What are your thoughts on the Kung Flu?

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I have been having the "its coming" conversation with my wife for well over a month.

You know, before the 2008 financial crisis I had a hard seeing how we ever get to a "one-world currency". But after the crisis it became very clear how that would be possible. And before this debacle, I couldn't see how we could ever get to a "one-world government". But that also has become clear now.

That doesn't mean that it's going to happen right now........but we're a heck of a lot closer to that now than we were just a month ago. People's and nation's fears will drive them to do all kinds of stupid stuff.
You know, before the 2008 financial crisis I had a hard seeing how we ever get to a "one-world currency". But after the crisis it became very clear how that would be possible. And before this debacle, I couldn't see how we could ever get to a "one-world government". But that also has become clear now.

That doesn't mean that it's going to happen right now........but we're a heck of a lot closer to that now than we were just a month ago. People's and nation's fears will drive them to do all kinds of stupid stuff.
The scary thought is that it is definitely possible right now. Our west coast is completely disabled and vulnerable too. The Chinese, Russia and N. Korea arent doing too bad compared to the rest of the globe....

Its sunday yall. A day of worship, soul searching and praying.
God bless
Friend of mine sent me a link that tethers all of the data

321,395 cases
13,798 deaths
95,911 recoveries

26,975 cases
354 deaths
186 recoveries. 124 of which are in WA

It also makes sense that Italy’s death rate would spike in relation to when their confirmed cases spiked. It also makes sense that the confirmed cases would spike as testing became more available in the US

Germany’s low mortality rate may be due to better healthcare or it could be genetic. Who knows

The fact is that this is a new virus that there is a lot of uncertainty remaining. The only true fact is that it spreads easily,quickly and quietly. The media has taken this information and sensationalized it like they always do and it has created panic

No one truly knows what the average person is going to do when in a situation like this. To me that is a bigger concern than. The virus itself. A month ago no one thought we could end up where we are. So best to be prepared or start preparing. If it turns out to be nothing then I guess I’ll be able to shoot more this summer and be even more generous to the food bank this winter.

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I work in the ICU and the influx of corona is coming. It’s legit and people are seriously sick. I realize we have quite a few doubters on this forum but if you don’t see it then you really don’t have any room to give an authentic account of what you think is legit or not. I too doubted it at first but that’s changed drastically. I’m hoping hazard pay will come.
I just have a few thoughts at this stage.
1) I read and follow the news from many sources online and in the past 5 months I have seen at least 3 articles about Russian aircraft invading Alaskan airspace and f35s having to be sent.
2) a few years back I read several articles about the Chinese buying up lots and lots of land in Idaho
3) Russia has had ZERO fatalities due to the virus and very few cases
4) russia also closed their borders VERY early on
5) I heard someone say Anchorage went on lockdown or something? Anyways, California has been hit hard and is on lockdown. Washington has been hit hard and I cam only assume Seattle isnt doing very well
6) the west coast has a bunch of anti gun liberal goons all over
7) Our west coast is completely vulnerable right now and as it seems the afore mentioned countries arent doing too bad which could mean.....
I don't even want to say that or think about it.

If you haven't started a garden or at least started seeds, you're behind. Having then chickens will help at some point too.
This shit isnt good. It's been brewing for a very long time and now that we are here it's time for the American people to ban together. I am very seriously considering putting out flyers to have a community meeting of sorts while maintaining our social distancing.
Communities need to come together and help each other out. It's time to snap out of the entitled American mindset.
We are being lied to left and right. Who the hell knows what anymore. Bottom line, the stock market is crushed by design and the virus spreads like wildfire. Those two things are bad but we the people can come together and overcome this.

Zinc helps antivirus your immune system. Get healthy and get immune system super charged any way you can.
If you are still on the fence about this, get off the fence and do something. Get involved and get people involved.
Anyone remember Venezula not to long ago? Take notes and work a plan.

