would be the same way, i think that was his point. we are being forced non stop doom and gloom right now, no emphasis on hope, just how bad it is and projections for more doom..... it's obviously effective, the media is certainly taking control of the country.

your reply is a perfect example of what the media is trying to do. it could get a lot worse, it is bad, it is serious, but it is crazy hyped compared to the tragedy that unfolds in the US every day of every year. the media has created a platform that throws any objective conversation out the window..... everyone wants to be offended right now unless you are focused on the doom and gloom.

Lou Sid

Jan 21, 2018
We could reduce the speed limit to 30mph nationwide and save 40,000 lives per year, but it's not worth it because of how much it would hurt our economy and make our country weaker and mess with our standard of living.

A virus comes around and we freak out. Or its a terrorist attack and we freak out. Or its a mass shooting and we freak out.

When something new happens it's always the hot topic. As time passes we forget, no matter how bad it was. Harsh but true.

We could save countless lives by working on the things that aren't so flashy, like speed limits and healthy eating habits, but nobody cares about that. People care about the dramatic stuff.

I think the virus is bad but overblown at the same time compared to everything in the world.


Dec 19, 2016
Eastern Montana
We could reduce the speed limit to 30mph nationwide and save 40,000 lives per year, but it's not worth it because of how much it would hurt our economy and make our country weaker and mess with our standard of living.

A virus comes around and we freak out. Or its a terrorist attack and we freak out. Or its a mass shooting and we freak out.

When something new happens it's always the hot topic. As time passes we forget, no matter how bad it was. Harsh but true.

We could save countless lives by working on the things that aren't so flashy, like speed limits and healthy eating habits, but nobody cares about that. People care about the dramatic stuff.

I think the virus is bad but overblown at the same time compared to everything in the world.

Hahahahaha there’d 4.6 million dying of old age on the way to work or across South Dakota........there be blue hairs dead in RV’s from the Badlands to Sioux Falls, need to put a 1000 room hospital in Wall, SD.
Feb 21, 2020
I was just on a video call with my wife and her sister who works at a hospital and she said some stuff that really irritated me.

This malaria drug that is showing great promise for treating patients is already gone. Dr's and other health professionals wrote fraudulent prescriptions for each other to snatch it up for their own family and friends. So, if this medicine is proven out it wont be available for patients.

The same healthcare individuals who have blatantly lied to us about the effectiveness of n95 masks so we wouldn't have them is now snatching up what may save a patient's life. They seemed pretty proud of themselves in the conversation.


Feb 28, 2012
Northern Idaho
I don't think it matters much how many ventilators you have, if you don't have skilled intensivists and critical care nurses to support the care. This is something that is just not feasible for any society though... that is to have people with decades of training sitting around doing nothing between pandemics.

The least economic impact would likely be no quarantine at all, but there could potentially be a death rate 10 -20 x's the seasonal flu with this option.

I read where someone mentioned, tongue in cheek, a hybrid quarantine model the other day, where only people over 60 or with multiple chronic illnesses quarantine themselves. If this pandemic goes on at this rate, this may really become a viable option to help both the economy and medical system.

Lou Sid

Jan 21, 2018
Hahahahaha there’d 4.6 million dying of old age on the way to work or across South Dakota........there be blue hairs dead in RV’s from the Badlands to Sioux Falls, need to put a 1000 room hospital in Wall, SD.

Lol just for comparison CNN should put up a real time counter next to the COVID-19 stats that shows the ratio of double cheeseburgers eaten to heart disease deaths.


Jun 12, 2012
Piedmont, SD
Like everything, the health professions follow a bell curve. You have a few that are terrible, the majority that are competent, and a few that are truly outstanding.

No need to broad brush them.

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Lou Sid

Jan 21, 2018
I read where someone mentioned, tongue in cheek, a hybrid quarantine model the other day, where only people over 60 or with multiple chronic illnesses quarantine themselves. If this pandemic goes on at this rate, this may really become a viable option to help both the economy and medical system.

Yeah I dont understand why this isn't a reasonable option? Most folks over 60 are retired anyway. I suppose data is showing young people are affected more than previously thought, but it's still way less


Aug 25, 2015
I think the virus is bad but overblown at the same time compared to everything in the world.
I agree, it's over hyped by media. The virus appears much more contagious, is deadlier, and spreads much faster than the flu. Yes, about 100,000 Americans die a year from car crashes and the flu and hardly anyone that's not personally affected seems to care, because we are used to it and accept it. This new virus "could" kill 100,000 Americans or more in 2, 3 months if we didn't do anything, maybe more, maybe a lot less? No one really knows is why people should be real concerned.
Oct 14, 2017
Boston Ma
Working for a oil refinery even if Washington does go into lock down I will still be working so that being said traffic going to work will be nice.

I work for an oil terminal and we won’t shut down either, we’ve been slammed the past two weeks filling up every inch of empty space with the price so low. We’ve received over 400,000 barrels over the past 10 days which is very unusual this time of year


Dec 20, 2018
N/E Kansas
Went do to straighten up where I keep my home improvement/landscape tools today and stopped in a mall parking lot to eat a sandwich....just looking around at all the small business shops and two restaurants/pubs closed thinking about it may be like this for 2-3 months and some of these spots will never re-open. :sick:
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