What are your thoughts on the Kung Flu?

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I hate to be captain obvious here. But all this “ out to get trump” corona virus conspiracy theory’s are pretty freaking wacky considering the time line of all this. Just saying.
Are u saying that the media is not looking for anything, doesn’t matter what, to report in a negative manner regarding trump.

I just looked on yahoo, every headline that had trump and Coronavirus had a negative slant but one.
Not a huge trump fan, but not a hater.

I will be voting for him again if Bernie and joe are my other options.

Just some context but if anyone thinks the media, other than fox, will ever give trump praise for anything......well, u obviously are watching with a bias.
Prolly not going to the Pope and young convention now............I hope this crap is gone buy the time we fly out for the total archery challenge in Colorado in July....

All this because someone wanted to eat a bootlegged armored anteater in China...........so “they” say.....
I live in Douglas county....
I'm from Douglas County....

The school my mom works at in central Oregon has a confirmed case, which means there will be a lot of kids that have it in that school now.

With the incubation phase being so long this thing is all but impossible to stop.
A Chicago public schools teacher has it. I think half of people will get it at some point, and they will have the sniffles and a cough and then we’ll move on to something else that 20/20 can put scary music over.

Since this thing started, I’ve been through a dozen major airports, on public transit, and even stayed next to the Fort Lauderdale cruise port this week, surrounded by cruise ship passengers. People are still flying, and people are still lining up to get on cruise ships. I talked to one nice family from PA in line for at the hotel , said they booked the cruise a year ago. I gotta respect not letting fear cancel your plans, when you’ll probably catch it at home anyways.

Personally, I wouldn’t get on a cruise ship, I’d be worried about being stuck out there with nowhere to dock after someone gets it. Other than that, I wash my hands, stay hydrated, and try to get some sleep.
That’s all most of us can do.

If I were 85 and living in close quarters I’d be concerned.

Also, are the “corona virus is an anti trump conspiracy” posts for real or are you guys messing with us? If real, deep breaths fellas, deep breaths.

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And New Orleans post Katrina almost was comparable to a Third World War torn country with the crime and murder, so that logic doesn’t always hold up.

they certainly crap in the woods, more sidewalk than woods in cities. NYC post 9/11 had a major black out, numerous days. Pretty much zero crime. Cities tend to become large communities during true duress.

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I think what we need are simple drive-through testing stations where a sample is taken, you are given a serial number and phone number for the follow up results and you go on your way. These would be away from hospitals, would not require you to enter the health facility, and there is no charge.

at least that’s what I would do.

In other news, I’m a bit flummoxed why the CDC gave daily situation updates until this weekend - did they just take the weekend off or something??
I work in an ER in Tx, I found out yesterday gloves, hand sanitizer, maks, etc are no longer available from our ordering company and nothing will be shipping out of China where all these products are apparently produced. So in the near future we will be dealing with some real problems. Also was told they expect every employee to end up with the virus soon, not what I was wanting to hear. Also heard rumors that one of our top Drs believes the CDC is not being fully honest on how bad this disease really is.. not trying tonfan the flames but I did become somewhat concerned after the talk yesterday.

I don’t for one believe the information to be correct coming out of CDC

Why did the CDC change guidelines from airborne to droplet??

Let me guess... because hospitals are already at a shortage of n95 masks

I’m not for giving evil intentions to something that can be explained as incompetence.. and politicians not wasting a crisis.
Not a huge trump fan, but not a hater.

I will be voting for him again if Bernie and joe are my other options.

Just some context but if anyone thinks the media, other than fox, will ever give trump praise for anything......well, u obviously are watching with a bias.

My question, with all the travel, hand shacking & baby kissing, is will Biden or Sanders even survive until November? Trumps just big enough of a prick that this virus won’t effect him at all (helps that he’s never smoked or drank despite the girth) but the other two I’m not real confident.
And New Orleans post Katrina almost was comparable to a Third World War torn country with the crime and murder, so that logic doesn’t always hold up.

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that is because the vast majority of people left. Nobody is leaving major west coast cities.
My question, with all the travel, hand shacking & baby kissing, is will Biden or Sanders even survive until November? Trumps just big enough of a prick that this virus won’t effect him at all (helps that he’s never smoked or drank despite the girth) but the other two I’m not real confident.
I hate politics but this just made me pee a little from laughter.
Also, are the “corona virus is an anti trump conspiracy” posts for real or are you guys messing with us? If real, deep breaths fellas, deep breaths.

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I only brought Trump into this because the headlines some media outlets are running about the spread of the virus being his fault are just plain silly. Trying to blame this on a guy who would gladly shutdown entering the country if you posed any kind of threat is laughable to me. To me it just strikes me as the last desperate attempt to paint him an evil villain, American blood on his hands type of deal. It never ceases to amaze me how the media, whether that's social media or the news just twists these situations into ammo for an agenda.
I still have the two rolls of tin foil from Costco if anyone needs them for making hats and jackets.
Now back to figuring out how to shave 4 ounces off my rifle.
This is how the zombie apocalypse starts. (tounge in cheek) All I have to say is I'm going to africa this June. F the corona virus. It goes great with tequila.
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