That's the thing about forums. I didn't think your were being sarcastic, lol. I was being much too serious. I truly hope this thing peters out soon. Personally, I think of all the world suffering, wars and starvation and put things into perspective. That 1918 flu was horrible, however our medical care is far better. Thanks BillObviously I’m being sarcastic but there’s no flu that killed that high percentage since 1918. There’s no freak out I’ve seen, although I might look like Jack Nicholson if locked in the house for a month, crazy eyes and all.
If it spreads as easier than the flu, will it infect as many? I’d think so. If so the toll will be much higher, so I don’t think it’s fair to even compare it to others when it’s an unknown. In 1-2 years it will be just another flu, but for the time being it’s going to be ugly, both economy and health wise