I hate to be captain obvious here. But all this “ out to get trump” corona virus conspiracy theory’s are pretty freaking wacky considering the time line of all this. Just saying.
right? People are insane.
I hate to be captain obvious here. But all this “ out to get trump” corona virus conspiracy theory’s are pretty freaking wacky considering the time line of all this. Just saying.
Are u saying that the media is not looking for anything, doesn’t matter what, to report in a negative manner regarding trump.I hate to be captain obvious here. But all this “ out to get trump” corona virus conspiracy theory’s are pretty freaking wacky considering the time line of all this. Just saying.
Well that’s good news.Saudi’s just came out they are cutting price by 20% to the world and increasing production sine Russia would not agree to cuts. Fuel budget for hunting season is looking better every day.
I'm from Douglas County....I live in Douglas county....
they certainly crap in the woods, more sidewalk than woods in cities. NYC post 9/11 had a major black out, numerous days. Pretty much zero crime. Cities tend to become large communities during true duress.
Let the old dudes have their conspiracy theory, dammit!I hate to be captain obvious here. But all this “ out to get trump” corona virus conspiracy theory’s are pretty freaking wacky considering the time line of all this. Just saying.
I work in an ER in Tx, I found out yesterday gloves, hand sanitizer, maks, etc are no longer available from our ordering company and nothing will be shipping out of China where all these products are apparently produced. So in the near future we will be dealing with some real problems. Also was told they expect every employee to end up with the virus soon, not what I was wanting to hear. Also heard rumors that one of our top Drs believes the CDC is not being fully honest on how bad this disease really is.. not trying tonfan the flames but I did become somewhat concerned after the talk yesterday.
Not a huge trump fan, but not a hater.
I will be voting for him again if Bernie and joe are my other options.
Just some context but if anyone thinks the media, other than fox, will ever give trump praise for anything......well, u obviously are watching with a bias.
And New Orleans post Katrina almost was comparable to a Third World War torn country with the crime and murder, so that logic doesn’t always hold up.
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I hate politics but this just made me pee a little from laughter.My question, with all the travel, hand shacking & baby kissing, is will Biden or Sanders even survive until November? Trumps just big enough of a prick that this virus won’t effect him at all (helps that he’s never smoked or drank despite the girth) but the other two I’m not real confident.
This is how the zombie apocalypse starts. (tounge in cheek) All I have to say is I'm going to africa this June. F the corona virus. It goes great with tequila.