What are your thoughts on the Kung Flu?

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you sound a bit torn, you start your reply with paranoid conspiracy and end with faith.... if you are a man of faith, quit seeking out media that makes you paranoid, none of that matters, it's not worth any thought, and surely not worth passing on as a warning trying to raise the paranoia of others.

we are gonna be fine (as a whole) people need to quit freaking out, it does nothing good for anyone. at this point, we need to avoid people, so we can flatten the curve and get back to life
Just because I'm a man of faith doesn't mean I'm a moron. I'm not the one who sits in a church on fire saying God will protect me as the walls burn down.

And who said I seek conspiracy media?
Read drudge report. All from "reputable" media sources.
Definitely not this one!!

This is a time of dire need in our country- previous generations have had theirs, this very well may be ours. yes, I did take an oath, and yes- I am happy and proud to continue to serve and see this out.

Yeah man, your post gave me chills in my spine. I felt the American Spirit. Like your passion came through that post!

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There are many many people in our community who would gladly put on a gown and lend a hand. We do it when tornadoes hit, hurricanes, fire, etc. I hope the resources exist to ask, train, and manage that untapped labor. Maybe it’s naive but I think that is one thing that sets us apart from other nations.
Washington still at 7% CV+ out of about 26k symptomatic tested.

Those 60 and over make up 93% of deaths, those 80+ make up 60% of deaths. Almost invariably these poor folks had multiple issues. The CV most likely hastened an inevitability.

read this article about Italy:


Especially the pgfs about how they count CV deaths. You want to know why the numbers aren’t adding up? Because they don’t.
cashless society after this? one world currency?

Event 201 was a drill for a coronavirus last october......

Event 201 was a 3.5-hour pandemic tabletop exercise that simulated a series of dramatic, scenario-based facilitated discussions, confronting difficult, true-to-life dilemmas associated with response to a hypothetical, but scientifically plausible, pandemic. 15 global business, government, and public health leaders were players in the simulation exercise that highlighted unresolved real-world policy and economic issues that could be solved with sufficient political will, financial investment, and attention now and in the future.

The exercise consisted of pre-recorded news broadcasts, live “staff” briefings, and moderated discussions on specific topics. These issues were carefully designed in a compelling narrative that educated the participants and the audience.

The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, World Economic Forum, and Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation jointly propose these recommendations.

Event 201 was supported by funding from the Open Philanthropy Project.

I read that N95 masks are unavailable on Amazon and in a lot of retail locations. I was in a Home Depot yesterday and one lady was buying all the 95 masks they had left and another guy was checking out with a whole cart full of them. Nothing like cashing in on a pandemic - disgusting.
Wow... some people lol
I agree with the premise of your point Elk. The group that is tasked with health care should keep adequate supplies. Just roll along in the good times then mad scramble and bemoan inadequate preparation when most needed. You can't have your cake and eat it too.

I will say that it would be a bit of a logistical nightmare trying to keep track of. Pretty much every thing they use, PPE wise, will have an expiration date on it. Would need a small army to keep track of it and rotate stock out.

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this will certainly be a learning experience. i'm not one to play the blame game, we learn through experience, and if we don't have a surplus of this stuff now, as a nation, we likely never did..... the current administration surely isn't to blame.

I don't know how much we can realistically prepare for every "what if" can't really blame the government when we as citizens couldn't even be prepared ourselves, which of course is a much smaller scale.

I do get tired of people passing the blame, and refuse to look at their own personal situation, which is WAY easier to prepare for.

I know I wasn't prepared for this.... we are fortunate that we ended up being pretty prepared, but it was by default rather than planning.

I have 5 big freezers in my shop full of fish, deer, elk, bear, etc.... not in preparation of this, but because we always do.

living on the coast, my wife runs to Costco every week or 2, and we stock up.... that's just generally to say money buying stuff we use a lot of in bulk.... again, can't take credit for that, it's just luck.

there is no way this isn't going to make us stronger in the future, and just more well rounded and prepared as a country.... we just have to weather this storm.

i'm a pretty optimistic person in general, but I think when the dust settles, we will look back on this and see that we have had similar situations in our history, but they just weren't highlighted by every media outlet like this is.

there will be a lot of lessons learned here, in all aspects, and agree with those who say this is a needed wake up call. maybe we have become too complacent in life.

with all of the global lockdowns I do wonder how many humans will be conceived because of this pandemic vs lives lost because of it. people get bored being penned up, I wonder how big of a global spike in pregnancy there will be due to being cooped up
Wow... some people lol
Be careful with how you judge someone's actions. I know a local doctor who literally was going to different home depot's trying to get some masks for his practice. He is staying open obviously to treat his patients and his PPE is dangerously low. I would not be surprised if hospitals or Urgent cares are doing the same.
What gets me about all this is the number of people insisting the federal government needs to make these companies make these supplies. And, most are the same people in normal times talking about a global economy being the best for this country. What might be the best for our bank accounts during normal times is proving to be what is worse for this country during times of pandemic. Yet when this is over, the same people will go back to supporting politicians who support global production of essential needs, because it costs less during times of pandemic and emergency. It is rampant on any social media platform out there.

