What are your thoughts on the Kung Flu?

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I vote to Go green for sarcasm font. Or any color other than default white. Not only will it be easy to do, people will automatically be going "you've got to be kidding me with this shit!" With the weird colors some will pick

On a serious note thanks to the pandemic declaration I get to move into outbreak response and pandemic planning protocols at work!
I tried to emphasize last night the news has blown this way out of proportion per CDC. it has gotten nearly 1 billion times the media compared to its three brothers the covid (sars strands) 4,000 people have died of the flu in the US this year
Italy is a country in which a quarter of its population is 65+ so yes it will look horrible. It is mostly effecting people with under lying immunity issues
Figured Out how I’m funding my hunts this year. Fixin to make it rain!

It seems like some people think older more vulnerable folks are expendable or they make it sound that way.
”It’s just affecting the older people” I don’t know how many times I’ve heard that and people forget that the elder were once us and one day we will be them, most of them have paid their dues just like those of us are doing now working and raising families, where I’m from we don’t forget those people or put em on the back burner, since some on here don’t think this virus is gonna affect them at all then they should be going out of their way to help protect those older folks that are prolly gonna be in trouble when this goes across the nation.

when your watching the funeral home shovel dirt in your parents or grandparents Face I’d say the sarcasm will prolly slow down quite a bit.☠
It seems like some people think older more vulnerable folks are expendable or they make it sound that way.
”It’s just affecting the older people” I don’t know how many times I’ve heard that and people forget that the elder were once us and one day we will be them, most of them have paid their dues just like those of us are doing now working and raising families, where I’m from we don’t forget those people or put em on the back burner, since some on here don’t think this virus is gonna affect them at all then they should be going out of their way to help protect those older folks that are prolly gonna be in trouble when this goes across the nation.

when your watching the funeral home shovel dirt in your parents or grandparents Face I’d say the sarcasm will prolly slow down quite a bit.☠

1.I buried my grandfather last week. Not corona virus.
2. I’m pretty sure the direct emails my sister gets from work from the CDC offsets retardo CNN
I think the bcaa info on how the virus effects older people is some of the best info on this thread. Anyone else have any of that info?
1.I buried my grandfather last week. Not corona virus.
2. I’m pretty sure the direct emails my sister gets from work from the CDC offsets retardo CNN

Can you share exactly how those emails offset what CNN, or other news outlets, are reporting? Interested in what those emails say.
I don’t watch cnn
That is good. Because the reason sars and H1N1 are natbas memorable is they only receive a small fraction of the media coverage. Did you also see where China is accusing the US media of causing a global panic. They are shutting down the field hospitals as we speak. It’s funny there isn’t one media outlet that will
Post a CDC quote or letter of what they actually are saying. It doesn’t gain air time. I stand corrected on one thing 12,000 & 60,000 people a year die from influenza in the US. 18,000 this year in comparison to 36 from covid-19. Covid-19 has three little brothers daying back to 2005. I didn’t see this same panic then.
Zap to answer your question. Folks with immune depressant diseases such as COPD and such things as that will be effected. It is a respiratory virus. It shares most of the same symptoms as influenza and even some folks with really bad allergies. It comes on slower than influenza and doesn’t have as high a fever as influenza. This is from the Hospital. in which this is what the CDC is sharing with them
Can you share exactly how those emails offset what CNN, or other news outlets, are reporting? Interested in what those emails say.

I can not post the email. I already asked. It shares symptoms and possible ways of prevention and what is expected in care and growth compared to other forms of virus in comparison to standard influenza. It is basically the complete opposite of CNN and most major news outlets.My sis says the real emails wouldn’t bring much air time according to the hospital director. With simple precautions and common sense you are perfectly fine to go about your business literally the email says wash your hands it kills it, use Lysol or some disinfectant it kills its, use hand sanitizer it kills it. Don’t touch tour face. Watch the elderly more closely. ( my grandma has COPD) she would be more susceptible to it but with proper care she should be good. For example more people in our area have died from septic pneumonia than the 7 individuals that have tested positive for the COVID-19. It also informs them of what it actually is just a variation of SARS-5 and two others I can’t remember the name of
I tried to emphasize last night the news has blown this way out of proportion per CDC. it has gotten nearly 1 billion times the media compared to its three brothers the covid (sars strands) 4,000 people have died of the flu in the US this year

Well if it’s as widespread then what? Flu has been in all 50 states, every town for the entire year. This has been in a couple places for a few days. Apples to oranges.

The article posted above literally says they expected flu like comparison and it was the biggest mistake they made in Italy. So I’ll go ahead and lean towards the place that’s dealing with it’s opinion.

Another 200 died today, so 12,500 cases, 827 deaths. You show me a flu the efficient.
Italy is a country in which a quarter of its population is 65+ so yes it will look horrible. It is mostly effecting people with under lying immunity issues

So we have 15%, they have 23%. We are 45% obese, and obesity and high blood pressure has the same results as age. So when it gets over here to Buger and FriesVille, we will see how it turns out
So we have 15%, they have 23%. We are 45% obese, and obesity and high blood pressure has the same results as age. So when it gets over here to Buger and FriesVille, we will see how it turns out
I get it you don’t like heavy people but being obese is not depressed immune system. I have high blood pressure I’m 6’2” 225 run walk work out eat only wild game turkey fish and plant based food. I’m not worried.
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