Stepping aside from the actual viral threat itself...
The biggest thing that really disappoints me is the American politicizing of a global health threat. A lot of people should have their teeth knocked out and jaws wired shut....then be asked to focus on helping get us through this threat, instead of doing almost nothing except blaming their perceived opponents.
You can turn to any news source you want and essentially 90+% of it has bias in its coverage of anything political. Most liberal outlets never stop bird-shitting on Trump....and just as ugly are the adoring conservative sources which shower the man with wine and rose petals every day. It frankly disgusts me, and meanwhile all our lives are in threat of or actually being disrupted by COVID-19 right now.
The one thing I will say with 100% conviction is that we desperately need undistracted leadership in these times. Presidential pissy partisan politics need to be shelved and stop the toddler wars. SOMEONE needs to stand above the fray and demonstrate they can lead with focus and strength, while declining to address the taunts and insults. We hired a president to do this. 2020 will be long remembered as the year of COVID-19 and what it did to America. Trump's legacy is going to be largely determined by how he responds and what happens to our country in 2020. He's not going to help us by getting involved in the blame game. It's time to be president.