What are your thoughts on the Kung Flu?

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With the shortage of test kits they are probably saving them for people that are just getting sick. Why would they waste them on people that are feeling better? My take anyway and it adds to the drama.

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Most likely its correct. WorldOmeter is pretty much the same. In order to get added to the talley there needs to be a traceable citation. I am not sure what numeric we have assigned in the US for a case to be resolved, for example 30 days. Quite frankly we arent that far in yet for the vast majority of US cases for resolutions.
Not to be alarmist, however there has been many documented cases showing that this isnt always linear in progression.

Well if you look at the US as a whole it shows (at least it did on Friday) over 100 recoveries. But when you click state by state all 0’s.
My understanding is the cheap paper masks do more harm than good after speaking to a few nurse friends and my Dr. Need a mask with a respirator like the N 95 to do any good and Chinese are not wearing respirators. Lie after lie from China. Have to wonder if this was intentional.
aren't they more for not spreading it rather than protection from it?
I heard a business guy this week that said his American business associates that are in China have said that China is almost back to business as usual. The peak traffic trackers would substantiate that as well.
we aren't to the "accepting hope" stage yet, we are still in the "what is happening in Italy is what will be happening here in 2 weeks" stage, as well a an economic collapse that will cause a huge depression.....

I have never been an overt patriot, but this whole situation has made me realize that I do appreciate where we live a bunch, and I trust this country.

as much fun as it is to criticize the government, they do keep us living a pretty damn easy life with unlimited opportunity to do as we please.... whether that means hunt/fish 200 days per year while still supporting your family, to making millions without graduating highschool
If it’s working......

In -laws are calving and combining corn at the same time. If that wasnt weird enough, you throw in all this other BS, and 2020 has become quite the year for the books already.
I really can't wait to see what the second half of the year brings! Assuming I'm alive for it 😄
Switched out my scope for a red dot on my AR tonight & loaded all my loose into mags. No unloaded guns in my house.
I'm one of the lucky ones I guess. I've been dehydrating all my leftovers into backpacking meals for about 4 years & I've got 4, 5 gallon buckets of it sealed tight ;)

Also, not to brag, but I'm gluten intolerant & Le Wife's vegetarian (guess what's left in all the stores?!) & thankfully I have 2 chest freezes full of elk, deer, pork & fish plus a garden full of potatoes, carrots & onions. If i owned a shit paper tree I'd be absolutely set!

I'm half joking about the guns bit, but I've seen 2 supermarket fights this week. I do live at the end of a one house, dead end gravel road, 3 miles out of town but i run a cash based business from it & i saw first hand how batshit the rural crime got after the big tornado came through 8 years ago.
I had 2 generators & 50 gallons of gas stolen in 2 nights back then & now I have livestock......I hate that I'm feeling like part of the problem, but I filled all my gas cans & bought 2 drums (110 gallons) worth of diesel today. I'm fully expecting fuel shortages to be the next thing.
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I just have a few thoughts at this stage.
1) I read and follow the news from many sources online and in the past 5 months I have seen at least 3 articles about Russian aircraft invading Alaskan airspace and f35s having to be sent.
2) a few years back I read several articles about the Chinese buying up lots and lots of land in Idaho
3) Russia has had ZERO fatalities due to the virus and very few cases
4) russia also closed their borders VERY early on
5) I heard someone say Anchorage went on lockdown or something? Anyways, California has been hit hard and is on lockdown. Washington has been hit hard and I cam only assume Seattle isnt doing very well
6) the west coast has a bunch of anti gun liberal goons all over
7) Our west coast is completely vulnerable right now and as it seems the afore mentioned countries arent doing too bad which could mean.....
I don't even want to say that or think about it.

If you haven't started a garden or at least started seeds, you're behind. Having then chickens will help at some point too.
This shit isnt good. It's been brewing for a very long time and now that we are here it's time for the American people to ban together. I am very seriously considering putting out flyers to have a community meeting of sorts while maintaining our social distancing.
Communities need to come together and help each other out. It's time to snap out of the entitled American mindset.
We are being lied to left and right. Who the hell knows what anymore. Bottom line, the stock market is crushed by design and the virus spreads like wildfire. Those two things are bad but we the people can come together and overcome this.

Zinc helps antivirus your immune system. Get healthy and get immune system super charged any way you can.
If you are still on the fence about this, get off the fence and do something. Get involved and get people involved.
Anyone remember Venezula not to long ago? Take notes and work a plan.

Thee biggest thing
1) Jesus loves ALL of you! He died for you to have eternal life FOREVER with Him. If any of you are having a hard time coming to terms with what is going on, Jesus is an AMAZING release. He understands and is always in control. His plan is perfect and wants what is best even if we dont understand it. God bless the USA! In GOD we trust!
For the record the Russians routinely fly bombers toward Alaska and see how far they can get before being intercepted. That has been going on for years and years. They also pull bullshit moves like flying fighters very close to our war ships occasionally in the black Sea and the Baltic.

It's just the type of thing they do. We never hear about it but I'm guessing there is a fair chance we do some of the same shit as a "here we are" type of move.
When all rational answers have been eliminated only the irrational , however unlikely is left.

If I told you folks a few weeks ago that there would be no food or toilet paper in the stores and 1/4 of the country would be basically shut down you would have said I was irrational....so, it seems to me that the unlikely/irrational may deserve a second look even if just for the sake of being prepared.
For the record the Russians routinely fly bombers toward Alaska and see how far they can get before being intercepted. That has been going on for years and years. They also pull bullshit moves like flying fighters very close to our war ships occasionally in the black Sea and the Baltic.

It's just the type of thing they do. We never hear about it but I'm guessing there is a fair chance we do some of the same shit as a "here we are" type of move.
How do you hear about it?

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To protect from enemies foreign and domestic!
Some people realize that anything is possible....most people sit there and keep muttering "I cannot believe what is happening".
I have been having the "its coming" conversation with my wife for well over a month. As soon as news broke in China, I knew this is it. All that conspiracy crap from over a decade ago isnt so much a conspiracy now.
I literally just walked in from outside talking to my wife. It hit her today that what I've been telling her is a no bullshit call to action. She is afraid and this is what I tell people who are afraid.

" i am too. I've cried, I've worried and I've come to terms with the worst scenario possible. It's okay to be worried or afraid. Fear is our friend and we have a plan and we are clear minded working out the plan. Talk to God all day because I know if I'm not, I'm thinking about the situation and the situation is overwhelming. God gives peace and clarity of mind "
All of us are in this together. I dont know how we come together and coordinate an entire nation on the peoples terms but something like that is absolutely necessary right now. I know im not alone saying this, but I have five little kids.
I'm not going down without a fight! And I have God on my side!
Take this for what it's worth, I talked to a guy in Germany last Wednesday. he lived in the US for a few years, so has some understanding of our situation. My interpretation of his comments (one person's opinion, now third hand to you):
-Germany has an amazing health care system.
-Italy has many multi-generational homes, so kids with older people.
-Much of Italy has houses in very close proximity and people hang out together quite often - lots of chances for infection.
-"There are two good things about Italy: the food and the women are beautiful. The rest is crap" He mentioned smoking, generally unclean, poor health care system - but I think their longevity is 4 years longer than the US.
-He mentioned how common it is to eat out in the US and Italy, but it's not common in Germany.

He wasn't surprised about how good it is in Germany and bad in Italy. His 2 cents.
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