Thee biggest thing
1) Jesus loves ALL of you! He died for you to have eternal life FOREVER with Him. If any of you are having a hard time coming to terms with what is going on, Jesus is an AMAZING release. He understands and is always in control. His plan is perfect and wants what is best even if we dont understand it. God bless the USA! In GOD we trust!
you sound a bit torn, you start your reply with paranoid conspiracy and end with faith.... if you are a man of faith, quit seeking out media that makes you paranoid, none of that matters, it's not worth any thought, and surely not worth passing on as a warning trying to raise the paranoia of others.

we are gonna be fine (as a whole) people need to quit freaking out, it does nothing good for anyone. at this point, we need to avoid people, so we can flatten the curve and get back to life
Curious if the malaria pill will get any traction. I don’t know enough about it but heard about the story yesterday.

Would be awesome if they could find some simple solution and get the economy back on track.

You didn't answer the question
I thought I did in post #1759
That answer is yes I think we are gonna have to kill small business and crash our economy (which will be temporary) until more of the unknown is answered and we can get ahead of the ball, I don’t like it anymore than you do, so let’s forget Italy.....look at what’s starting to play out in NYC, their governor is practically begging for ventilators because some of our top health officials are showing him models of the possibility of what’s to come.

This by no means is doomsday but we don’t know where or when it’s gonna end.

One of my friends is the president of one of the banks I bank at and he was at the house last night, we talked about the very thing your worried about and he said this is going to be a mess for sure and small business is going to suffer but our banks are going to have to work with those businesses from top to bottom, the businesses that are in the most danger are the ones that are failing or are already in foreclosure but all foreclosures and repos are gonna get a 30-90 extension (not saying that’s any better) bottom line is they are gonna have to work with people to survive this their self.

With all due respect I’d stay away from supermarkets with 500 people in them 😬
Doctors want hazard pay now? This is one of those times where you have to EARN your money. Every trade has those days. How about when I bring my kid into the ER and you tell us "it's nothing" and send us home, you only get to charge 60$ instead of the 1k it cost last time after insurance. Shit sandwiches are being served for lunch for the next couple of months. On the brightside, you are making great money and your job is not telling you to stay home without pay for the foreseeable future.
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Doctors want hazard pay now? This is one of those times where you have to EARN your money. Every trade has those days. How about when I bring my kid into the ER and you tell us "it's nothing" and send us home, you only get to charge 60$ instead of the 1k it cost last time after insurance. Shit sandwiches are being served for lunch for the next couple of months. On the brightside, you are making great money and your job is not telling you to stay home without pay for the foreseeable future.

Yes, hazard pay for anyone dealing with it now.
Yes, hazard pay for anyone dealing with it now.

I want to elaborate on this. We could be potentially staying at the hospital for an extended period of time taking care of a very volatile virus. We will also go without seeing our families for an extended period of time. If they give us hazard pay I wont feel bad at all receiving it.
At this point I’m sure the testing will never become widespread. Only those presenting with moderate to severe symptoms will be tested. This will keep the mortality rates high. This will justify all extreme measures that have been taken. If the malaria treatments turn out to be effective all the lockdowns will be lifted and victory declared. Only academics studying the Chinese virus will ever have any clue as to the true mortality rate and that will be buried in obscure research journals.
So, police, grocery store workers, utility workers, gov't workers, doctors, nurses, ambo drivers, fireman I guess we just pay everyone working more money. Sounds logical. Remember that Oath doctors took? I do not remember there being anything about wanting more pay when their services are needed.

I am not sure there has not been a doctor on here asking for this. Definitely not this one!!

This is a time of dire need in our country- previous generations have had theirs, this very well may be ours. yes, I did take an oath, and yes- I am happy and proud to continue to serve and see this out.
I am not sure there has not been a doctor on here asking for this. Definitely not this one!!

This is a time of dire need in our country- previous generations have had theirs, this very well may be ours. yes, I did take an oath, and yes- I am happy and proud to continue to serve and see this out.
It is posts like this that give me more faith in humanity. I can't help but watch the news and read articles about Hazard pay. Lots are requesting it and think they are due it. Thank you for what you do, Keep up the good work, stay safe and do the best job you possibly can with what you are dealt.
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