I just have a few thoughts at this stage.
1) I read and follow the news from many sources online and in the past 5 months I have seen at least 3 articles about Russian aircraft invading Alaskan airspace and f35s having to be sent.
2) a few years back I read several articles about the Chinese buying up lots and lots of land in Idaho
3) Russia has had ZERO fatalities due to the virus and very few cases
4) russia also closed their borders VERY early on
5) I heard someone say Anchorage went on lockdown or something? Anyways, California has been hit hard and is on lockdown. Washington has been hit hard and I cam only assume Seattle isnt doing very well
6) the west coast has a bunch of anti gun liberal goons all over
7) Our west coast is completely vulnerable right now and as it seems the afore mentioned countries arent doing too bad which could mean.....
I don't even want to say that or think about it.
If you haven't started a garden or at least started seeds, you're behind. Having then chickens will help at some point too.
This shit isnt good. It's been brewing for a very long time and now that we are here it's time for the American people to ban together. I am very seriously considering putting out flyers to have a community meeting of sorts while maintaining our social distancing.
Communities need to come together and help each other out. It's time to snap out of the entitled American mindset.
We are being lied to left and right. Who the hell knows what anymore. Bottom line, the stock market is crushed by design and the virus spreads like wildfire. Those two things are bad but we the people can come together and overcome this.
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If you are still on the fence about this, get off the fence and do something. Get involved and get people involved.
Anyone remember Venezula not to long ago? Take notes and work a plan.
Thee biggest thing
1) Jesus loves ALL of you! He died for you to have eternal life FOREVER with Him. If any of you are having a hard time coming to terms with what is going on, Jesus is an AMAZING release. He understands and is always in control. His plan is perfect and wants what is best even if we dont understand it. God bless the USA! In GOD we trust!