What it boils down to is people are dumb. There is a high percentage dismissing the precautions as well. I don't know the answers. I do know this was so purposely misreported on by media that it is hard to truly understand what we face unless you truly spend a bunch of time sorting through the mess. And, the panic and confusion is the result of it. I do believe this is a bad virus. I do believe that we need to concentrate on getting the supplies we have into metropolitan places in this country first. I do believe in areas of high population, we had better keep hitting stringent precaution measures and, we had better keep pumping out production of supplies. The main thing is we get ahead of the demand this is going to cause on the health care system. But, we have got to be smart about it. Not every place requires dire precautions to the extent some are regurgitating.
The main thing is we get ahead of the demand this is going to cause on the health care system. But, we have got to be smart about it. Not every place requires dire precautions to the extent some are regurgitating.

No place needed it until they needed it, and by then it was too late. From where I sit, it would be much better if there was one set of rules around the country to limit the spread of the disease. The way things are working now, I can foresee a situation where the states that have taken extreme measures will flatten the curve, but that we will see the disease migrate inland and to increasingly smaller cities and towns - unnecessarily expanding and extending the situation.
I do not think you will see any national orders to shelter in place before the $ for everyone bill passes and congress is dragging their feet, playing politics with it.
There are more people squeezed into NY city then many states country wide. To suggest a more rural America needs to shut in a this point is over reaction. It isn't going to help those in areas that are going to be hit hard. Someone has to work, carry supplies to these areas, etc..... This virus simply isn't severe enough to warrant the "every man for himself" mentality. There are far worse implications that come with that course of action versus this virus
In WA, I’d be curious of the outcomes for the 93% or whatever it was that tested negative. Many of them are still going to die from whatever condition that stimulated the test. I would not be surprised if the outcomes for the vulnerable that test negative aren’t substantially different from the ones that test positive.
Washington still at 7% CV+ out of about 26k symptomatic tested.

Those 60 and over make up 93% of deaths, those 80+ make up 60% of deaths. Almost invariably these poor folks had multiple issues. The CV most likely hastened an inevitability.

read this article about Italy:


Especially the pgfs about how they count CV deaths. You want to know why the numbers aren’t adding up? Because they don’t.

THANK YOU!!! When you look at data that's way off, you know you're comparing apples to horse turds. Older population, smoking, pollution, totally different reporting criteria, and this: "On re-evaluation by the National Institute of Health, only 12 per cent of death certificates have shown a direct causality from coronavirus, while 88 per cent of patients who have died have at least one pre-morbidity - many had two or three" - only 12%. That would move the 4,825 deaths in Italy (last look at John's Hopkins site) to 579. A bit different and much more in line with other countries' reporting.

If Italy reported deaths the way other countries did, and we started getting more data on smoking, age, other conditions my guess, and it's a guess, is we'd all take a deep breath and calm down a bit.

We're mostly still not looking at real, actionable data. Just wonder how everyone, myself included, will skew the information we have to match our ideologies so we can all feel "right" all the time.
There are more people squeezed into NY city then many states country wide. To suggest a more rural America needs to shut in a this point is over reaction. It isn't going to help those in areas that are going to be hit hard. Someone has to work, carry supplies to these areas, etc..... This virus simply isn't severe enough to warrant the "every man for himself" mentality. There are far worse implications that come with that course of action versus this virus

Right after I posted my comment above, I saw a NY Times article essentially mirroring it:

"On the other hand, parts of the country without large clusters of cases could still avoid the worst of the outbreak — if they impose measures like closing schools, banning mass gatherings and testing and quarantining sick people and their contacts. The epidemic would then spread inland at a much slower pace and strike with less severity, the estimates say.

But controls would need to be put in place immediately and everywhere."

A poignant quote from the article:

“You have to think of this as an insurance for the future: The earlier you do it, the greater effect you have on the virus,”

What the article reports is something rural America around here put into play two weeks ago. Take a breath man. I'd be surprised if this wasn't the norm every where too.
Right after I posted my comment above, I saw a NY Times article essentially mirroring it:

"On the other hand, parts of the country without large clusters of cases could still avoid the worst of the outbreak — if they impose measures like closing schools, banning mass gatherings and testing and quarantining sick people and their contacts. The epidemic would then spread inland at a much slower pace and strike with less severity, the estimates say.

But controls would need to be put in place immediately and everywhere."

A poignant quote from the article:

“You have to think of this as an insurance for the future: The earlier you do it, the greater effect you have on the virus,”

Is there data to prove the efficacy of something like closing schools? Likely just conjecture. Here the kids are being cared for by grandparents so the parents can work. This seems counterproductive.
All the death and infection rates can be manipulated and misleading. Test 5x more people and guess what? You get a higher # of infected people. If someone has a severe existing condition then what actually killed that person? If someone has 2-4 other severe existing conditions then how do you say kung flu did it?

I keep seeing a few months as a timeline for this to peak here in the USA....right next door to me, next county over is going under 30 day stay at home order in 36 hours. If that gets extended to 60 days it is going to cripple people economically. Not sure how any small businesses will survive that. The government cannot help all those people enough for them to stay in business. If they suspend everyone payments for 60 days guess what? They will still owe that $ plus have to pay the new bills after kung flu....

Plus this is not a local event, it is global......it may become e-z to justify a world government and world currency after this is done...and what about next winter? When the newest virus comes out of china? Crush the economy again?
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