What are your thoughts on the Kung Flu?

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This is how the zombie apocalypse starts. (tounge in cheek) All I have to say is I'm going to africa this June. F the corona virus. It goes great with tequila.
Well that is one place that seems to be dodging all this stuff right now. I hope you have a great trip.
This is how the zombie apocalypse starts. (tounge in cheek) All I have to say is I'm going to africa this June. F the corona virus. It goes great with tequila.

I’m jumping on a plane tomorrow for a good mission. Be back at the end of the month.

That said it doesn’t hurt to be wary on this whole deal. Pretty hard to find a time when billions of people lived in cities, and on-time distribution of food. There just isn’t a reference point to draw analogies from.

Guys gotta have a canary in the coal mine. I know what mine is.
So. . . What are everyone thoughts on the Chinese numbers? I feel like even if they locked down entire cities this shit has to still be spreading at a decent clip over there with as many cases as they had.

Just saving face and letting the focus turn to other countries? Or legitimately controlling the spread?
Where you going, man? Spill the beans...

South africa, Kudu. Its a little late on the rut but its the only time all 4 brothers and dad could make it work. Picked up bow hunting for my birthday in Feb and I am going to take it too and see if I can arrow some stuff. Not kudu though. I'll us a rifle for that one.
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Stepping aside from the actual viral threat itself...

The biggest thing that really disappoints me is the American politicizing of a global health threat. A lot of people should have their teeth knocked out and jaws wired shut....then be asked to focus on helping get us through this threat, instead of doing almost nothing except blaming their perceived opponents.

You can turn to any news source you want and essentially 90+% of it has bias in its coverage of anything political. Most liberal outlets never stop bird-shitting on Trump....and just as ugly are the adoring conservative sources which shower the man with wine and rose petals every day. It frankly disgusts me, and meanwhile all our lives are in threat of or actually being disrupted by COVID-19 right now.

The one thing I will say with 100% conviction is that we desperately need undistracted leadership in these times. Presidential pissy partisan politics need to be shelved and stop the toddler wars. SOMEONE needs to stand above the fray and demonstrate they can lead with focus and strength, while declining to address the taunts and insults. We hired a president to do this. 2020 will be long remembered as the year of COVID-19 and what it did to America. Trump's legacy is going to be largely determined by how he responds and what happens to our country in 2020. He's not going to help us by getting involved in the blame game. It's time to be president.
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And New Orleans post Katrina almost was comparable to a Third World War torn country with the crime and murder, so that logic doesn’t always hold up.

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Hmmmm. I made it down there 5 days after the storm and stayed a week. I wouldnt say it was third world. Lots of good folks doing good things to help. There was some looting for sure. A few assholes were robbing and stealing. LEO engaged in some isolated gun battles but it wasn’t mad max nearly every where else. True if you lose power there will be no stores, gas, atm machines, refrigeration etc. for this, I haven’t heard about power losses anywhere but I think you can expect supply chain disruption and business disruption. Apple is running out of iPhones. That is probably the tip of the iceberg as far as supply chain problems through out the world.
We’re still in the regular black hole for Chinese imports due to the Chinese New Year. Supply chains should have enough on hand for another couple weeks no matter but by the end of the month it will begin to show if China is running. My bet is they’re back at work regardless of the Wuhan 400. Nobody can lock down for long without starving and the Chinese live closer to the edge than we do generally. The damage will be to each of our consumer economies as people limit their travel and exposure. Everyone I know is canceling non critical travel and shopping. This is the economic disaster imo not broken supply chains.
No one can 'lead' with the raw hatred in the 'media'.Impossible to 'rally' those that refuse to even listen.I bet he will have the support of those that matter IF it really hits the fan.
Which I doubt.
I agree with knocking their F ing teeth out for sure.
No one can 'lead' with the raw hatred in the 'media'.Impossible to 'rally' those that refuse to even listen.I bet he will have the support of those that matter IF it really hits the fan.
Which I doubt.
I agree with knocking their F ing teeth out for sure.

Who are those that matter?
It’s the same old narrative. Republicans good, Democrats bad. Democrats good, Republicans bad. The subject changes but the rhetoric stays the same. It’s beyond me how any rational person can look at how both these parties have governed our country the last 50 years and believe either are a better alternative than the other. It’s like choosing between stepping in horse shit or dog shit, they both leave us with a stinking mess.
It’s the same old narrative. Republicans good, Democrats bad. Democrats good, Republicans bad. The subject changes but the rhetoric stays the same. It’s beyond me how any rational person can look at how both these parties have governed our country the last 50 years and believe either are a better alternative than the other. It’s like choosing between stepping in horse shit or dog shit, they both leave us with a stinking mess.

Truly a mess but propose a solution other than 'get rid of politicians'-a mantra that fails as well.

As to 'who are they'?
Hopefully you never find out.
I haven’t been keeping up with this thread so I apologize... Anyways, for those of you that have started your prepping by filling your basement full of bottled water, toilet paper and hand sanitizers. I advise that you also buy out all the .22 LR ammo at the local hardware store. Once this blows over in a few weeks you may have to take shelter from all your angry incredibly parched, dirty faced, s*** stained hands neighbors who will be quite upset with you. Careful now, that Irish spring fragrance is going to give you away...
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Stepping aside from the actual viral threat itself...

The biggest thing that really disappoints me is the American politicizing of a global health threat. A lot of people should have their teeth knocked out and jaws wired shut....then be asked to focus on helping get us through this threat, instead of doing almost nothing except blaming their perceived opponents.

You can turn to any news source you want and essentially 90+% of it has bias in its coverage of anything political. Most liberal outlets never stop bird-shitting on Trump....and just as ugly are the adoring conservative sources which shower the man with wine and rose petals every day. It frankly disgusts me, and meanwhile all our lives are in threat of or actually being disrupted by COVID-19 right now.

The one thing I will say with 100% conviction is that we desperately need undistracted leadership in these times. Presidential pissy partisan politics need to be shelved and stop the toddler wars. SOMEONE needs to stand above the fray and demonstrate they can lead with focus and strength, while declining to address the taunts and insults. We hired a president to do this. 2020 will be long remembered as the year of COVID-19 and what it did to America. Trump's legacy is going to be largely determined by how he responds and what happens to our country in 2020. He's not going to help us by getting involved in the blame game. It's time to be president.
All I know is people are stocking up on toilet paper but not on non-perishable foods. There’s definitely something off about this C-19 and it’s not good.
Stepping aside from the actual viral threat itself...

The biggest thing that really disappoints me is the American politicizing of a global health threat. A lot of people should have their teeth knocked out and jaws wired shut....then be asked to focus on helping get us through this threat, instead of doing almost nothing except blaming their perceived opponents.

You can turn to any news source you want and essentially 90+% of it has bias in its coverage of anything political. Most liberal outlets never stop bird-shitting on Trump....and just as ugly are the adoring conservative sources which shower the man with wine and rose petals every day. It frankly disgusts me, and meanwhile all our lives are in threat of or actually being disrupted by COVID-19 right now.

The one thing I will say with 100% conviction is that we desperately need undistracted leadership in these times. Presidential pissy partisan politics need to be shelved and stop the toddler wars. SOMEONE needs to stand above the fray and demonstrate they can lead with focus and strength, while declining to address the taunts and insults. We hired a president to do this. 2020 will be long remembered as the year of COVID-19 and what it did to America. Trump's legacy is going to be largely determined by how he responds and what happens to our country in 2020. He's not going to help us by getting involved in the blame game. It's time to be president.

Thank you Kevin. Sometimes I cannot tell the difference between the political banter of the day and my sons little league practice. (Though I won’t knock a kids teeth out, some duct tape would be nice at times)!

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Sobering numbers out of Italy being reported by Aljazeera...about 500 deaths from 9000k confirmed cases.
My question, with all the travel, hand shacking & baby kissing, is will Biden or Sanders even survive until November? Trumps just big enough of a prick that this virus won’t effect him at all (helps that he’s never smoked or drank despite the girth) but the other two I’m not real confident.
Excellent question....
See the source image
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